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Peppermint Pigs page 2


Peppermint Pigs continued...

this little piggy had none...
 Penny tried to comfort Peter and told him he cold stay with them and help on the Peppermint Farm and that the next day they would go to the doctor to see if he had any ideas on making Peter into a Peppermint Pig.
 Peter was up bright and early the next morning before
anyone else, waiting to go see the doctor. Peter hurried everyone through breakfast so they could leave for the doctor's office.
 When they arrived at the doctor's office they explained to the doctor that Peter wanted to become a Peppermint Pig and that they had tried everything and nothing worked."Could you help Peter?" asked Polly.
 The doctor said, "No." He didn't know of anything that he could do, but that Peter could try wishing on a falling star.
 Peter and the others went back to the farm and did their chores. That night Peter sat outside under a peppermint tree waiting for a falling star to wish on it. Finally after hours of waiting, he saw one falling.
So he closed his eyes and wished as hard as he could.
 Peter decided it would probably take  a while to work, so he went to bed. In the morning he jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror. He hadn't changed at all!  Peter glumly went downstairs.
 Everyone saw that Peter had not changed and they wanted to cheer him up. Penny suggested they go swimming since it was Sunday and they didn't have to work on the farm. They all got ready to go swimming down at Peppermint Pond. That pleased Peter. He loved to swim. So they put on their swimsuits, packed a lunch and drove the truck down to Peppermint Pond.
 It was very hot, so they all jumped right in the water. They were playing and splashing for quite some time before Percy said, "Look everyone! Look at Peter!"
 Everyone stared at Peter in surprise. Peter jumped out of the pond and ran to the truck's mirror to see why they were surprised. He was turning into a Peppermint Pig! They all started laughing and jumping around. The Peppermint Pond had turned Peter into a Peppermint Pig.
 Everyone was so happy, they decided to go home and have a party. When they got home, Polly baked a peppermint cake, Penny made peppermint punch, and Patty made some peppermint ice cream. Meanwhile... the boys set the table, blew balloons and hung streamers.
 When it was all ready they sat down at the table and sang songs and ate until they couldn't eat anymore.
 Peter sang the loudest and ate the most because he was so happy that his dream had finally come true.
page 2
 ****THE END****
 (Written by: Vicki Langstaff)
            All Rights Reserved by: The Author/Publisher

© "2002"

and this little piggy, went wee wee wee all the way home.
Good to the end!
...for stopping in. Come back again soon, bye.

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I thought this was a perfect place for this...
...we just received it from our niece Jordan. Thanks Jordan!

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