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Athena Investigation pt. 4

by Lorekeep

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Throughout this investigation, the research teams at Richter Corp. have included in this investigation folder a detailed account of a certain scene. This includes technical data and other things used for further research once the scientists at Richter Corp. have regained the prototype age device being sought after in this story.

Case File, "The Athena Investigation"

Process Profile 1

File: Lucas Enterprises Nursery Age Switch

Date: 06/12/20XX

Time: 12:43 A.M.

Note Added by Honor Guard Agent Tim Daniels
It seemed strange that at past midnight the nursery would be full and quite alive in this building. However, I found that the building is occupied 24 hours a day to keep business going, so different people are on different work and sleep schedules. It seems that the children are even educated at Lucas Enterprises! Our future look really good right about now.

Changes Involved

10 Adults changed into very young children.

10 Children changed into adults.

Method Involved

Thought to be the stolen prototype from Richter Corp. with an enhanced tracking device made by an unknown company.

For the safety of those involved, any names not mentioned in the case file will remain that while to keep privacy at a maximum.

Recorded Pair of Changes: 1

Recorded Pair of Anomalies: 1

Note Added By Honor Guard Agent Tim Daniels
I was quite surprised after reading this Process file the next day. It seems that our lab boys are a lot more bias than I took them to be. They only included the female/female transformations, although the other 7 pairs were either a male/male or a female/male.

Change #1

Subject Pair: Angela and Cindy

Specifications: 25-year-old assistant employed at Lucas Enterprises and her daughter.

Change (From "The Athena Investigation" Case Files)

Section 1: Angela

Tim stood there, as the woman who was taller became the woman who was smaller. Her features became more like a teenagers as she shifted past her adult years to her child ones. Her feet slipped in her heels as she almost let go of her child who was also increasing in size and age.

"What's happening to me?" she asked, looking at a growing Tim.

Tim stood, frozen, as a ring on her finger fell off to the ground. Her long legs had near-invisible stockings that started to sag with the size loss. Her skirt slipped off her hips and fell to the ground, revealing her loose panties for Tim to see. It was soon covered however as her height got smaller for her jacket covered her down past her panties. Her chest shrank visibly, as the two round hills holding her blouse up became flat plains of flesh. Her hair had gotten shorter as well, no longer dangling at her shoulders but an inch or two above. Even her long nails had sunken back into her fingers, to become flat, unadorned, and childish.

"What's going on! Somebody help me?" she asked, the pitch in her voice getting higher with the continued decrease in age. Tim knew there was no way he could help her now as she dwindled. Her jacket protruded way past her shoulders now, as she now came no higher than his chest. She started to walk away, trying to find some sort of help for her progressing condition, but only managed to trip on the oversized shoes on her feet. She toppled to the ground, now no more than 10. Her eyes started to well up to cry as she got onto her butt. Her clothes started to puddle on the ground a little. Her feet hung in her pumps, barely fitting in anymore. Then, they toppled, as her feet regressed towards her and left the shoes. Her hands had long since disappeared beneath the long sleeves of her suit's jacket. She too was starting to disappear into the clothes, as her child-like eyes became more childish with each passing second. Her feet started to become bigger with baby fat as they disappeared beneath the jacket. She cried out loud now, a shrieking that Tim had come to hate from babies when he was younger. Soon, she disappeared beneath the clothes, as Tim looked down. He reached under the clothes to find Angela, the once tall, beautiful blonde, no more than a 2-year-old sucking her thumb.

Section 2: Cindy It was about the time that Angela began to move away from Tim that the babies growth had take a new swing. Already, her height had doubled, tripled, then quadrupled from it's original. Her hair grew long, the brown curls bundling up into a unkempt but beautiful mess. Her legs and arms got thinner as she got older. She wasn't crying, but as she got older than age 7, she started looking around, amazed at what was happening to her. She even spoke! "Mommy? Am I bigger?"

When Tim heard this he was confused. Angela had finished regressing and she was now looking at a 9-year-old who was getting older, smarter, and definitely too big for her britches. The toddler clothes ripped apart as she increased in height. Her face grew longer and more beautiful, as her hair extended past her ears and down to her shoulders. He guessed she was about 13 when the puberty hit her. Almost at once, hair started to grow around her vagina as her nipples perked up and started to rise. Large breasts formed on her as she started to go into the teenage years. Her legs became long, like her mothers, and changed so that they were beautiful. Cindy stared down at herself, jaw agape. "I'm getting huge!"

Cindy sat there naked as Tim got a clear look at her changes. Her breasts had gotten large over the time, while Cindy was still getting taller, even at age 16. She had the look of one hot teenager as she continued to grow, though slower. Her breasts had stopped, but she had not, as Tim suddenly felt her foot touching his, and she hadn't moved! Her nails had gotten longer as well. She finally stopped showing prominent changes of age as she stopped growing. She stood up, and brushed herself off. Hell, she had to be at least 6 feet tall, thought Tim. Angela must have done a real nice tall man to get this. She stood there, looking down at Tim, and frowned. "Excuse me... can you tell me what's going on?"

Study Gained By This: Subject, when regressed, loses all memory of previous life experiences. This is evident by the fact that Angela did not continue to cry but actually settle down after the change. Subject also loses a fraction of the amount of non-organic matter, such as hair and nails.

When a subject is aged, it is a delayed reaction but goes a lot faster after the subject who was regressed is finished. He/she gains memories of how to operate in life but has no recollection of other subject's memories or him/her own as a younger person. The person is basically a blank. This can lead to an extreme naivete that could result in a possible "programmable" person.

Current Location of Subjects: Confiscated for study and solution to problem at Richter Corp.

Anomaly #1

Subject: Tim Daniels

Specifications: Honor Guard Agent

Reason for Anomaly: Subject did not regress.

Data Information: None. Scientists have yet to pull Daniels in for a scan and investigation. Problems may occur if this is not remedied.

Note from Honor Guard Agent Tim Daniels
I've got a physical in a week and I need to stay on this lead while it's still hot. Besides, I feel fine. If there were any changes I would have had them immediately. I left the lab boys a sample of my DNA and cells for them to analyze as compared to the original that they had.


Case is continued in Section 4

End File.

To be continued...

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Copyright 1998 by Lorekeep. All rights reserved.


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