Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 5: Elo's Story Unfolds
One Piece
My Bio


Yo! Mokenda here! I’ve got a special treat in addition to the next chapter of Pirate Fantasy! Because iluvmanga45 asked so nicely in her review... she’s getting a part in Pirate Fantasy! Whoooooot!

Here’s her stats:

Hair-Light brown, with natural brown highlights.
Eyes-Bright Blue
Bio- Loves Anime, VERY HYPER 24/7, and loves One Piece with all my heart and soul! - Insanity Level-15/10 (yes this is a true fact! Hehe. I even know someone with a 20/10 ratio! THAT’S SCARIER THAN ME! )

And since you’re in the story, that means that you’re going to be from the school the others and me go to for this. :3 Yay! You’re a Buena person! XP

Okeesh! Let’s get on with chapter 5!

“Well, you see...” Elora starts as her flashback begins, “After the school crashed, I got up and looked around. I couldn’t anyone else in the library, but then again, Karen and Beckah said they were under tables.”

Fwoosh, you’re back in the past viewing Elora’s story. Live with it ;P

“Nngh...” Elora moans as she sits up and finds her backpack sitting next to her. As she puts her backpack on, she looks around the library to see that it is in pretty bad shape. Almost all of the windows have shattered, not to mention the lights, which once shined down from the ceiling.

“What happened to the school!” She asks herself out loud as she exits the library and enters one of the main hallways. “I mean, c’mon! Everyone knows that I’M the one who’s supposed to do this!”

As Elora reaches the ramp, someone jumps out from behind one of the pillars in the entrance area.

“GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” She closes her eyes and screams as she whips her backpack off of her shoulder and swings it at the person, sending them flying across the area.

“AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” A girl’s voice screams as she flies. After a loud crash, Elora opens her eyes to see a girl wearily standing up out of the rubble, which was once a wall.

“Ouch!” The girl mutters as she stands up, rubbing her head with her hand. “What was that for?”

“Eh? Who are you?” Elora asks, putting her backpack back on.

“I’m Krystal. I’m new here!” She says, saluting Elora.

“YOU KILLED THE SCHOOL!” Elora screams, violently choking Krystal.

“Gak! Urk! It wasn’t me!” She chokes out.

“Very well then!” Elora says cheerfully, letting go of Krystal’s neck.

As Krystal gasps, trying to get air back into her lungs, Elora starts looking in different rooms near her.

“It’s no use.” Krystal says, after finally catching her breath, “I’ve already checked.”

“Damn!” Elora curses as she folds her arms and frowns. She then shrugs, “Meh, might as well look around. You coming?”

Elora turns to face Krystal. After Elora asks Krystal if she wants to come, Krystal’s eyes go all googly and big.

“Y-you mean it!” Krystal asks.

“Yeah...?” Elora says, suspiciously.

“WHOO! I made a friend even before going to my first class! BOOYAH PEOPLES!” She begins dancing around, but is stopped as Elora sticks out her foot, tripping her and causing her to fall to the ground.

“There shall be NO dancing!” Elora glares, flames shooting up behind her menacingly.

“Yes sir!” Krystal grins as she salutes Elora.

“Fool! I am not a sir!” Elora cries out, “I am a figment of your imagination!”

“You’re my imaginary friend?”


As they walk out of the school, they find that rather than a parking lot surrounding the entrance, there is a large forest.



“I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.”

“We were in Kansas!?”

Elora stares at Krystal for a moment, then shakes her head and begins walking.

“Where are we?” Krystal asks.

“I don’t know.” Elora replies.

“Where are we going?”

“I don’t know.”

“When are we going to get there?”

“I don’t know...” Elora’s words start to get more tense as she becomes more and more angered.

“What are we going to-” Krystal begins.

“I DON’T FREAKING KNOW!” Elora shrieks as she strangles Krystal again. After Krystal passes out, Elora lets go of her, causing her to fall to the ground. “Hmm...” Elora mumbles, “I need to pee...”

After Elora finishes squatting over a bush, she returns to where she left the limp Krystal.

“Hell-o-o-o-o-o-o” Elora calls out, but upon looking around, finds that Krystal isn’t there.

“Curses! She must have ditched me!” Elora thinks aloud, clenching and unclenching her fists. “Well I’ll just have to kick her butt then!”

As Elora turns to continue in the direction she and Krystal were initially headed, she ends up bumping into a guy with a big red nose. Elora stares blankly at the guy for a moment. Finally she lifts her hand and grabs the guy by his nose... and squeezes it.

“I-is this thing real?”

Upon her saying this, the guy gets infuriated and hits Elora in the head, knocking her unconscious.


Elora groans and opens her eyes, she hears a familiar voice... a voice she knew only came from one person.

“So! You think my nose is funny looking! You think it’s FAKE! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!”

Elora is sitting on the deck of a ship, Krystal not far away, fast asleep. When Elora looks up, she sees that she was right about the voice. Looming over her, his face shadowed and evil, is the eater of the Chop-Chop fruit, Captain Buggy. Surrounding the three of them is Buggy’s pirate crew, all grinning and laughing menacingly.

“You’re the big nosed pirate clown, Captain Buggy.” Elora responds, a huge grin on her face.

“WHAT WAS THAT?” Buggy screams, he lifts his arms and clasped in each hand are 3 blades, one between each of his fingers. (Remember, the thumb is technically not a finger) Suddenly he detaches his hands from his body and flings them at Elora.

As the blades come closer, Elora jumps up into the air, dodging them, she lands on Buggy’s handless arms. Upon her landing, she wraps her hands around Buggy’s throat and begins to strangle him. Buggy’s hands, which are still disconnected and holding the blades begin flying towards Elora again. However, Krystal, who had just woken up, stops his hands as she bites one of them. As soon as she does this, Buggy lets out a scream of pain.

Soon after, Elora and Krystal have detained Buggy and have taken control of his crew and ship. In their power trip, they decided to force Buggy to wear a jester’s outfit.

“So, what are we going to do now?” Krystal asks Elora as she tosses an orange at Buggy, hitting him in the head.

“Well,” Elora begins, “I’m going to have to look for my friends, because if I’m here, and you’re here, that must mean that they’re here too.” As Elora finishes, she chucks a watermelon at Buggy, which knocks him in the forbidden zone. This causes him to fall to the floor in pain.

“Well, I know a way to find them.” Krystal says, an evil grin crossing her face.

Within a few days, the two girls had converted the ship into a party boat and had recovered a bunch of the lost school-goers. One of the people they had found within the time, was Alex. Alex agreed to help her find the others if she would promise not to claw him, she agreed.

++++End Flashback++++

“And that’s what happened!” Elora says, grinning.

“Wait...” Zoro says, “Where’s this Krystal girl you talked about?”

Just as Zoro says this, Krystal comes dancing through the door of the room, dragging in Richie by his tail.

“Hi, hi, Elora!” Krystal says cheerfully. “I’m finished beating the big nose!”

Suddenly, she notices the boys. Her jaw drops to the floor as she stares. Finally after about 2 minutes of silent staring, Krystal begins screaming wildly.


“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Karen stops her, “Zoro is MINE

“And Sanji’s MINE’, Elora chimes in.

“Awww! C’mon! At least one glomp for each of them from me?” Krystal begs.

“NO!” Karen and Elora yell in unison as Zoro stares with a mixture of confusion and fear on his face, and Sanji drools all over the floor.

“Can I sniff ‘em, then?”

“...fine...” Karen and Elora agree.

YES! I have completed chapter 5! NOW BOW TO ME!

Anyways, in the next chapter, Elora and Krystal set off with Karen, Beckah, and the Straw Hats in search of the rest of the friends. Unfortunately, they have absolutely no idea where to find them! ... or do they? Find out next time!

Chapter 6: Take Off

Chapter 4

Chapter 6

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers