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Maximum Warhammer
Adeptus Australasia

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Labelled with ICRA

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Arbitrator 10 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Proctor +7 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

The dreaded Execution Teams are called in to deal when lethal force is authorized against larger armed crowds. Their strong concentrations of powerful anti-personnel weaponry can eliminate any threats to public order with devastating effectiveness.

Squad: The unit consists of 5-10 Arbitrators. 

Weapons: Each member is armed with a Boltgun.

Options: Up to 3 Arbitrators may be given one of the following weapons: Heavy Bolter (+22 pts) or Heavy Flamer (+22 pts), Heavy Stubber (+12 points).

Character: One Arbitrator may be upgraded to a Proctor for +7 points, and may choose additional equipment from the Armoury except for special access items as noted.

Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Arbitrator 10 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Proctor +7 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Each precinct has small Fire Support Teams, called in to deal with heavily armoured insurrections or with actual rebellious planetary officials. When the enemy has access to powerful armoured vehicles, Fire Support Teams are often the last line of defence of the Emperor’s servants on that planet..

Squad: The unit consists of 5-10 Arbitrators. 

Weapons: Each member is armed with a Boltgun.

Options: Up to 2 Arbitrators may be given one of the following weapons: Meltagun (+10 pts), Plasma Gun (+12 pts), Lascannon (+25 pts), Autocannon (+22 pts), Missile Launcher (+22 pts).

Character: One Arbitrator may be upgraded to a Proctor for +7 points, and may choose additional equipment from the Armoury except for special access items as noted.

  Points Armour BS
Front Side Rear
Castigator 50 11 11 10 3

Type: Tank, Open Topped

Crew: Arbitrators. 

Weapons: The Castigator must be armed with either a turret mounted Heavy Webber at +25 points or Water Cannon at +15 points. It also has a Searchlight as a built-in Vehicle Upgrade

Transport: A Castigator may carry a single unit of up to 6 Arbitrators.

Options: The Castigator may take the following vehicle upgrades from Codex: Imperial Guard:
Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter, Mine Sweeper, Smoke Launchers, Track Guards, Extra Armour.


These are usually large stand-alone weapons, each with it’s own power source and often even self-propelled. Each usually requires specialized equipment and repair, and though sometimes seen detached to other Imperial armies they are a rare sight outside of Adeptus Mechanicus forces. Arbite precincts find them of great value in defensive situations, as they can easily turn the tide of rampaging rioters with their hail of accurate firepower.


Movement and Crew: Support Weapons have a crew (usually of two Operators) who must stay within 2” of their weapon at all times. They cannot be transported. 

Firing a Support Weapon: Only one operator is needed for normal operation; the second operator is free to fire any weapons of his own. Both the weapon and at least one Operator must have Line of Sight to the desired target. 

Shooting at a Support Weapon: When fired upon, randomise hits (1-4 = hit on operators, 5-6 = hit on the support weapon). Resolve hits against the operators as normal. A Support Weapon has an Armour value of 10 (and essentially always count as an immobilized vehicle), and if it takes any penetrating or glancing hits it is destroyed and removed from play. 

Assaulting a Support Weapon: Enemy units may Assault a support weapons in the same manner as assaulting any other unit. Any enemy models in contact with a support weapon can attack it exactly as if it was an immobilized vehicle with the same armour value and hit resolution as for shooting above. 


Tarantulas are a widely used weapon platform. Almost any Imperial weapon can be easily mounted to the chassis, and with the aid of built-in weapon-linking mechanisms they are very accurate. 

Crew: 2 Arbitrators armed with Arbite Shotguns

Weapons: You must equip each Tarantula with one of the following Linked weapon mounts:

  • Lascannon at +25 pts
  • Heavy Bolter at +15 pts
  • Autocannon at +20 points
  • Missile Launcher at +20 pts

Weapons mounted on a Tarantula are Linked, and thus form a single weapon that may re-roll missed as per the normal rules for a linked weapon.



Rapier is the common name for a variety of small tracked engines mounting multiple lasers designed to all focus together as a single strike. Known primarily as a tank-killer, the high power beam also have give it a reputation for making sure that any enemy hit stays very, very dead!

Crew: 2 Arbitrators armed with Arbite Shotguns

Weapons: Multiple Rapier Lasers in “Destroyer” Configuration

Weapon Range Str AP Type
Rapier lasers 36” 9 1 Assault 1


Rapiers are self-propelled; moving like a vehicle through difficult terrain – if immobilized though then they cannot move for rest of the game (though they can turn in place). Rapiers can Move 6” or less in Movement Phase & still fire as normal, but a Rapier moving over 6” (up to a 12” maximum movement) cannot fire. When it moves over 6 inches, the crew move with the Rapier – they hitch a lift on it as it moves, then get off within 2” of the model. Rapiers have superior targeting mechanisms, allowing you to re-roll the roll to wound or penetrate vehicle armour if you wish. You must accept result of second roll though, even if it is worse.

Alternatively, use the rules from Citadel Journal 43 and see if they work better. Be sure to indicate on battle reports which Rapier rules you use though!

All original concepts © Tim Huckelbery. Last modified 08-06-01. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer and Arbites are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.