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I.A.U. Anthem
Cleveland Christian Institute of Higher Learning, East Cleveland, Ohio
Verse 1
Long ago the maids drew water
In the evening time they say
One day Isaac sent his servant
to stop Rebecca on her way
My master sent me here to tell thee
see these jewels rich and rare
Would'st thou not his lovely bride be
in that country over there
It shall be light in the evening time
The path to glor you will surely find
Through the water way it is the light today
Buried in His precious name
Young and old repent of all your sins
And The Holy Ghost will enter in
The evening time has come
Tis a fact that God and Christ Are One
Verse 2
Have you look'd and often wondered
why the power is slack today
Will you stay in that back number
and go on in the man-made way
O'saints who never have been buried
in the blessed name Of Jesus
Let the truth now santify you
Tis the way Apostles trod