Welfare Rates are Making Us Sick:
Poverty, Health and Fighting Austerity
Calling all health care providers, health and public sector workers, poor people, anti-poverty
activists and allies!
The Ontario Council for Hospital Unions, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, Ontario Nurses
Association and Health Providers Against Poverty invite you to join us on September 8th
and 9th
for an important and timely public forum and in-depth conference on poverty, health, austerity
and how we can fight back together.
Public Forum
Thursday, September 8th
Location: TBD
Featuring panel discussion with:
• Angela Robertson (Women’s College Hospital, former Executive Director
of Sistering)
• Community Organizers from Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and Jane-Finch Action
Against Poverty
• Special Video Launch of a joint project between OCHU and OCAP on ‘Raise
the Rates
and the Special Diet’
Moderated by
Michael Hurley and Patti Encinas
of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions
One-day Conference *Free*
Friday, September 9th
Location: TBD
*Pre-registration is requested to determine number of attendees and meals
Workshops, training and discussions on:
Poverty and health:
How does poverty in Ontario today determine illness?
Understanding social assistance, cuts to the Special Diet and support for the
Raise the
Rates Campaign
Austerity and health:
How cuts to healthcare, social programs and the public sector are
related, and why they are making us sick.
Campaigns and strategies for fighting back!
For more information and to register, please contact:
OR Phone: 416-925-6939