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Our New Home

Dan is now in the reserves and we anticipate being here long term. We prayed about a new home, and God worked amazingly. The short version is a couple from our church was moving and asked if we were interested. The house was much more than we were looking to buy, but God just kept opening up the doors and leading us down this path. It finally came down to us having to sell our old home within 6 days of putting it on the market for this deal to work. . . God sold it in 4!

View from the front.

We're on a corner lot, so our yard is one of the largest in the neighborhood. That's turned out to be quite a blessing because Noah just loves being out there!

The inside is nice and spacious. The former owners did a lot of work painting, and we love the colors they've used.

The kitchen is nice.

The den is comfy.

You'll have to come for a visit if you want to see any more!

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