A slight abating in the severe Warp-storms that stranded them in the first place gave them the first chance to explore their galactic surroundings. Faster-than-light starships, previously sitting idle on drawing boards for years were finally put to the test, and crewing them were a people much changed from those who had once long ago descended the planets below. Shorter and stronger, a bluff and honest people, they were surprised and not surprised to find much in common with the colonists of neighbouring systems. Soon, strong ties of kinship developed amongst themselves, and they banded into Leagues for mutual benefit.

Despite this, or perhaps because of it, they looked with no small amount of distrust to the alien races they encountered. Though there were initially ample opportunity for field testing of their adapted weaponry they were a practical people, and soon saw the value of peace. Emissaries were sent out to the enigmatic Eldar and warlike Orks, and trade agreements soon followed peace treaties. From the Eldar they learned much, advancing their archaic hydroponic technology in exchange for their knowledge of electromagnetic accelerators. Engineers found a common footing with the hyper-intelligent Ork Brain Boyz, and the mixing of Ork Powa Fields with Daewar gravitic technology later resulted in both the man-portable graviton tools which replaced plasma rock drills in Daewar mining, and huge gargant sized Lifta-Droppas. Although the Eldar often warred with the Orks, the Daewar stayed carefully neutral in such conflicts, unwilling to risk their trader status.

The colonists enjoyed this Age of Trade for over three millennia, and during such a time of peace were able to focus on development and trade. Being able to mine their mineral rich homes and trade these resources with their neighbours they became a rich people. Advances in the field of medicine combined with the algae cultures grown from the newer Eldar inspired hydroponics extended the average lifespan of the people. New technologies were developed and old ones improved, resulting in stable plasma cores and hyper-excited particle emitters. At the height of their thinking they developed a highly advanced type of starship drive; a warp core held in stasis by a null-entropy field. Although such a device would have revolutionised space travel, its developers deemed it still somewhat unstable, and thus it was not put into common use.

It was during this time that at the young age of 25, a young prodigy by the name of Dugan Mangusson created the first prototype of a new matter accelerator. Dubbed the Mag-rifle in honour of his father, the weapon used compact electromagnets to propel projectiles at armour-shattering velocities. The technology was readily adapted for use in weaponry, and improvements in lengthening the barrel and streamlining the ammunition eventually resulted in the mag-rifle which is the mainstay of Daewar armouries today.

It was also during these halcyon years that the Guild of Engineers born. A forum by which these engineers could exchange knowledge and a place were budding engineers could learn and receive training from the best minds of their people, the Guild became an important part of the people, and has remained so even until today.

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