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Noah Bourque
Noah's First Christmas
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Noah turned 6 months old on December 19th, and the Christmas season was in full swing. There were lots of great things to see and touch.
We made some plaster handprint ornaments for the Grandparents--what great fun! This is try #27 of 49. . .
But all that plaster didn't get Noah down!
He likes to sit up more now and try new things.
Still trying new foods. This is "avacado face."   (Don't worry, dude, Daddy doesn't care for avacado much either).
Christmas Day was going to be crazy and Christmas Eve was going to be at the Edwards, so we decided to have our family Christmas on the 23rd. What Christmas would be complete, though, without a little horsin' around. . .
"Whoa there!" Daddy leaned a little too close. I bet he saw stars for a while after this flash.
t19jun04coneheadedraisin.jpg (10497 bytes)Noah loved all his presents, especially the wrapping paper.
Christmas Eve meant a trip to Grandma and Grandpa Edwards. One of the best things about that is they have a TRAIN! Yep, he's his daddy's kid alright.
Oh boy! More bright paper!
And what Christmas would be complete without Christmas jammies. What a happy kid!
Man, did that change in a hurry. It was an exciting day, and he'd had enough. By the way, this one reminds us of Angie's baby pictures. . . ;-)
Even the dog had had enough fun.
Christmas was a new day, though, and Noah was happy to be back with the trains.
He also got to practice his ski-jumping technique with Grandpa.
The day after Christmas was a time for checking out all the presents. Like any young boy, trying on new clothes was his favorite.
And, of course, checking out all the new, fun toys was pretty cool too!
Our last Christmas event was checking out the 500,000 lights at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It was a nice night, and the lights were gorgeous.
To make the evening more special, Noah's uncle Jeffrey dropped by for a visit.
Zoos can be quite tiring, you know.
Quite tiring. . . Merry Christmas everyone!

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