Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 8: We be... Arisocrats?

One Piece
My Bio

Whew. Okay, here’s Emma’s official debut in the story! Whoo

Ummmm... yah. I think you’ll get a kick out of this chapter XD It really shows the weird side of all of us XD

I’m so sorry I haven’t updated it in so long, but there’s been a lot of things going on around here. Most of which being really bad.
First my Grandma passed away this summer, then my Daddy got diagnosed with cancer, then my neighbor died, then my chiropractor died, and on Christmas Eve, my Daddy passed away (cries) I miss Daddy so much D:>

Anywho, rather than bringing you down, I should be bringing you up! So here ya go! ♥
(btw, I think you’ll get a kick outta the description of Luffy’s disguise *giggles* )

Chapter 8: We be... aristocrats?

Since Karen, Zoro, Nami, and Sanji had gone off to the pub leaving them behind, Luffy, Elora, Usopp, Beckah, and Krystal decided to just randomly explore the town, looking in various restaurants and shops for other people from the girls’ school. After about an hour’s worth of time had passed, they found they’d explored every place they could think of.

“So, did you find anyone?” Usopp asks Elora.

“No, but I found candy when I was looking through your purse.”

“IT’S NOT A PURSE!!! And wait... when – how did you get it!?”

“Eh, about 2 minutes ago. I’ve got mad skills.” She says with her trademarked evil grin.

He stares at her seriously for a moment, “I’ve got my eye on you.”

“If you say so. Fufufu”

The others collect around Usopp and Elora, each having found nothing.

“So, have they come back yet?” Beckah asks.

“No,” Usopp sighs, “I wonder what’s taking them so long.”

Just as he says this, a small group of people rounds a corner down the street, hauling ass. They show no signs of stopping and are heading right for Luffy and the rest.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” They all scream as the group comes closer.

The five running people grab hold of the group, dragging them along with them.

“AAAAAAA!!!! RAPE!!!!! MURDER!!!! I NEED AN ADULT!!!!” Krystal screams. “HOLD ME LUFFY!!!!”

Just as Beckah is about to react, she is stopped as they all burst through the door of a house, all landing on the hard wooden floor inside. One of the people, a teenaged girl in a maid outfit, takes out a key, closes, and locks the door.

“Is everyone okay?” The girl asks.

“I’m not sure, but I might be sure if you hold me!” A woman in a blue powdered wig and poofy dress says to a man in a top hat, tuxedo, mustache and monocle.

“... I think it’s obvious that you’re okay...” The man grumbles as she latches on to him.

“WHAT IS GOING ON?!!” Beckah demands, purposely knocking over Krystal in the process.

She stares seriously at the five who grabbed her and the rest, though it is difficult to keep a serious face, seeing how strange they look.

The girl in the maid outfit who locked the door is a young girl with brown hair, about 15 years old Beckah supposed, her maid outfit looked somewhat strange with the pair of blue and pink framed glasses she was wearing.

The man and woman looked familiar, but she couldn’t quite place her finger on it. She also noticed that they were both surprisingly stiff legged, though she didn’t know why.

Next was an Arabian dancer girl in green and blue dancing clothes whose face was hidden behind a green translucent veil.

Lastly, she sees a man in a brown weasel suit. Not much more can be said about that.

“Who are you?!” She demands.

“Your father.” The woman with the bluish hair quickly retorts.

“Wait... Karen?”

“You expected any less?”

“So... why are you all dressed so stupidly?” Elora asks as Krystal pokes Karen’s blue hair, clapping gleefully as it wobbles.

“Cuz Smoker’s an asshole.”

“Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?” Usopp asks as he stares, humored by the others.

“What he has to do with it,” Nami says as she pulls back her Arabian veil away from her face. “Is that he’s here.”

“WHAT?!” Usopp shouts as weasel-man Sanji praises Nami’s seriousness, “He’s HERE!?”

“Yeah,” Sanji says, as he puts on a serious face and lights up a cigarette with his weasel paws, “and we need to figure out what to do, and fast.”

”R-r-right,” Usopp nods, then turns to look at his captain, “Luffy? What are we gonna do?”

“Hahaha! This is fun!” Luffy grins, he and Krystal both poking Karen’s hair, watching it wiggle like jell-o.

“Idiot! Get serious!” Zoro says as he knocks Luffy upside the head.

”Ow! What’re you hitting me for! I don’t even know you!” Luffy whines, not realizing it’s Zoro.

“Dumbass! It’s me!” Zoro says removing the false mustache.

”Oooh! Hey Zoro! You look just like an old man! You old fart!”

”WHAT?!” Zoro says rolling up his sleeves.

As Zoro beats the crap out of Luffy, Emma speaks up.

”I have more costumes, and if you’re all in disguise they won’t stand a chance of recognizing you.”

”Eh? More costumes? There aren’t any more like his are there?” Usopp asks pointing at Sanji, hoping there aren’t. Sanji responds to this comment with a glare which makes blood run cold.

”Um, er- What I mean is, um...” Usopp stuttered, trying to find the words which will save him from certain doom.

”I think it looks sexy.” Elora says as she walks behind Sanji and slides her arms around his waist. This, of course, sends Sanji into ‘Mellorine’ mode.

“Eh, I just noticed something...” Krystal comments while scratching her head, “Where’s Zoro’s swords?”

Everyone not in costume suddenly looks at Zoro and notice that she’s right.

“Oui, yeah!” Luffy exclaims, his face puffed up and bruised from Zoro’s punches “Shinshi Zoro has no swords!” Zoro punches him again. (note: Shinshi basically means ‘old man’)

“Don’t worry, we got ‘em!” Karen replies with a huge grin, “They’re right here!” Just as she says this, she lifts the bottom of her dress clear up over her head revealing two of the swords are strapped to her legs. “He’s got the other one on his leg”

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!” Zoro demands, blushing heavily as he tries to push the dress back down. “HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?!!”

“What are you so worried about? I have shorts on. Besides, I think your biggest priority should be making sure that I get to the bathroom when I have to go, cuz otherwise, rust liiiiiines.” She says with a giggle.

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“I dunno, with these straight legs I might not be able to run very well.” She winks.

Elora turns to face Emma, “Anywho, while they discuss urine and its rusting properties... how about you fix us up with some costumes?”

“Right!” Emma nods, “I have some in my bag here.” She says pointing to a bag hanging off of her shoulder. “They told me how many to grab and the estimated sizes.”

“I picked out your costume personally.” Sanji says leaning over Elora’s shoulder seductively, which is rather difficult in a weasel suit.

Emma passes out the costumes and within a fairly short amount of time, everyone is in disguise.

“I demand a fashion show!” Karen shouts, waving her aristocratic fan everywhere. “Show off your costumes... IN STYLE!!!”

“Hell no.” Elora, in hula dancer garb glares.

“Nooooooo! I want to see sexy hula Elora-swan modeliiiiing!” Sanji sobs.

“That’s for tonight.” Elora winks, causing Sanji to faint with love.

“I feel kind of weird in this...” Usopp says as he pulls on the gloves for the Musketeer costume he was placed in.

“Just be glad that it’s better than Luffy’s.” Zoro states as he looks at Luffy with a grimace.

Luffy is in a pastel pink dress which has an elegant royal-esque appearance to it. A wig with a graceful hairstyle is placed upon his head; then to cover his scar, Elora had furiously attacked his cheek with cover up make up making the stitches completely undetectable. To top off the ensemble, the girls had put him in a bra and stuffed thoroughly, the result was roughly a D-cup.

“... You’re right, I should appreciate that fact more, shouldn’t I...” Usopp shudders, completely wierded out by ‘woman’ Luffy.

“Oui! Don’t insult my Luffy-kun!” Beckah booms at Zoro and Usopp, Beckah is also in disguise, dressed as a man, no less. She is wearing a tuxedo with boots which make her appear 3 inches taller, her long hair is tucked down her shirt and slicked back, she is also wearing a fake goatee.

“Ne! Beckah-chan!” Karen calls out, “Come here, we need you to try this out.”

“Okay!” Beckah calls back, then turning back to Zoro and Usopp with a glare, “I’ll deal with you two later!”

“What’s up?” she asks as she meets up with Karen and Emma, she notices that Emma’s holding a bow tie.

“Okay,” Karen begins, “Emma’s found something among all the costumes which she thinks will be to your advantage.”

“A tie?” Beckah asks, confused.

“Not just ANY tie,” Emma grins, “try it on.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Just do it!” Karen says, grabbing the tie from Emma and throwing it at Beckah, hitting her in the head.

Beckah mumbles bitterly at Karen under her breath as she slips the cord of the tie under the collar of the white shirt of her tux and fastens it.

“So what’s so- WOAH!!” Beckah is shocked to find that her voice has deepened to a male pitch after putting the tie on. “What is this? What happened” She asks in her new man voice.

“It’s a special voice changing tie that I had found in the costume room at the school.” Emma smiles, “They rarely used it, only when they had no choice but to cast a girl in a male part.”

“Wait, so you’re from the school too?”

“Naw, she just happened to show up with costumes from plays done at our school by coincidence.” Karen rolls her eyes sarcastically.

With this, Beckah pops her on the head.

“Owie! How dare you hit a lady! I shall sue you for assault and battery!”

As Beckah and Karen feud with both words and fists, Krystal pouts over the idea of having absolutely no possibility of being with her Luffy-kun. The reasoning behind this being that Beckah is posing as the fiancée of Luffy (or Laffite, if you’d prefer). Instead of being the one paired with Luffy, she was dressed as a nurse with a cape draped over her shoulders as nurses wore in old times.

“Why can’t I be the fiancée?” Krystal whines at Emma as she looks longingly at Luffy in his puffy pink dress.

“Blame Beckah’s man like personality.” Karen says, then starts running as fast as she can with Beckah, now even MORE ticked off, chasing after her. However, high heels and straight legs, as you all know, are not meant for running, Karen promptly falls down and gets kicked 7 feet by a fuming Beckah.

Emma places her hand on Krystal’s shoulder. “I know how you feel,” she nods, glancing over at Zoro, who along with Usopp and Sanji is laughing Luffy as he attempts to strut like a woman. Expectedly, Nami punches Luffy knocking him into the ground face first.

She regains her composure and turns to face everyone, “Alright. Everyone’s costumed now. Are you ready to go?” She beams.

“Yeah, but Elora already told us that there’s no bathrooms.” Luffy nods.

“Lets get going already!” Krystal shouts, jumping onto the femininely dressed Luffy’s back.

Yosh! So ends another chapter :D
This chapter was fun to write because of all the silly costumes. :3
Anywho, yes I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry it’s a tad bit on the short side, you have to realize that I’ve had a tough time these past 12 months.

Anywho, in the next chapter!:

Now in costume, the Straw Hats with their temporary new members begin their attempt to get away from Smoker and escape Salmon Town. Can they make it? Will Mr. Southard throw another grenade? Find out in the upcoming chapter:

Chapter 9: Time to Run

Chapter 7

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers