Andy's Amish Web Site
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Today's Amish gentleman knows that the three most important things about Amish fashion are: (1) Color, (2) Color and (3) Color. All good Amish clothing will be either black, white, or brown. Now, bear this in mind: it must be black or white or brown. None of this fancy mixing of colors you see in the big cities. No sir, white shirt, black vest, black pants, brown shoes. Worked for my Pa, his Pa before 'em, and his Pa before him. So its good enough for you.

Fashion QuizHere's a little Amish Fashion Quiz for you. What is wrong with this man's choice of wardrobe? Well, the horse is a nice touch, and so is the beard. Everything else is just wrong, wrong, wrong. First off, he needs a hair cut. Man has hair that long, he's probably a bit limp in the wrist (just look at the way he holds that glass!).

Secondly, he's using a glass - an obvious tool of Satan. If he is to be a good Amish Gentleman, he will have to get used to drinking out of a wooden bowl (or better still, his hands). His shirt is obviously too garish and flashy. There are several different shades of gray there - only one color is appropriate for any one garment. As it is a shirt, it should really be white.

To sum up: get a hair cut (trimming the beard wouldn't hurt either), lose the flashy shirt, get a white shirt and a black vest.
