Chapter 1: The Murder Burger

Isaac, Taylor, and Zac had just finished practicing their new set at the Tulsa Ice Palace for their “Highway to Hell” Tour. “I’m hungry!” all three said simultaneously as they jumped into the car. And so, they drove away from the Ice Palace and headed to the Blue Rose II, a café that allowed people under 18, which had the same owner as the original Blue Rose.

After they ordered their food, Zac noticed something peculiar about his hamburger. “Uh, Tay, are you sure you said spare the onions? This ‘burger’ looks like it’s full of them.” Taylor was annoyed. “Zac, just pick them out, okay? You’ll live.” However, as Zac tried desperately to free the “onions” from the sandwich, sparks were flying. “Zac, just eat it, and stop the pyrotechnics already!” Isaac screamed. As soon as Zac bit into the burger, he felt electricity in his mouth. “What the Hell?” Taylor squeaked. When Zac tried to swallow the little bit, he choked on it, gagging, and even coughing up blood. “Isaac, he’s choking! Do something!” Taylor screamed. But before Isaac could move, a bulge, the length of your average sub sandwich, came out of Zac’s neck. Before you know it, Zac’s neck was normal size again, and he was breathing heavily.

“Eww, that was disgustin!” Isaac yelled, in his Southern-like voice. “Yeah, well my throat swelled to the length of a hoagie, and I swallowed that stupid thing!” Zac screamed. Taylor looked at Zac in bewilderment. “What?” “Nothin!” Taylor turned to Isaac. “Let’s get outta here, I wanna do something intelligent for once.” “Like what?” “I wanna get away from it all. I just wanna waste gas around the country, and try to meet some people, especially fans, along the way.” “How can we waste it all when Mom has NO IDEA WHERE THE HELL WE ARE NOW?” “Call her and tell her.” After Isaac called their Mother, they went home, packed some of their stuff, and hit the road.

Back in Washington, at the ESS, 3 and 4 were tracking 24/7. 3 came out of the lab excited. “I found it in a boy’s body!” he yelled. 4 had his eyes set on 3’s report. “Well, who is this young lad?” 3 asked. “Zachary Walker Hanson II, 3. He is the drummer in the famous band Hanson. Statistics show that they are currently on a non-musical road trip in which they are doing just for fun on Route 66.” “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s find 24/7!” They hopped in the car and headed straight for Central Oklahoma.

As Isaac was driving his 1999 Gold Ford ZX2 Convertible, Zac was playing You Don’t Know Jack on his laptop, Taylor was taking a nap, and two spies were on their tail, trying to shove them in a ditch. “Watch the paint! It’s real gold, ya morons!” Isaac yelled as he honked the horn at the spies, but to no success. When they shoved Isaac’s car again, Zac’s computer crashed, Taylor woke up, and Zac screamed at them out the window. “What are you trying to do, KILL US?” 3 looked at Zac with smug on his face. “Yes.” 4 had fire in his eyes as he was about to do away with the doomed trio. “WELCOME TO THE HIGHWAY TO HELL, PUNKS!” and started to laugh in an evil manner. Isaac quickly sped away, going past even the 3rd Century mark to peak at 290 mph, and put the hood down for Taylor and Zac’s safety.

“Okay, guys, you better buckle up! We’re past the 2nd Century Mark, and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” Isaac yelled from the driver’s seat. They did as they were told, and put their seat belts on. “Now what Ike?” Zac yelled. “We’re gonna go Lightyear, hold on!” Ike yelled, and pushed the Deep Space 9 button on the dash. 3 and 4 watched in awe as Hanson disappeared from the highway. “Dude, that’s pretty %$#&*@! up right there!” 3 yelled, and 4 nodded.

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Chapter 2