Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 6: Take Off
One Piece
My Bio

As Krystal went nuts sniffing Sanji and Zoro, the three friends started discussing plans for getting the rest of their friends and getting back home.

“So, how are we going to find them?” Beckah asks.

“If I knew that, I wouldn’t have made the ship into a party boat!” Elora responds with a hint of sarcasm to her voice.

“Well, maybe we can get some information from a town or something.” Karen suggests. “Do you know any near here?” She asks, turning to Elora.

“Well... there’s one out that way...” Elora says, pointing to the North. “That’s where me and Krystal got the party stuff.”

“That way it is, then!” Beckah happily exclaims.

“No... you’re not going anywhere...” A voice says.

The group all turns to face the entrance to the room. Standing in the doorway are Buggy, Cabaji, and Mohji. Cabaji turns the key in the door, locking it, and then he swallows the key.

“HEY!” Krystal yells, “How’d you get out!”

Grinning evilly, Buggy responds, “Do you really think that you actually held me prisoner! YOU FOOLS!” Buggy begins laughing maniacally, Mohji and Cabaji joining in. “I could have escaped anytime I wanted!”

Buggy walks over to Elora and looks her straight in the face, “But I wanted to have a little more fun... and destroy your friends as well...”

“And what luck!” Mohji sneers, “Finding you had brought those stupid Straw Hats too!”

Zoro and Sanji stand, both glaring at the trio. Zoro’s left hand is clasped around the hilt of one of his swords.

Buggy looks over at the two boys, a smirk on his face. “It won’t do you any good to try and attack. You know that swords do not affect me, and I can dodge all of your kicks. ”

Buggy then turns back to his mates.

“Cabaji!” Buggy says authoritatively, “Cut the ropes on my hands!”

“Yes, sir.” Cabaji says as he readies his sword.

Cabaji cuts the ropes that tied Buggy’s hands to the desk. Immediately, Buggy brings them back to re-attach to his arms. However, right after they merge, Karen, Elora, Beckah, and Krystal begin attacking Buggy. Krystal, for some reason, beating them with Richie, who she had still been dragging around by his tail.

Cabaji and Mohji move to attack the girls and save their captain (Mohji mainly wanting to save Richie, though) Zoro and Sanji see this, infuriated ('specially Sanji), they attack the 1st and 2nd mates. Zoro fighting Cabaji, and Sanji fighting Mohji.

The girls’ tactics in fighting Buggy come to prove effective. No matter how many times Buggy threw one or two of the girls off, the remaining would still be attacking and the removed would always return to the fight. In a desperate attempt to slightly even the odds, Buggy slipped out a knife from his palm and thrust it into the right arm of Elora causing her to howl in pain. And when I say howl, I literally mean howl. She threw back her head and let out the mournful howl of a coyote. This howl was enough to cause Mohji to turn in wonder and confusion at the sound. This gave Sanji just enough time to land a well-placed kick to Mohji’s head, knocking him unconscious.

“Elora-chan!” Sanji cried out.

By this time, Elora had finished her howl. She looked up at Sanji while holding her shoulder and with a wincing grin said, “Heh, don’t worry... I’ll be okay...”

Turning back to the fight, she took a few steps back, then leaning forward she began running then she leapt into the air towards Buggy. She brought her good arm back a fist readied on it. As she got closer, she thrust her arm forward causing it to collide with Buggy’s nose. Just as Elora did this, Zoro finished up his fight with Cabaji by crushing his elbow into Cabaji’s head, knocking him into the wall.

After Elora’s defeat of Buggy, Zoro and Sanji ended up having to help the girls. Oh no, they didn’t have to help with finishing beating up him up. They had to pull the girls off of him seeing as they had gone psycho and were beating him until he was unrecognizable.

As they get back to the deck of the ship, they find Luffy had eaten all of the food that was at the party and was as big as a blimp. Usopp had gone on a lying spree and had been telling all of the people on the ship of his ‘heroism’.

Luffy looks up from where he lays and sees his crewmates returning. “Ah! You got my musicians and navigator back!” He jumps up and suddenly he isn’t fat anymore.

“HOW DOES HE DO THAT!” Elora demands, grabbing Zoro by the collar and pointing at Luffy. (1)

“SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Krystal squeals, “IT’S A SHIRTLESS LUFFY!” She tries to leap at him and tackle hug him, but she is stopped abruptly as a fuming Beckah grabs her by the leg, causing her to fall to the ground.

“Owwie!” Krystal moans. “You meanie!”

“Hi, Luffy!” Karen grins happily as she runs up and gives him a hug, “We’ve found two people!”

“WAHOO!” Luffy exclaims.

“Who?” Asks Usopp.

“This is Elora...” Karen points to Elora who is attached to Sanji’s arm, both of them with huge hearts in their eyes and bubbly heart appearing above them. “And this, is Krystal!” Karen points to Krystal who is still trying to glomp Luffy, but is stopped every time by Beckah.

“Er...” Usopp stares un-assuredly.

“Don’t worry,” Karen grins, “They’re more helpful than they look!”

Upon her saying this, Elora pelts Karen in the back of the head with her shoe.


It’s a Kodak moment, with a beautiful sunset off to the West. Elora and Krystal are both in regular clothes now and have their backpacks on. The Straw Hats had brought around the Going Merry and they were all boarding it.

Suddenly, from back on Buggy’s ship, a voice is heard.


Elora turns to look and running towards them is Alex, waving frantically.

Elora looks around on the deck and finds an expendable cannon ball, she picks it up and throws it at Alex.


As Elora laughs evilly and Alex lies unconscious, Sanji turns to face Elora.

“What was that?” He asks.

“Nothing!” Elora replies with her most innocent face, “Now, lets go and talk about how much we adore each other!”

Was this chapter not odd? Yeah, hope the fight scene wasn’t too bad. It’s only the second one I’ve ever written. :3

Anyways, I’m guessing that you noticed the 1 after Elora screamed at Zoro about Luffy in the chapter. This is an information marker, which is used to point out a piece of information about a certain line. They will probably appear more throughout the story. Anyways, now to explain the information for this particular marker...

(1) When Elora screamed “HOW DOES HE DO THAT!” it is referring to something that Elora and I have questioned before. When Luffy eats too much after they meet Mr. 8, he is nice and bloated, right? Well after he begins his fight with Zoro, he magically becomes skinny again! How does he do this? We have no idea!

In the next chapter:
The Straw Hats sail to the town in the North, which Elora talked about in their quest to find the friends of the newest Straw Hat crewmembers. But unfortunately, they find out that it could be a while before they can resume their normal lives.

Chapter 7 – Salmon Town

Chapter 5

Chapter 7

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers