Mokenda's Fangirlism

Chapter 3: Musicians
One Piece
My Bio

So, what can you two do?” Zoro asks, eyeing Karen cautiously, as though she were about to attack.

“Draw, write, lift heavy stuff, kick, punch, scream.” Karen replies.

“I’m good with mathematics and scientific stuff, I work hard, I can slap really hard.” Beckah replies, smiling.

“I don’t exactly think we have need for math and screaming here-” Nami begins

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Karen remembers, “We can also sing!”

“YAY! MUSICIANS!” Luffy happily exclaims.

“Hold on,” Nami says, putting her hand up in front of Luffy’s face, quieting him. “We have to see you perform before we do anything.”

Karen and Beckah turn to look at each other. Then look back at the Straw Hats.

“Okay.” They reply in unison.

Karen turns back to face Beckah. “Footloose?”

Beckah nods, “Footloose.”

The two girls then set themselves up so they’re right next to each other, both facing the crew. Karen then begins stomping her foot on the floor at a fast beat.

The girls begin to sing a part of the song Footloose from the play/movie, Footloose. This lasts for about 8 minutes, Karen continuing the stomping beat at the fast pace throughout the whole song.

When the girls finish, they look back over at the Straw Hats, Luffy is sitting with a huge grin on his face, Sanji has a big heart in is eye with a big smile on his face; Nami, Zoro, and Usopp are staring wide eyed in shock at the girls.

“Too much?” Beckah asks.

“Possibly...” Karen replies, sweatdrops appearing on their heads.

“WAHOO!” Luffy exclaims, jumping up, clapping his hands, and dancing around, “This is great!”

Sanji jumps up and begins jumping and dancing around with him, happy that there are more girls on the crew. The girls giggle watching Luffy and Sanji’s dancing of happiness, as they watch, a hand is extended in front of their faces. They look to see who the hand belongs to. It’s Zoro.

“Welcome to the crew.” He says with a smirk on his face. Karen takes his hand and shakes it. She smiles warmly.

“Now that we’re partners...” Karen starts, “We should have... A PARTY!”

“Oh! Wait!” Beckah exclaims. She begins to look behind, around, inside, and on top of things around the room.

“What are you looking for?” Nami asks.

“Where’s our stuff?” Beckah asks, looking at the others.

“You mean these?” Usopp holds up two backpacks, both blue. One has speakers on both of the side pockets and has about 7 key chains hanging on it; the other has some doodles on it and a single key chain on it saying ‘Angel’.

“Ah! My backpack!” Karen says, she takes the back with the speakers. Beckah takes the one with the doodles. They begin looking through them, making sure that everything’s there. Among the things they pull out while they sort through their belongings are: Clothes, snacks, CDs, CD players, and toothbrushes and toothpaste.

“What’s all this for?” Zoro asks, holding up a few of the CDs and looking them over.

“Oh, well, we were supposed to be going on a field trip with our school club,” Beckah explains, “The trip was going to last for about a week, so we had to pack everything we needed.”

As they talk, Sanji finds two bathing suits that the girls had unpacked. He looks at them and then dreamily pictures them in them. As Sanji drools all over the floor, Nami picks up the bathing suits.

“You were going to go swimming, too?”

“Yeah, we were supposed to be staying in a hotel with a swimming pool.” Karen says, “Big and fancy, too. They have satellite TV!”

“TV? Satellite?” The rest of the crew asks.

Beckah waves her hand, “We’ll explain later.”

Karen digs deeper into her backpack and pulls out a picture.

“Hmm?” Karen wonders, and upon looking at it, “Perfect!”

Everyone else stops what they’re doing to look at the picture. In it are about 16 different people, all teenagers.

“This picture has the others in it!” She points to some of the people in it, “There’s Elora, Sora, Nicolle, Lyndsay, Cody, and us. The others weren’t able to make it for the field trip.”

“So we have to help you find the people you pointed out?” Usopp asks.

“Yep! Otherwise, utter chaos will come.” Beckah smiles as if nothing wrong were going on.

Usopp leans over to Karen and whispers, “They’re something strange about her... doesn’t she ever frown?”

“Nope.” Karen whispers back, “She’s ALWAYS like this. Even if she’s saying something horribly sad and depressing.”

Usopp sighs then looks up at the ceiling, “This is going to be a long trip.”

Night time

Karen and Beckah are in their pajamas laying out sleeping bags on the floor of the room they woke up in. Beckah’s pajamas consist of a flannel button up top and a loose pair of flannel pants, both articles of pajama clothing are purple with cherry blossoms on them. Karen’s pajamas consist of a baggy olive green Spongebob shirt that says, “I’m With Stupid” with an arrow pointing to Patrick, and a pair of baggy brown pants with a loose elastic waistband. (but tight enough to keep them over her hips)

“Karen?” Beckah asks.


“How are we going to find them?”

“I don’t know. But we will. I know we will!”

“But they could be anywhere!”

“I know... but that’s the fun of it! We get to sail with our heroes and get to find our best friends! We’re getting to do something that others only dream of!”

“I guess you’re right...” Beckah sighs, climbing into her sleeping bag.

“You’ll see.” Karen yawns, “We’ll find them. We will never leave our friends behind.”

As the girls doze off, they’re unaware of Nami who is standing in the doorway watching them.

“Their friends must mean a lot to them...” Nami whispers.

A lone candle is lit. It’s near where Nami stands, she blows it out, and leaves to get into her own bed.


“Come here, jester!” A girl calls.

“Stop calling me jester!” Captain Buggy fumes.

“Would you rather me call you ‘Big Nose’?” The girl asks, smirking.

Buggy moves to attack her, but is stopped as she kicks out, catching him in the side, sending him to the floor.

“Don’t touch me. I’ve taken your ship! Don’t make me take more away from you!”

Ooooooh! An air of mystery to the end, ne? Who’s taken over Buggy’s ship? What does she plan to do with it? I know, but I don’t think I’ll tell you! Cuz I’m evil like that! Mwahahahaha! So you’ll just have to find out on your own!

Chapter 4: Buggy out of Power

Chapter 2

Chapter 4

One Piece © Eiichiro Oda
All pictures © their respective owners/providers