Squat society is based on the stronghold. A stronghold may be a surviving mining community from the original colonisation, or a so-called newhold, founded when the race expanded during the latter part of the Age of Isolation and the early part of the Age of Trade.

Strongholds are self-contained, autonomous communities, ruled by a hereditary Squat Lord and an aristocratic class known as the Hearthguard. They are comparable to the city-states of early Terran cultures, and a great number of strongholds may coexist close together.

Strongholds join together into Leagues for mutual defence, trade and other dealings with the Imperium. A League may vary in size considerably; the League of Emberg, for instance, consists of four strongholds, while the powerful Kapellan League is made up of over three thousand. Each League is ruled by a High Council, comprising the Lords of each member stronghold. The High Council debates all matters which affect the League as a whole, and ratifies trade and other agreements on behalf of its member strongholds; it also serves as a court of appeal for cases which involve the death sentence.

There is no formal organization between the Leagues on any Home World, although they maintain constant communications and act together In time of war.


Traditionally, each stronghold centres around a mine and the underground settlement associated with it, although as the race expanded in the Ages of Isolation and Trade, different types of world were colonised by the Squats and some strongholds are not associated with mining activity.

Each stronghold is ruled by a hereditary Lord, who is supported by a powerful body of retainers known as the Heartbguard. It is the Hearthguard which provides the elite core of a Squat military force, as well as providing servants and advisors to the Lord himself. When the Lord takes to the battlefield in person, the Hearthguard fights as a unit under his command. In most strongholds, the Hearthguard has become an aristocracy, composed of a limited number of families or clans.

The principal military force of a Squat stronghold is its Brotherhood or War-Brethren. Each Squat has an obligation of military service to his stronghold, and can be called to serve for a period of 30-70 years in the Brotherhood. However, because Squats live long and breed slowly, a tradition requires that a Squat may not be called to the Brotherhood until he has sired and raised two sons to maturity, which in Squat terms is the age of 70 Terran Standard years. Thus, the continuity of the race is not threatened by its military activities.

When his period of service has expired, a Squat returns to his stronghold with honour (and hopefully not a little wealth). He then takes up a position of responsibility in his family's business, having reached full adulthood by virtue of his military experience.

Although the Brotherhoods are the main defence forces of the strongholds, they are far better known for their mercenary activities. In time of peace a stronghold's military forces are traded in the same way as its other resources, either to fight for the Imperium or to other strongholds. As war is an honourable profession for a Squat, these mercenary adventures are rarely resented - indeed, they are regarded as an integral part of every Squat's life.

On occasion, unscrupulous or incompetent Squat Lords have sent Brotherhoods into impossible situations, especially in the inter-League squabbles which were widespread during the Ages of Isolation and Trade. This problem has been largely resolved by the practice of placing one of the Lord's close relatives - known as a Warlord - in command of the Brotherhood, ensuring that no undue risk is taken and that the honour of the stronghold is not compromised.

Some particularly adventurous Lords may send out their stronghold's Brotherhood on expeditions, regarding these as little more than an extension of their other business activities. The term expedition' is rather loosely defined, and these ventures can range from a search for a stronghold that was wiped out in the Age of Wars, to an expansionist action against alien races, to a full-blown campaign of piracy. Some Brotherhoods have turned to buccaneering as a profession, amassing wealth for an honourable return home, the booty being distributed between the pirates themselves and the Lord of their stronghold. Squat Reavers, as they art known, are strange by normal Human standards - their single-minded attention is directed purely on financial gain, and they will attack any worthwhile target with grim and implacable resolve, but completely without prejudice or malice.

In the Age of Rediscovery, the Squat Home Worlds have undertaken to provide the Imperium with a tithe, which takes the form of Brotherhoods being sent to serve with the Imperial Guard, or indeed as complete Squat forces under the Imperial banner. Space Marines are noted for their intolerance to Abhuman races, whom they see as tainted and genetically impure, and the Administratum will not generally post Squat troops to areas where they will be in close contact with Marines.


Like so much of Squat culture, the Engineers Guild traces its origins back to the Age of Isolation. Squats as a whole developed a considerable technical expertise in order to survive without support from Terra, and there was a regular traffic between strongholds in mechanical supplies and techniques. From this traffic arose a distinct class of travelling engineer, moving constantly between strongholds, spreading knowledge and solving technical problems. The Guild arose to protect these individuals, who often found themselves caught up in inter-League wars a long way from their native strongholds.

The Guild soon developed into a real power throughout Squat society, and Engineers enjoy a considerable prestige. The most gifted offspring of each stronghold are inducted into the Guild at an early age, and intensively trained in all aspects of technology, engineering and machine maintenance. Although a Squat is not deemed to have reached maturity until the age of 70, gifted youngsters may join the Guild at 40 or even 30 years of age, though in doing so they must renounce all family ties and rights to inheritance.

The Guild is by no means as rigidly structured as the mainstream of Squat society. Ability counts for everything, and age, birth and background are of no account. The Engineers see themselves as unencumbered by petty traditions, while most stronghold Squats would describe them as disorganised and anarchic.

The Engineers Guild is sub-divided into a number of Lodges, each with its own leadership, symbols, customs and rituals. Clothing, equipment and vehicles tend to be marked with the symbol of the Lodge rather than that of the Guild, although all Squat Engineers wear the Guild symbol of a hammer as a pendant. The technical jargon of the Engineers Guild varies slightly from Lodge to Lodge; an Engineer from one Lodge can make himself understood by a member of another Lodge if he wishes, or can make use of his Lodge dialect so that an outsider cannot understand him when he discusses technical matters.

Each Squat stronghold has an enclave of Guildsmen, even though individual Engineers come and go as they please or as the Guild orders. The Engineers renounce all stronghold allegiances on joining the Guild, and do not mix a great deal with the other Squats of a stronghold. Sometimes, an Engineer may leave the Guild and join a stronghold through marriage - even so, his sons will almost certainly join the Guild in their turn. And while Guild members may attach themselves to a particular stronghold for years or even generations, they move on at will, and owe their true allegiance to the Guild alone.

Squat Engineers have a very characteristic appearance, which to Human eyes seems to contradict the high esteem in which they are held by the rest of their race. They wear no helmets and their hair is grown long, being either tied or greased back. They favour well-worn leathers and other hard-wearing working clothes, with tough monkey boots, usually scuffed by the constant knocks and battering they take. Many Engineers add bandanas and mirror shades or goggles to their outfit, often jauntily pushing their goggles up onto their foreheads. They travel light, not generally bothering with anything they cannot carry on the bikes and trikes which are as much a status symbol as a means of transport.

Because of their wandering lifestyle, Engineers are more adventurous than the bulk of Squats, are often found serving with Brotherhoods on the battlefield, or even hiring themselves and their machines out on a mercenary basis, working throughout Imperial space and beyond. Individual Squat Engineers with impressive reputations may be directly recruited by the Imperium, and some have been known to reach senior positions within the Adeptus Mechanicus.


The typical lifespan for a Squat is about 300 years. A small proportion of the population, however, reaches the age of 400, and once a Squat has lived this long, his chance of longevity is drastically increased - lifespans of 800 years are common among this group, and there are some individuals whose true age can only be guessed at.

This small proportion of the Squat population which lives to great old age is treated with enormous respect, being known as Living Ancestors or Spirit Lords; they are treated as living members of the ancestor group which forms the basis of Squat religion. Their long lives have filled them with wisdom, and they are their Lord's most respected and trusted advisors.

Also, at about the age of 500, certain physiological changes begin to occur. As age begins to sap their speed and strength, they develop an incredible degree of mental and physical resilience, along with certain psychic powers. The fact that psychic powers are practically unknown amongst other Squats makes the Living Ancestors doubly venerated. These psychic powers come from their spiritual closeness to the dead ancestors of their clan, which they tap as a source of psychic energy. Their strength as psykers is directly related to the prestige and honour of the stronghold's ancestors, and the higher the status of the ancestors the more powerful are the Living Ancestors.

When a Squat reaches Living Ancestor status, he surrenders his name and his goods to his descendants, just as if he had actually passed on. A funeral ritual is held by his clan, and the new Living Ancestor goes to live with others of his kind.

As well as advising the Lord of their stronghold, the Living Ancestors often accompany the Brotherhood in battle providing defensive psychic support and advising the Warlord.


Squat forces may be found on the battlefield in a number of circumstances.

They may be serving with Imperial Guard forces or the forces of a Rogue Trader, to take part in an Imperial conflict as part of their Home Worlds' tithe of service to the Imperium. As well as using single Brotherhoods to fight alongside other Human and Abhuman troops, the Imperium uses complete Squat armies to impose its will.

Squats may be fighting on their own account, defending their stronghold or taking part in an inter-League dispute or other local conflict - given the volatile temperament of most Squats, it is not unusual for Brotherhoods of adjacent strongholds to go to war, fighting for territory, mineral wealth or over some slight to the honour of the stronghold.

They may have been hired out by their Lord as a mercenary force to serve in some foreign conflict, although they will not generally serve alongside Orkoids or Eldar unless they have turned to Chaos. Squat mercenaries can also be found serving with Imperial forces, or with other Squats - it is traditional for Lords to hire their forces back and forth to serve in each others' conflicts.

They may have been sent out as Reavers by their Lord, or may have taken to buccaneering of their own accord.

Regardless of the circumstances, the Brotherhood organization remains the same.

There are four main troop types in any Squat force: the Hearthguard, the Brotherhood, the Engineers Guild and Living Ancestors.


To guard against the misuse of Brotherhood troops by unscrupulous stronghold Lords, a Brotherhood force is, always led by a close relative of the Lord, known as the Warlord. Under his personal command is a unit of the Hearthguard, drawn from the Lord's loyal retainers, who form an aristocratic class in the stronghold.

The Hearthguard is a warrior elite, and their status is reflected in their fondness for lavishly-ornamented gold jewellery. Belts, buckles, chains, pieces of armour and even weapons are decorated with traditional designs in gold and other precious metals, and a Hearthguard's prowess is displayed in the form of these decorative items.

It is traditional for a Lord to present a Hearthguard with a gift in recognition of valour and loyalty, which is nearly always specially made - sometimes by the hand of the Lord himself, the highest of honours - and is often decorated with scenes of the event which it commemorates. These trophies are handed down from father to son, and a leading member of a long-established Hearthguard family can be expected to take the field resplendent with priceless antique jewellery. Unlike the normal Squat principle of succession, where everything passes to the heirs on a Squat's death, a Hearthguard cannot inherit his dead father's jewellery and trophies until he has won his first trophy on his own account; he then inherits his father's name, along with his full panoply of jewellery and equipment. The adopted name of a Hearthguard commemorates the greatest deed of his father, and will remind him and his companions of his ancestor's fame.

Because of their richly decorated equipment and other trophies, the Hearthguard are very individual in their appearance, and do not wear any kind of uniform. Each Squat's equipment and jewellery tells of his own deeds and those of his forebears, and the Hearthguard vie with each other in the distinctiveness and splendour of their appearance. Archaic and mediaeval styles are very popular, with lavish decoration in traditional patterns. It has often been remarked that a Warlord and his Hearthguard on their motorbikes bear more than a passing resemblance to the armoured knights on horseback who may be found in many mediaeval cultures.

Rather like the knights of mediaeval worlds, Warlords and Hearthguard often have magnificent suits of exo-armour, all-enclosing, sealed and self-powered environment suits built for them by the Engineers Guild. Like other Hearthguard equipment, exo-armour is handed down from father to son, and is perhaps the proudest status symbol of the Squat military aristocracy.

One detail which is common to the whole of the Hearthguard is the stylised image of a Squat face, which appears on armour, helmets, pendants and other pieces of jewellery. This is an image associated with Squat ancestor- worship, representing the spirits of the ancestors watching over their descendants.


The bulk of a Brotherhood's troops are those who are referred to simply as 'Brotherhood'. These troops lack the individuality of the Hearthguard, wearing the colours and insignia of the Brotherhood as a uniform. Squats prefer muted colours reminiscent of the rocks and sands of their Home Worlds: browns, greys and greens are popular in varying shades and mixtures, as are black, white and deep red - it is common for seams and piping to be picked out in a contrasting colour.

Those Brotherhoods who are sent out reaving tend to be more individual in their dress; in most cases they wear their own clothing rather than a uniform, so that their home stronghold cannot be identified. However, Squats who have made a career out of piracy are as flamboyant, in their own way, as the most ostentatious Hearthguard. Often they will adopt distinctive uniforms and colours, so that they are immediately recognisable; in this way, their fearsome reputation does half their work for them.

Brotherhood troops are generally armed with lasguns, but the Squats have a characteristic fondness for heavy firepower, and heavy bolters are a favourite weapon. Most squads will have at least one heavy weapon, and sometimes an entire squad may be equipped with heavy weapons. Since no Squat would consider himself fully dressed without at least one sidearm, it is not unusual for Squats to go about armed to the teeth as a matter of course. Most citizens of the Imperium carry a sidearm and a blade weapon as part of their standard dress, but Squats are renowned as particularly fond of weaponry. This fondness is reinforced by the hostile environments in which they are usually raised, where dangerous flora and fauna, and the constant threat of Ork and Eldar raids, encourages even the youngest of Squats to pack a few hand guns and something loud and heavy on his bike.


Just as the Engineers Guild has a constant, if shifting, presence in each Squat stronghold, so most Brotherhoods are accompanied by some Engineers Guild troops. Engineers wear a personalised uniform' of leathers over T-shirts or singlets, with individual decoration such as fringes and studs. Lodge symbols, and the universal hammer symbol of the Engineers Guild, are worn instead of stronghold and Brotherhood badges. Guildmasters are more elaborately dressed, usually wearing heavy and ornate chains of office.

Apart from their dress, the other most distinctive feature of Squat Engineers is their motorbike and trikes. These are universally favoured by Engineers as a personal transport, and some have been adapted for battlefield use by the addition of weapon mounts. The Engineers make more extensive use of bikes on the battlefield than almost any other troop type.


Living Ancestors take the field in small numbers with Squat forces, drawn from either the stronghold or from the Engineers Guild, to provide sage advice for the leaders and psychic support for the warriors. Their psychic abilities concentrate on defence, but they are by not entirely incapable of attack. Living Ancestors are distinguished by their high-collared robes, with collars rising above their heads, and their ornate neck-chains.

Living Ancestors from the same stronghold always have the same level of power. Their psychic energy is directly tapped from the stronghold's ancestor spirits, and their power varies with the prestige and status of these spirits.

All original concepts © Krinos. Last modified 06-10-01. Disclaimer: This website is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer, Squat, Astronomicon and Skaven are trademarks of Games Workshop Limited,and are used without permission. No challenge to their status is intended.