View 17'th Dynasty Royal Mummies from DB320

Presented by 
Wm. Max Miller, 
M. A.

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View mummies in the
following Galleries:


Gallery I


Gallery I

Gallery II
Including the mummy identified as Queen Hatshepsut.

Gallery III
Including the mummy identified as Queen Tiye.

 Gallery IV
Featuring the controversial KV 55 mummy. Now with a revised reconstruction of ancient events in this perplexing tomb.

Gallery V
Featuring the mummies of Tutankhamen and his children. Still in preparation.


Gallery I 
Now including the
mummy identified as
Ramesses I.


Gallery I


Gallery I

Gallery II

21'st Dynasty Coffins from DB320
  Examine the coffins
of 21'st Dynasty Theban Rulers.

  Unidentified  Mummies

Gallery I
Including the mummy identified as Tutankhamen's mother.

About the Dockets

Inhapi's Tomb

Using this website for research papers


Links to Egyptology websites

Biographical Data about William Max Miller

Special Exhibits

The Treasures of Yuya and Tuyu
  View the funerary equipment of Queen Tiye's parents.

 Tomb Raiders of KV 46
How thorough were the robbers who plundered the tomb of Yuya and Tuyu? How many times was the tomb robbed, and what were the thieves after? This study of post interment activity in KV 46 provides some answers.

Special KV 55 Section

Follow the trail of the missing treasures from mysterious KV 55.

KV 55's Lost Objects: Where Are They Today?

The KV 55 Coffin Basin and Gold Foil Sheets

KV 55 Gold Foil at the Metropolitan

Mystery of the Missing Mummy Bands

KV 35 Revisited
See rare photographic plates of a great discovery from Daressy's Fouilles de la Vallee des Rois.

Unknown Man E  
Was he really
buried alive?

The Tomb of Maihirpre
Learn about Victor Loret's important discovery of this nearly intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

Special Section:
Tomb Robbers!
Who were the real tomb raiders? What beliefs motivated their actions? A new perspective on the ancient practice of tomb robbing.

Special Section:
Spend a Night
with the Royal Mummies

Read Pierre Loti's eerie account of his nocturnal visit to the Egyptian Museum's Hall of Mummies.

Special Section:
An Audience With Amenophis II
Journey once more with Pierre Loti as he explores the shadowy  chambers of KV 35 in the early 1900's.

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Most of the images on this website have been scanned from books, all of which are given explicit credit and, wherever possible, a link to a dealer where they may be purchased. Some images derive from other websites. These websites are also acknowledged in writing and by being given a link, either to the page or file where the images appear, or to the main page of the source website. Images forwarded to me by individuals who do not supply the original image source are credited to the sender. All written material deriving from other sources is explicitly credited to its author. 
Feel free to use  material from the Theban Royal Mummy Project website. No prior written permission is required. Just please follow the same guidelines which I employ when using the works of other researchers, and give the Theban Royal Mummy Project  proper credit on your own papers, articles, or web pages. 

--Thank You

This website is constantly developing and contributions of data from other researchers are welcomed.
Contact The Theban Royal Mummy Project at:

Background Image:  Wall scene from the tomb of Ramesses II (KV 7.) From Karl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler (Berlin: 1849-1859.)



Special Exhibit
The Tomb of Maihirpre
Gallery II
Opened February 24, 2001

Papyri3.jpg (87850 bytes)The Book of the Dead
CG 24095
Found rolled up and laid on Maihirpre's unused middle coffin, this Book of the Dead measures 117.5 cm. in length and 35 cm. in height. The vignette shown at left depicts Maihirpre's funeral procession. His mummy lays on a funeral barque within a shrine surmounted by a per wer roof. Isis and Nepthys stand at his feet and head while oxen drag the sled on which the barque rests.


Papyri1.jpg (101512 bytes)
The vignette at right illustrates chapter 30B of The Book of the Dead, and shows the weighing of Maihirpre's heart before Osiris. The god of the Underworld is shown in his traditional attire, wearing the White Crown of Upper Egypt and holding a was-scepter. Thoth, in the form of a baboon, inspects the scales. This is a somewhat simplified version of the weighing of the heart, which, in later papyri, usually depicts Anubis inspecting the scales while an ibis-headed Thoth records the balance. Later versions also usually show the heart being weighed against a feather or a figure of Maat. At the far right of the vignette, Maihirpre as a Ba Bird emerges from his tomb.



Papyri2.jpg (100314 bytes)

Maihirpre, now Justified (or found "True of Voice") by the scales, greets the Divine Herd in this illustration of Chapter 148 of The Book of the Dead. The Herd consists of seven cows and one bull. Before each animal stands a table on which offerings of food and drink have been left. The cows and bull with their food offerings guarantee continuing sustenance and virility for Maihirpre in the Underworld. 


Papyrus photos are from the Official Catalogue: The Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1987.)

Osiris Bed
CG 24061

OsirisBed.jpg (93663 bytes)

This figure of the god Osiris was made by stretching linen over
a wooden framework and painting an outline of the god with resin
on the flat linen surface. While the resin was still wet, earth 
and grain were scattered on it and watered. The bed was
then placed in Maihirpre's tomb where the grain, moistened by
the water, began to sprout. Such Osiris Beds signified
the forces of life and regeneration. Similar beds were
found in the tomb's of Yuya & Tuyu, and Tutankhamen.

See more objects from Maihirpre's tomb:

Mummy, Coffins & Canopics

Jars, Vases & Bowls

Quivers, Arrows & Dog Collars