Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 7: Salmon Town
One Piece
My Bio

Yoshu! Mokenda here and I’m back in action! Sorry for the somewhat long pause, but I had to deal with school and blah, so yah. I was busy ;_;

I’d like to give thanks to one of the fans of this story. He goes by nldg200xy on and gave me a wonderful suggestion to put Smoker in this chapter. It got me really excited!

Anyways, I’ve got 2 more people who want to join in the fun in this story, but sadly, I can only put them in one chapter at a time. Sorry ;; So without further ado, I welcome Emma to the story! Yay! And not only is Emma the newest addition to the story, but she is also the person who came up with the idea for Sanji’s costume in the next chapter! YAY! (Yeah, it was originally supposed to be this chapter, but I made this one a bit longer than I expected.)

Here’s Emma’s info:

Age- 15
Hair- dark brown
eyes- dark brown with blue and pink wire frame glasses
Bio- Loves anime, so much, hates 4kids with a grudge. Loves One Piece... however she enjoys beating pervs (may get along great with Zoro if your understanding what I mean)
Insanity Level- 8.5/10... 1,909,8,760/10 if 4kids is mentioned.

Oh! Another thing! In the costume scene, not only will the Straw Hats be dressed up, but Elora and the others will be as well! I think you’ll be amused. XD

I would like to thank everyone who made suggestions for this next chapter on costumes. Thank you so much! I love ya all!

Any who, on with the chapter!

Beckah had just awoken and dressed herself when she opens the door to the kitchen. Much to her surprise, she finds Luffy lying on the floor, steam rising heavily from his mouth. Elora and Karen standing next to him, both in laughing fits.

“What happened?” Beckah asks worriedly, as she kneels down to check on her Luffy-kun.

“What did you do?” She demands.

“We fed him Habenero Chili Peppers!”

“WHAT!” Beckah screams with a face of extreme rage.

“Sanji told us to stop him from stealing food from the kitchen.” Elora said as she purrs like a cat, “He said to take extreme measures.”

“I brought them from home.” Karen grins as she holds up the jar.

“Give me those!” said Beckah.

“Spoil sport...” Elora mumbles.

“What was that?” Beckah asks as she exposes her sharp nails.

“I shall eat your babies.” Says Karen.

Beckah then drop kicks them both out the door of the kitchen.

“...Well that was fun.” Elora says as she turns to face Karen.

“Want to do it again?” Karen asks.

“That... or we could go play with Usopp’s chemicals he uses to make his pellets for his slingshot.”

“I’m in!”

As the girls skip off merrily, Krystal sits up in the crow’s nest with the spyglass looking for the island she last visited.

“This isn’t fair,” Krystal sighs, as an explosion breaks out from down on deck and Karen and Elora fly up into the air and land in the sea, “I have to stay up here and look while they get to have fun.”

So, while Zoro and Sanji drop down ropes for the girls to climb up, Krystal looks back out to sea, finally finding their destination.

“LAND HO!” She cries out at an ear shattering level, which causes the boys to accidentally let go of the ropes resulting in Karen and Elora falling back into the water.

“YOU WILL RUE THE DAY!” Elora shouts at Krystal, waterlogged.

After getting the girls back on board and drying them off, they all get off of the Going Merry, Elora promptly strangling Krystal for the double dunk.

“DIE!” she screams as Usopp and Sanji try to pull her off of Krystal.

“So where do we go from here?” Nami asks Elora after she’s pulled off of the now purple Krystal.

“We need to go straight forward to Salmon Town.” Elora says pointing in the direction. “But beware.” She says slowly and dangerously, her face hidden in shadow.

“What? Why?” Nami asks.

“They have no toilets, so say hello to my friend, Mr. Bush!”

“Ah! Hello!” Luffy happily waves at the bush, “Are you related to Uncle Bush in any way?”

“Tch, idiot...” Zoro groans.

Finally after much arguing and more strangeness, they arrive in Salmon Town.

“So, where should we try first?” Usopp asks.

“Well, there is the pub...” Elora begins, “but I can't go in because I'm under age...”

“There's an age limit here?” Sanji asks.

“Yeah, it's really stupid, too.”

“What IS the age limit?” Nami asks.

“It's 18.”

“Looks like I'm going.” Karen says nodding. “I just turned 18 recently.”

“I hate you...” Elora growls while glaring at Karen.

“I guess me, Zoro, and Sanji are going too.” Nami nods.

“Good, I need some wine...” Zoro yawns.

“Ah! Nami-sama! I will be happy to go with you!” Sanji gleams.

“You'd better not cheat on me.” Elora says grabbing him by the arm.

“I would never dream of it Elora-chwan!” Sanji says as he takes Elora’s hand and prepares to kiss it.

“C’mon, lover boy.” Karen grabs Sanji by his collar and starts dragging him off.

“I LOVE YOU ELORA-CHWAAAAAN!” Sanji calls out while wiggling around blowing kisses.

After a short while, they find themselves standing on the outside of an old run down pub.

“Looks like this is the place...” Karen says as she examines the sign.

“This place looks like crap.” Sanji observes.

“Eh, so what. Just as long as I can get some booze, I’m happy.” Zoro grins.

“Ready to go in?” Nami asks.

Karen quickly grabs Zoro in a hug around his waist.

“Yep! I’m ready!”

“Will you get off!” Zoro shouts.

Sighing, Nami enters with Sanji close behind her.

“Hmm, so where should we start?” Sanji asks Nami as he looks around the pub at all of the patrons.

“Maybe there’s someone in here that Karen will know.” Nami says.

“Eh? What about me?” Karen asks, suddenly popping up beside Nami, still clinging to Zoro who now has his booze.

“Wha-? How’d you get there so-?” Nami asks in surprise. “Oh never mind. Do you see anyone you know in here?”

“I dunno, let me take a look.” Karen begins looking around the room. After a while of looking around, she finds that there is no one that she recognizes, that is until she looks in the corner of the room. Sitting way back in the corner of the pub are two people that she does not want or expect to see.

“Get down!” She says as she plops to the ground, pulling Zoro down with her. Sanji and Nami quickly follow her example.

“What’s going on?” Nami asks.

“Shh! Look over there in the corner.” Karen says, motioning the direction.

Nami, Sanji, and Zoro poke their heads up over a nearby table and look in the direction indicated by Karen. Much to their surprises, they see two people they did not want to see in the least. Sitting at a table in the far back of the room are Smoker and Tashigi.

“Shit! What are they doing here!” Zoro asks.

“They’re probably looking for you guys.” Karen whispers, “I just hope they haven’t found the others yet.”

“Well, it doesn’t look like they’ve seen us yet.” Nami whispers. “Let’s get out of here before they do.”

The other three nod in agreement and start heading for the door on hands and knees, trying their best to stay out of view of the two Marine officers. However, much to the Straw Hat pirates’ misfortune, another Marines just happens to enter just as they reach the door.

“Well this sucks.” Karen mumbles as the Marine officer recognizes Sanji, Nami and Zoro.

“Smoker, sir! Miss Tashigi!” The young Marine cries out.

“What is it, Hanaka!” Smoker stands up, his face surrounded by the smoke from his cigars.

“There are Straw Hats here, sir!”

“WHAT!” Smoker demands, stomping his way over to the door. Upon reaching his destination, he finds that officer Hanaka was right.

“Roronoa Zoro!” Tashigi yells out as soon as she sees him, “You WILL hand over those swords!”

Zoro pulls his bandana off of his arm and ties it around his head, then unsheathing his swords. “I’m not giving up these swords!”

“Hmph. The Straw Hat captain’s not here.” Smoker mumbles as he looks the three shipmates over. He turns his gaze to Karen. “Eh? Who’s this?” He asks as he bends over to get a better look at her.

“Your father,” She responds, sticking out her tongue, “and didn’t I tell you that smoking is bad for your health.”

“What was that!” Smoker demands.

“Hey, don’t talk to your father that way!” she says as she wags her finger at him. This causes Smoker’s already bad temper to flare to its highest ever.

“HOW DARE YOU!” He yells as he shoots a blast of smoke from his hand, trapping her with it.

“KAREN!” Zoro and Sanji shout, but they can’t reach her because of Zoro fighting Tagashi and Sanji recently beginning a battle with Hanaka.

“Eeew! Do you have any idea how hard the smell of smoke is to get out of clothes!” Karen says.

“Quiet, you!” Smoker hisses. “Since it appears that you know these three, tell me where the Straw Hat boy is!”

“No way! Luffy’s my friend and my captain! I’m not going to betray him!”

“You won’t have to!” A voice from across the room shouts.

“Eh?” Everyone stops what they’re doing to look and see the owner of the voice, an older, balding man who is of a slightly larger proportion.

“Mr. Southard?” Karen asks.

“You know him?” Nami asks.

“Yeah. He’s one of my teachers from school. He’s a bit of a perv.”

“Let the beautiful young lady go,” Mr. Southard says to Smoker. As he says this, sweatdrops appear on the heads of everyone.

“A bit?” Sanji asks.

“And what are you gonna do about it, old man?” Smoker asks as he looks Southard in the eye.

“This.” Southard pulls out a small hand grenade, pulls the pin, and tosses it out at the group.

“AAAAAAAAAA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!” Everyone screams in terror.

In all of the panic, Smoker loses concentration and drops Karen. Upon landing, she grabs Zoro, Sanji, and Nami and they all begin running like hell out the door and down the street. After about three block’s worth of running, the grenade explodes.

“Dammit! After them!” Smoker shouts to the rest of the navy officers who came to aide their superior upon seeing and hearing the explosion

“Stupid crap Navy officers!” Sanji shouts as he runs.

“Quick! Over here!” A girl’s voice says.

Omg! Cliffhanger!

Hope ya liked it, took me long enough to get around to do it. Haha, I’m such a lazy bum XD

Anyways, the Uncle Bush, in case you didn’t know, is Gaimon. Remember? The man who lives in the treasure chest on the island with all the funky animals? Yeah, if you don’t, then you must not be that much of a One Piece watcher :p

Also the Mr. Southard pervert thing? It’s true. He likes the pretty girls, me and Elora apparently attract his interest or something :p

But yah, we can come in while he’s taking roll call and say “We’re here!” and he’ll say “I know, I saw your glowing auras of beauty as you came in.”
Don’t worry, though. He’s not perverted to the point of trying to rape/seduce the girls. We’re okay.
He’s also a war veteran who has weapons everywhere. Thus the grenade.

Next time in Pirate Fantasy:

Who’s that girl? Will the Straw Hats be okay?

Well those are stupid questions! Of course they’ll be okay!

In the next chapter, it’s undercover time! The Straw Hats have to escape from the raging Smoker and his navy men (and woman), but to do it, they have to disguise themselves with the help of a new friend. Be prepared to laugh, because never before and never again will you see anything like it.

Chapter 8: We be... aristocrats?

Chapter 6

Chapter 8

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers