APSA_SDSU Official Website
Our Purpose | Important Reminders | Events Calendar | Contact Information | Officers 2001 - 2002 | Picture Gallery 1 | Picture Gallery 2

Welcome to the New APSA_SDSU Official Webpage.  This site is here to keep you up to date with APSA events and news.

If you have the time, go ahead and sign the APSA Guestbook at the bottom of this page.  If you are one of our very own Alumni, sign the Alumnist Guestbook, made just for you!

Quick Information:
Meetings are held in the Lower Aztec Center in the Quetzocoatyl Building.  The time is every Wednsday at 12:00pm.

Read our Alumni Guestbook

Read our APSA Guestbook

Sign our Alumni Guestbook

Sign our APSA Guestbook