Part Eight:

Rating: Taking into consideration everything that's allowed in a PG-13 movie, that's what I'll rate this part. There's a lot of cursing and a fistfight.

Arianna awoke when the bedroom door banged open. She was disoriented for a moment and didn't remember where she was. The sight of an enraged Zaid at the doorway brought back the memories, but she didn't have time to think about anything. Things were moving too quickly. Zaid was yanking Ash out of the bed and hoisting him onto his feet. Ash was, of course, protesting, but Zaid paid him no mind and proceeded to drag him out of the room and down the hallway.

"What the hell is wrong with them?" Arianna inquired of the empty room. Then her body snapped into action and she jumped up and ran after them. The front door was banging shut. She went through it and out onto the porch. Ash and Zaid were standing in the driveway, snarling at each other, fangs extended. Arianna had never seen vampires fight, and she didn't really want to right now.

"Excuse me, children," she called.

Zaid whirled around and snarled at her. Her eyes widened and her chest tightened in fear. He looked even less human than usual. He looked…bestial. Then his face changed and went back to normal.

"Arianna," he said, in an obvious struggle to be patient. "Go back into the house. This does not concern you."

"Don't grind your teeth Zaid, it might ruin your fangs," Ash commented.

"Shut up before I rip your fucking throat out!" Zaid yelled savagely.

"Zaid, this does concern me," Arianna said. "It's because of me. But right now listen to what I'm saying, because I'm telling you the truth - nothing happened."

"Really, cousin, don't you think I would be acting a little differently if anything had happened?" Ash asked. "Besides, you're too old for her, anyway. What are you getting all over-protective for?"

Zaid's eyes narrowed. "Because I know you," he said. "Because I know how you are."

Ash's mouth hardened and he glared at his cousin.

Curiouser and curiouser, Arianna thought. "How are you, Ash?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, thanks," he answered.

She pulled her sneaker off and threw it at him. She didn't even remember putting them on. "You know damn well what I mean!"

"Why don't you ask him, since he knows me so well!" Ash yelled back, pointing at Zaid. He tossed her sneaker back at her. She caught it, but didn't put it back on, just in case she felt the need to throw it again.

"Do you really want me to tell her, Ash?" Zaid inquired. "Are you sure you want her to know?"

"Shut up!" Ash roared, hurling himself at his cousin. He caught Zaid with a strong right hook to the jaw. Zaid regained his balance quickly, though, and drove a fist into Ash's stomach and his mouth. Ash growled, and his eyes seemed to glow red before he went for Zaid's throat. He had one hand around Zaid's neck when Zaid kicked him in the leg. Ash released his grip and jumped back. They stood glaring at each other, still for the moment, until Ash's eyes narrowed and Zaid fell to the floor, hands holding his head.

Arianna had almost reached them. She stopped short when she saw Zaid fall all of a sudden. Then she ran to him. "Stay down!" she yelled. This had to stop. They'd kill each other. But Zaid ignored her, and got to his knees. He looked past her, at Ash, and his eyebrow twitched. Arianna heard Ash's curse and turned to look at him. He held a hand to his forehead and had one knee on the driveway.

"Fuck you." Ash spat some blood onto the concrete.

Zaid wiped his lip where it had split open. "Nobody told you to bring your psychic powers into this. We could've had a nice, clean fistfight. But no, you wanted to get fancy."

"You know I don't like being kicked."

"Yeah, I know."

"Just shut up, both of you!" Arianna yelled.

"Yes, do shut up."

All three looked towards where the voice had come from. Sterling Redfern stood on the porch, wearing a red silk bathrobe. She did not look happy.

"I want all of you to go into the house right now," she said. "I don't even care what the hell this is all about. It just has to stop." With that she turned and walked through the door.

Arianna stood up and followed her. She disappeared into the house without a backward glance at Ash or Zaid.

Alone, Zaid and Ash glared at each other. Then Zaid burst out laughing. Ash eyed him uneasily. What was he up to?

Zaid got up and walked over to Ash. He was still chuckling. He extended a hand to help Ash up. Ash declined the offer and got to his feet unaided. "What the hell are you laughing at?" he asked.

"You're getting stronger, little cousin," Zaid declared, slapping Ash's back. "Good fight. It was fun." Then he walked up the porch steps, leaving Ash staring after him.

Ash shook his head and wondered if this insanity was a family trait that he should be worried about.

Arianna studied the people seated around the kitchen table. Sterling appeared tired and annoyed. Zaid was smiling pleasantly. Ash kept giving his cousin strange looks.

Sterling glanced at her son's grinning face. "I assume the problem has been resolved?" Zaid nodded. She looked at Ash. He nodded after a slight hesitation. "Arianna?"

"Oh, I'm fine," Arianna said. "I have no problems."

"Good." Sterling pushed back her chair and stood. "Okay, we're finished here. Go about your business." She left the room.

"You're mom's cool," Arianna told Zaid.

"Yeah," he agreed.

"So you didn't get this madness from her side of the family," Ash muttered. "That means I don't have to worry about going crazy!" Zaid raised an eyebrow at him before he got to his feet.

"I'm going over to my friend's garage," he said. "I need to work on my car. I'll see you guys later." He walked down the hallway into his bedroom and closed the door. Ash and Arianna were left in the kitchen.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Now we call Quinn and hope we can get through to him. I have at least five numbers for him in Boston alone."

"How do you know which one to use?"

"I don't." Ash smiled. "Use your witch powers and tell me where he is." He got a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen and wrote five phone numbers on it. He pushed the paper at Arianna.

She stared at the numbers, clearing her mind. Quinn, she thought. Show me where he is. She felt the pull of one of the numbers, stronger than that of the others. She was drawn to it.

"That one." She pointed at the last set of numbers. "Try calling that one."

Without hesitation, Ash picked up the cordless phone from the counter and dialed.