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Working World

by Copernicus

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Daphne O'Brien was a young, brilliant woman. She was fresh out of business school, had a Masters in Business and Finance, had graduated with the highest of honors. The only thing she had never done in the business world was be in it. Daphne had never held a job, this one would be her first. She still remembered the interview...

..." Graduated in '99, top of your class, received every award ever given to students. Daphne, it would be a shame not to hire you."

"Thank you sir," Daphne smiled at the old man that sat in front of her. The man was old, with thinning white hair and a white beard. His demeanor was calm and friendly, and Daphne liked the old man almost immediately. He was just so nice.

It was hard to believe that the saintly man in front of her was the CEO of a 12 billion dollar company. Mr. Denir had built his company from scratch, basing it on principles of hard work and honesty. He was known to be realist, but was rumored to have agonized for two days over some small layoffs. Daphne was looking forward to this man being her boss.

"In all honesty, Daphne, I took the time to interview you personally. This company wants someone like you, and I went out to make sure. Not to mention," he smiled sardonically," the fact that my usual recruitors always seem to come back with nobody but white men. I hope that having a female in management will scare them out of their ways."

"Anyway, we'll see you bright and early tommorow, introduce you to our top staff."

Daphne smiled again, shook his hand, and left. She was radiant. Her first interview and she had been hired off the spot. Not too bad for a 28 year old girl with no prior experience. She absently drove home, minding whirling over what she would say to her new colleagues. Once home, she flicked the dial to Nickelodeon and sat down at her desk, mind already whirling away.


At a bar not far from there, 4 men sat grumbling.

"A girl!" groaned Mike, Assistant Financial Manager," the damn old bastard had to pick a girl for the board."

"Can't be too bad," mused Phil, Executive Director, "hear she's one fine piece of ass, could be nice to get close."

"Screw that," muttered Scott, Products Management," I don't want no damn cunts serving on the board, Spent too much time fighting them from getting employed to give up now."

"The girl is just some brainless pricktease," muttered Tim, Human Res. Manager," only way any broad can get through B. School like she did is to screw the proffesors silly.

The men nodded, secure in their knowledge that the other sex was far below them.

"Lets get her alone," whispered Phil excitedly," she's probably just waiting for some guys to get it on with her."

Once again the men nodded, and planned over their beers late into the night.


Daphne was breathless with excitement, more awake than she had been ever before despite not having slept a wink the night before. She had thrown on her best business suit and gotten ready meticulously for her presentation. Normally, Daphne was entirely unconcerned over her personal beauty, but today she broke her rule to make the best appearence she could.

She arrived at work 20 minutes early, which she spent rehearsing in the women's bathroom, (totally unused, but she was too preoccupied to notice.) She went outside with a bright smile and sat in front of the lectern. The old man was there, and the rest of the top management filed in soon after.

They looked like hell, with obvious hangovers, half-heartedly shaven faces, and misdone ties. Still, they looked competant enough for her to work with, though she had a feeling that she wouldn't enjoy it over much. She waited for everyone's attention, introduced herself, and launched into her speech.

She was about halfway through before she started feeling really uncomfortable. Her words faltered ever so slightly, but Daphne summoned her experience and carried through. It was the executives, she thought, the 4 co-workers she had. It wasn't Mr. Denir, he was listening intently to her words, but something about the way they were staring at her.

It hit her- they weren't staring at her face, listening to her speech, all four of them were staring intently at her breasts. Daphne managed to keep her voice steady, even as she blushed to the very root of her being. She brought her notes up to cover her breasts, saw the executives smirk at her obvious embarrasment.

She stumbled over one or two words, repeated herself, and finally brought her speech to an ungracious, somewhat abrupt end. Mr. Denir clapped and so did the executives, after a second, and she asked for questions. The CEO began a series of questions, difficult enough for her to take her mind off the incessant stares of the executives, who did not ask a single question.

When the final question was asked and the ordeal ended, Daphne practically ran out the door and stumbled aganist the wall. Those boys! Her face shone red through both shock, anger, and embarrasment. She composed herself just as Mr. Denir walked out the door.

"What was wrong?" the old man asked with genuine concern," you were doing fine, then you just fell apart."

Daphne took a deep breath," it was your executives," she blurted," they weren't even listening to my speech, they were just staring at my, my..." she blushed.

"I see," said the old man, his voice now ice." I had worried that those immature little boys would react to a female like this. They can do wonders with spreadsheets, but just put them in contact with other human beings." He took a deep breath. "Don't worry, Ms. O'Brien, this will not happen again." He stalked off, leaving Daphne behind.


"You called us, boss?" Phil's voice was nervous."

The Mr. Denir looked around at his employees with barely concealed anger. Phil, Scott, Mike, and Tim all stood clustered like naughty children, eyes downcast.

"Do you know why I called you, Phil?" His voice was tightly controlled, boring into their eyes," or anyone else know?"

They didn't look at him; they obviously knew.

"I called you here because I recieved a report from our newest colleague," he emphasized the last word," that you four were only listening to your libidos during her speech. In short, you were all staring what you shouldn't of. Do you all understand what I'm talking about?"


"I see. Well, let me say this, the next person who even looks at her at work as something other than a colleague will be fired immediately! Do we all understand each other now?"

Grudging nods.

"Good. Get out."


"Think he was serious?" Scott's voice was nervous.

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter, Daphne won't tell on us." Mike was confident.

"What the hell do you mean? She told on us, didn't she?"

"She wouldn't tell on us. Did you see how aroused she was in there? Her face was so red, it was all she could do not to strip and screw us right there! The boss figured he was the cause and wants to keep us away from her."

"Really?" Scott's voice was excited.

"Yep, all we have to do is get that little fuckbunny secluded and she'll do whatever we want. Whoa." Mike's eyes widened as he saw Daphne duck into the coffee room right in front of the group. Mike turned and faced his fellow excited virgins, seeing a chance for some excitement.

"Now's our chance!" hissed Tim," lets get her now!"

The four walked as nonchantly as they could into the room.



Daphne poured herself a cup of coffee, trying to get the unpleasant morning out of her mind. She resolved to put the unpleasant quartet out of her mind, and was considerably shocked to see the four file into the room.

"Hi guys," Daphne said uncertainly, her color deepening again (the men exchanged glances.) "how are things going?"

The men walked forward, and Daphne put down the coffee and backed up involuntarily.

"Fine," said one of the men, drawing close to her," now that you're here."

Then he took Daphne in his arms and kissed her, hard.

Daphne was shocked and frightened, tried to push the man away. He wouldn't budge, instead slipping a hand up to fondle her, adding to Daphne's hysteria. His mouth was locked with hers, making it impossible to scream. Her weakly beating arms did no damage to him. He groped at her suit, tearing away at the material, exposing her bra. The other three were staring slackjawed at the spectacle in front of her. Two were playing with themselves.

"Stop struggling!" whispered the one forcing himself on Daphne," I know this is what you want."

Daphne took advantage of her attacker's distraction to scream. The man cursed, and the other three flinched. The door flung open.

Mr. Denir gaped at what has happening in front of him; his new employee being attacked, his three other employees staring at the performance. They all stared at him, looking guilty. Daphne took advantage of the intrusion to push Mike off and run, out the door and down the hall. Mr. Denir cast his employees a furious glance and ran after her.


Daphne sat in her car, sobbing against the steering wheel. The humiliation of the experience was overwhelming. The passenger side door opened and she looked up to see Mr. Denir silently take her place in the seat beside her. Neither spoke for a moment.

"I would like you to know," he began quietly," how incrediably sorry and angered I am. I rue the day I ever set eyes on those adolescent idiots. From now on I look at character instead of just resumes. I know there is nothing I can do to make this up to you, but let me try. I have a brother, lives out on the east coast, who deals with some special potions. Some people would call it magic."

Daphne looked at him and said nothing.

"These potions have some rather special properties, and here's what I had in mind for one of them..."

Daphne listened to his plan, and a smile shone across her tear-streaked face.


The next day saw the four executives gathered around in the coffee room, talking nervously. Phil and Tom were sure their jobs were forfeit. Mike was confident that the boss was just trying to get Daphne alone and was angry they had been first. The only concensus reached was that Daphne was one bitchy prick-tease, just like all other women.

None noticed the odd flavor of the coffee this morning, or the fact that it had already been brewed when they arrived. None noticed anything different about the others, how each others faces seemed fresher this morning, less pockmarked. Their main thoughts were on how close they had all come to getting laid and how both Daphne and Mr. Denir were assholes.

The latter walked through the door, the four men rose to see their boss. He glared at them, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I see that you've all had your morning joe," he said, grinning now," good. Very good. You'll be needing these."

Mr. Denir took four diapers from behind his back and threw them at the floor in front of the men. Then he went outside and shut the door. The men heard a click. Scott walked over and tugged on the door.

"It's locked," he said," but this door only locks from this side, right?"

"The man has lost it," said Mike angrily," throwing diapers at us and locking us in. I say we eep!" Mike looked startled, his voice had cracked. But that hadn't happened in years.

The men stared closer at each other, noticing things they hadn't before. Phil had a pimple, several more sprouted as they watched. Scott's already thinning hair was slowly reclaiming his forehead.

"He's mutating us!" said Tim with horror," changing us!"

The four ran over to the door, banging on it and pulling on the lock. They began thudding against it in unison, but that lost any effect as musculature fell away steadily from their bodies. They stepped back, tired. Their clothes hung on them outrageously, and they stripped to get it out of their ways.

All their bodies were, from the look of it, dropping out of puberty through the wrong end. Mike's underpants fell off, and they all saw that his, although already average sized penis, was small, underdeveloped, and had no hair. Several surreptious peeks into their underwear ascertained that they were in the same state.

"Look at me!" squealed the 11 year old Mike," I'm tiny, I'm a freak!" His voice was a child's squeal.

He ran over to the door, tugging at it again, but now the door handle was barely below his head, then average, then below. Mike burst into tears, and the other three 7 year olds did the same. Scott lost control and peed his underpants. The sodden yellow underpants fell off his slender, youthening body.

Thoughts were becoming difficult now. Scott continued to pee, eyes staring glassily off. Tim ran some equations through his mind, lost his concentration, and began crying again. Mike reached for the door handle again, barely reaching it, He shrank again, and his hand slipped off the handle. He took the hand and put his thumb into his mouth.

Mike fell hard onto his bottom, unable to even stand up. His body and the three others were pudgy now, with soft skin and a lack of teeth. Thinking at all, in English, came increasingly difficult, and it became difficult to understand quite what was going on. The four babies cried for awhile, then fell asleep.


Mr. Denir entered the room. He carried 4 cribs, put the babies into diapers, and into the cribs. The babies slept contentedly, adult minds erased by the potion. "They were cute, thought Mr. Denir, they would get adopted quickly enough." Daphne entered the room, staring at the babies with satisfaction. "She looks different, thought Mr. Denir, something about her..." Then he saw the empty coffee cup in her hand and knew.

"You knew about the drug," stammered Mr. Denir," why did you drink it?"

Daphne stared up, and up, at the saintly man in front of her.

"I don't like the adult world," she said in a girly pitch," I don't like the real world, all the people there act mean. I wanted a way back, to get rid of the memories... you gave that to me. I was wondering, will you be my Daddy?"

Mr. Denir picked up the young girl in front of her in response, carrying her out the door as Daphne buried her head in his arms. The thoughts of nearly being raped, of finances, were fading now, fading into a warm world with her Daddy holding her. Good night, and good riddance.

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Copyright 1998 by Copernicus. All rights reserved.


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