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Family Members
Noah's Album
Family Album
National Parks











Bourque Family Members
Have you seen any of these suspicious looking individuals?

mugshotdan.jpg (10183 bytes) Dan Bourque
Known aliases
: Papa, Daddy, Beaker, Delta
Birthdate: April 10th, 1973
Description: 6'2" tall, brown hair, brown eyes, known to have bedhead on the weekends
Interests: Visiting National Parks, building websites, 30 something and still plays with trains
Wanted for: Excessive use of a National Parks Pass
mugshotangie.jpg (10622 bytes) Angie Bourque
Known aliases
: Mama, Honies, Speed, Gi-Gi
Birthdate: July 31st, 1976
Description: 5'3" tall, brown hair, hazel eyes, recently seen disguised as a pregnant lady
Interests: Scrapbooking, quilting, making greeting cards, walking the dog
Wanted for: Never paid full price for anything in her life
mugshotnoah.jpg (9265 bytes) Noah Bourque
Known aliases
: Kiddo, Dude, Buddy, Wiggle Worm
Birthdate: June 19th, 2004
Description: 20-something inches long, baby hair, gray eyes, has been seen swaddled in a blanket
Interests: Feeding, sleeping, feeding, sleeping, making stinkies
Wanted for: Due-date evasion
mugshotebby.jpg (10437 bytes) Ebony Bourque
Known aliases
: Ebby, Doobs, Puppy, Stink-O
Birthdate: Many, many dog-years ago
Description: 2' tall, black hair (lots and lots of black hair), brown eyes, has previously evaded capture by playing dead
Interests: Fetching frisbees, letting the cat eat her food, drooling uncontrollably
Wanted for: Barking up the wrong tree

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