Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 2: Breakfast With a Side of Oddities
One Piece
My Bio


Karen sits up and rubs her head, she opens her eyes and looks around to find she in a makeshift bed in a room made entirely of wood. She looks to her right and finds that Becka is lying asleep in another makeshift bed with a bandage wrapped around her head. Karen moves to stand up, but is stopped by a pain that shoots through her leg.


She pulls up the leg of her jeans to find her leg is wrapped up in a bandage. She notices that her arms are also wrapped in bandages.

“What’s this?”

She pulls back the bandage to find that a large cut is in her leg. She stares for a moment, then slowly she wraps the cut back up again.

“Okay... I’ll just pretend I didn’t see that. Now to see where I am.”

Wincing a bit, Karen stands up and hobbles to the room’s only door. She opens it up and finds a kitchen. Standing at a stove is a blonde man wearing black pants and a blue pinstripe shirt with his back turned to her. Karen closes the door quietly and walks a few steps into the room, stopping at a wooden table.

“Um... excuse me.”

The man turns around to look at Karen, he smiles at her. Upon his turning, she notices that he’s about her age. His left eye is covered by his hair, the eyebrow of the other eye is swirly, in his mouth is a lit cigarette.

“Good! You’re awake!” Sanji smiles.

“Huh? You’re Sanji!” Karen blurts out.

“Hmm? You know my name?”

Karen nods vigorously, blushing slightly.

“Ah, doesn’t matter.”

Karen sits down at the table and looks around the kitchen with a touch of awe on her face. Sanji turns and resumes cooking.

“So, what’s your name, and the name of the other girl?” Sanji asks as he cooks.

“I’m Karen, the other girl is named Becka.”

“Ah, what names of beauty.” Sanji blushes and grins.

As Sanji says this, a few hearts bubble over his head. Karen begins to giggle, thinking of all of the episodes of One Piece she’s seen where Sanji goes a bit girl crazy. As Karen remembers some of the oh so glorious One Piece moments, Sanji sets a plate down in front of her, snapping her out of it. She looks at the plate, a wonderful aroma comes from the food. Sanji sits down across from her at the table, he grins at her.

“Eat up.” He says.

Karen picks up a fork, she stabs a bit of the food, a bit unsure, she takes a bite. Her eyes light up. After she swallows, she looks up at Sanji.

“This is amazing!” Karen exclaims happily.

Right as Sanji is about to say something, Luffy comes flying through the kitchen door, an extremely pissed look on his face. He runs over to Sanji.


Sanji takes his foot and kicks Luffy in the face.

“Baka! I was talking!” Sanji glares.

Luffy stands up and looks over at Karen who looks about to fall off of her seat laughing.

“Ah! You’re awake!” He walks over to her.

Luffy then grabs Karen by her injured leg, lifting her out of her seat and upside down.

“Is your leg better?” He asks, pulling back the leg of her jeans back so he can see.

As Karen hangs upside down, shocked with surprise.

Nami, Usopp, and Zoro then enter the kitchen, ready to eat. Nami sees Luffy holding Karen by her leg.


“Neh?” Luffy turns to look at Nami.

Luffy drops Karen on the floor.

“EEP!” Karen squeaks as she drops.

As Nami begins beating the crap out of Luffy, Karen sits up and sees Zoro. Bubbly hearts fill her eyes.

“ZORO!” Karen squeals with delight.

Karen lunges out and grabs Zoro around the leg,

“ZORO! ZORO! ZORO!” She continues to squeal as Zoro shakes his leg madly trying to get her off.


“EEEK!! YOU IZ MORE SHMEXY IN PERSON!” Karen excitedly squeezes tighter as she says this. Nuzzling his leg in the process.

“Huh?” Everyone stops what they’re doing when she says this, trying to comprehend what she just said.

No one had understood what she said, because, come on, how are they supposed to know that ‘iz’ means ‘are' and ‘shmexy’ means ‘sexy’.
(note- this kinda talk will show up in some moments of extreme excitement)

“Can you keep it down? All this noise is making my head hurt.” Beckah says.

Everyone looks over to find Beckah sitting at the table, her mouth full of food.

“You’re awake too?” Usopp asks.

During all of the commotion, Beckah had woken up, grabbed a plate and began to eat.

“Of course I’m awake! It was too loud for me to sleep! What with Karen’s squealing and everyone’s yelling.”

“... So you’re basically saying that you had to pee really bad and it woke you up...” Karen says bluntly.

“... yeah, pretty much.”

The crewmembers fall over.

After the commotion had settled down

Everyone is sitting at the table, except for Zoro and Karen. Zoro, because he always sits on the floor in the kitchen, and Karen, because she was still clinging to his leg.

“So, how did that building get here.” Usopp asks the girls.

“Building?” Beckah asks, confused.

“Yeah, we found you in a building in the forest. It crashed down there a few days ago.” Sanji replies. “It had lots of windows, blue railing...”

“W-wait a second... blue railing? ... you mean the school?”

“School?” All of the Straw Hats ask in unison.

“Yeah, we were in the school library when everything started shaking. I guess we got brought here just like the last time.” Karen said, looking at the ground thoughtfully.

“You mean the time you and the others went to Nerima.” Beckah asks looking at Karen.

“Yeah, ‘cept without the bathrooms this time.” Karen replies, looking off to the side giggling as she says it.

“I wonder what happened to the others.” Beckah says.

“Others?” Nami asks.

“Yeah... Elora, Nicolle, Sora... the others!”

“There weren’t any other people there.” Sanji tells her. As he says this, the girl’s hearts sink.

“What if...” Karen trails off.

“You don’t think...” Beckah begins.

“They got lost...” Karen and Beckah say together.

“I wouldn’t put it past them to wander off without us.” Karen stands up, crosses her arms and looks at the ceiling. “I’m just worried about what Elora might do off on her own.”

As Karen says this, the background behind Beckah and Karen fades away to reveal what they’re picturing what Elora might do. Blood red lining, Elora stands on top of a large pile of dead bodies with an evil grin on her face, her clothes dripping with blood, a battle-axe slung over her shoulder.

“Frightening...” Beckah nods.

“Indeed...” Karen nods as well. “We’ll need to find them, or this world will be done for.”

Luffy walks up behind the girls and places his hands on their shoulders. This snaps the girls back into reality. They turn to look at Luffy, Luffy has a huge grin on his face.

“I’ve decided!”

“Decided what?” Zoro asks.

Luffy turns to look at his crew.

“They will be our new crew members!”

“Ah! Really?” Karen asks.

Luffy nods.

Karen and Becka embrace Luffy in a big hug.


Wow! How cool would it be to become a member of the Straw Hat pirate crew! I mean, c’mon! Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULDN’T WANT TO HANG OUT WITH THEM!

Anyways. Chapter 2 is done. Yay! Let’s sing and dance and GET NEKKID! ... no... actually... don’t get nekkid... I like my eyes when they’re not bleeding and bursting into flames.

I know that this chapter is kind of short. But I couldn’t think of anything else to go on in this chapter. Also, sorry for it being kinda... sorta... really spontaneous, but it’s going to be a bit calmer in the next chapter

Also, as for Karen and Beckah picturing Elora killing a bunch of people and standing on their corpses... maybe a bit over exaggerated, but... then again... this is a girl who found a cat head under her bed and acted casual about it. She’s had cats gives birth right next to her while she’s sleeping in bed. This girl is NOT affected by gore! She’s also really weird, so be expecting the worst from her when she rejoins me ‘n Becka.

Well… that’s about it. Ja ne!

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers