APSA_SDSU Official Website
Important Reminders


Our Purpose | Important Reminders | Events Calendar | Contact Information | Officers 2001 - 2002 | Picture Gallery 1 | Picture Gallery 2

Details on Upcoming Events:


Spring Fiesta April 16 - 18
         -It is all over now!  Thank You to all who have helped out in Spring Fiesta.
APSA SDSU 30th Anniversary Celebration - May 3
         -Will be held at the:      Holiday Inn by the Bay
                                           1355 Harbor Drive
                                            San Diego, CA 92101
          -Semi - Formal / Business Attire
          -$40.00 per person, RSVP by April 26, 2002 (619) 594 - 0947

This is the page to check for current events