Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 1: Building from the Sky
One Piece
My Bio

Chapter 1

"He's MINE!" Becka yells.
"No way! I want him!" Nicolle says angrily.
"I saw him first!" Becka says lifting up her fists, ready to fight.
"I'd treat him better!" Nicolle raises her fists as well.
"Yeah, right! You'd just use him!"
Karen, Elora, Lyndsay, and Sora are sitting in the school library at one of the tables watching as Nicolle and Becka have an argument over who should get Luffy as their 'claim'. Karen, Elora, and Sora have already staked their claims on Zoro (Karen's), Sanji (Elora's), and Shanks (Sora's) so they didn't care much about who got Luffy. As the girls watched, they passed around a tray filled with boxes and packets of different Japanese candies and snacks.
"Ooo! Sugar balls!" Karen squeals with delight.
After Karen says this, Elora begins to giggle.
"Oh, be quiet!" Karen says, tossing a box of Hello Panda cookies at her.
Karen punches Elora in the arm. You see, a while back when Karen had found a candy she liked to call 'Sugar Balls' she offered some to someone saying. "You know you want to try my sugary balls of
goodness." Elora's never forgotten it.
"Ow! You whore!" Elora slaps Karen on the arm.
"Skank!" Karen slaps her back.
"Slut!" Slapping Karen again.
Karen and Elora carry on like this for a while until Cody walks up.
Elora smacks him across the face sending him flying backwards across the library.
"SILENCE!! We are having an argument here!" Elora shrieks at him.
Cody stands up a little shakily from the shot, touches his cheek and winces.
"Ah! It hurts!"
"Good! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!" Her maniacal laugh echoing throughout the library.
"AAAAAA!!!" Karen yells.
Elora turns to face Karen.
"What?" Elora bluntly asks.
Karen points at Lyndsay and Sora.
"They ate it all!"
Elora looks at the two girls, then at the tray that was once filled with Japanese sweets.
Elora lunges at Sora and Lyndsay, but before she can reach them to strangle them, the ground begins to shake violently. Nicolle and Becka stop arguing and Cody snaps out of his cursing over the pain and at Elora.
"What's going on?!" Nicolle asks the others.
"Ah! This'll break my extremely fragile porcelain Saiyuki figurine set that I have so conveniently placed in my backpack." Lyndsay nervously yells.
"Then why did you bring it?!!" Sora asks.
"... they're too sexy... I can't restrain myself..."
"You mean like Shanks?" Sora's eyes lighting up at the thought.
"Pretty much, yeah."
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Karen screams, slapping them both across their faces.
"Oh... yeah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Lyndsay and Sora scream in unison.
Little do the friends know, that as they freak out over the shaking, the entire school is being lifted up off of the ground and being taken to a world not their own. (Haha! It's like The Wizard of Oz!)
<<<In the world of One Piece>>>

Luffy is drooped over the table in the kitchen of the Going Merry with a disappointed face. Zoro and Nami are seated around him while Sanji stands at the stove cooking; Usopp is outside working on some of the ship's mechanics. (note: this is right after going to Roger Town and before they meet Apis and Grandpa Dragon, so Chopper isn't here yet. Sorry.)
"Aaaah. It's so boooring!" Luffy moans.
"You can't really expect exciting things to happen all the time." Nami says, flipping through the paper.
"But I want them to!" Luffy says as he pounds his fist on the table.
Sanji looks up from his cooking over to Luffy and Nami.
"It has been really quiet lately. We haven't had any Navy boats chasing after us for days."
Zoro lets out a big yawn.
"What's so bad about that? It's quieter."
"You can sleep through anything? How would it affect you?" Sanji says bluntly.
Zoro turns his head slowly to face Sanji, he glares at Sanji with a face that would make any other person run in fear. Zoro begins to lunge at Sanji to try and beat him up, but is stopped as a loud cracking noise fills the sky. All of the Straw Hat Pirate crew members dash out the door of the kitchen and look to see that over a large forested area to the east, a large swirling vortex opens up and a HUGE object falls from it. The object lands with a resounding crash that shakes the waters the Going Merry sits on causing the boat to sway heavily in the sea.
Then, as quickly as the vortex had opened, it closes.
"What was that?!" Nami asks, her eyes wide with shock.
"WOAH! That looked SO COOL!!! Let's go check it out!!" Luffy says, punching his fist into the air.
"We don't even know what that was!" Zoro says to Luffy.
"... That's why we're checking it out..." Luffy says, "Are you stupid or something?"
"YOU'RE THE STUPID ONE!!!" Zoro yells back at the captain.
"Eh... besides, we can't go over. The repairs I was doing were made worse by the waves." Usopp says, wiping his grease covered hands on a rag.
"No problem!" Luffy grins.
Luffy moves back to the opposite side of the boat.
"Gum... gum..." Luffy begins.
He stretches his arms out to grab onto a rail and the head of the Going Merry.
"Don't even think about it." Sanji says, worried.
"Shit!" Zoro begins to run.
Usopp and Nami embrace each other in fear and both begin to scream.
"SLINGSHOT!!!" Luffy finishes.
Luffy lifts up his feet causing him to spring forward and hit the other four causing them all to fly off of the Going Merry to the forested area.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!" Everyone screams as they fly through the air.
"WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Luffy squeals with delight.
When they come down into the area, Nami and Sanji both end up landing in trees, Usopp lands in a small pond, and Zoro and Luffy both land on the hard ground.
"Haha! That was fun!" Luffy laughs as he stands up.
Zoro, covered in dirt and scratches, takes one of his swords and hits Luffy in the head with the hilt.
"Ahh! That hurt!"
After Nami and Sanji climb out of the tree and as Usopp tries to wring out some of the water from his overalls, Sanji lights a cigarette and turns towards the eastern area of the forest.
"Well, we'd better see what it is." Sanji says, dusting off his jacket.
"I hope it's a monster! I wanna fight!" Luffy says dancing around all carefree like.
"Then we shouldn't go."
"Why not?" Zoro asks, a smirk on his face.
Usopp makes a serious face, closes his eyes, and folds his arms.
"Why... why he asks."
He opens his eyes and looks at the others.
"Because I don't wanna die."
"Ah ha ha! You're so wimpy!" Luffy laughs at Usopp
"EH?!" Usopp turns to face Luffy. "I am a brave sea warrior! I am not a wimp!"
Usopp goes marching off through the forest to where the object landed.
"I'll show YOU!"
The others follow, watching Usopp's legs shake from his fear. When they arrive, they look around to find that what landed was a giant building.
"How- how did a building fall from the sky?" Nami, astonished by the sight, asks.
"Ah! Confused Nami-swan is so charming!" Sanji says happily with a heart in his eye.
They enter the building, the doors to the entrance had completely broken off in the fall. A shelf, which was once covered with glass, is the first thing they see. They look through the broken class to find drawings and paintings with names written on their backs.
"Ah! So cool!" Luffy says.
Luffy holds out a scratch-art of a strange looking animal with big eyes.
"What the hell is that?!" Zoro asks.
"I don't know... but I want it!"
As Luffy continues rummaging through the art, the others continue look around the building, they find a ramp with blue railings. They walk up the ramp and find two rooms surrounded with windows, one is filled with computers, and no one is in it. The other room is filled with shelves of books. They enter the room to see if they can find anyone.
"Wow! So many books!" Nami happily goes down the stairs.
Nami begins looking through the now turned over shelves for books on Navigation. Usopp goes over to the other side of the room where there are many upturned tables lying around.
"Eh... I wonder why there's no people here." Usopp says looking around.
Upon his saying this, Usopp happens to look over at one of the tables. Sticking out from underneath it is... a human arm...
"GHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!" Usopp shrieks, his scream breaking the only un-broken window in the room.
The others run over, afraid something attacked.
"What is it?" Nami asks worriedly.
"It's! It's! AN ARRRRMM!!!" Usopp yells, pointing at the table, his legs chattering.
The others look over at the table and see the arm. Blood is coming out of the arm from various cuts and scratches covering it. As the group gets closer, Luffy and Sanji lift the table up, and beneath it is a girl. The girl is bleeding from her arms and an especially large gash on her forehead.
The group stares at the girl, each wide eyed, and pale from the sight.
Nami nervously places two fingers on the neck of the girl, she holds them there for a few moments, then breathes a sigh of relief. She looks up at her partners with a relieved smile.
"She's still alive."
"How did this happen to her?" Sanji asks, a look of concern on his face.
"Here's another one. Looks like she's breathing okay." Zoro says from a few yards away.
They look over and find Zoro holding up another girl, this one having both of her arms covered in cuts and scratches and her left leg bleeding badly.
"We should take them back to the ship." Nami says.
The others silently nod in agreement. Sanji picks up the first girl, holding her over his shoulder.
Near the girls, they find two backpacks. Not know what else to do with them, they decide to take them to the ship as well.
When back at the ship, Nami doctors the girls' wounds and makes beds for them to sleep. It will be a few days before the girls finally wake up.

BG Info

Chapter 2

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers