Summary of The Guardian:

The story is called The Guardian. It is about Arianna Blaze (a character created by me, who can not be used without my permission) and her soulmate, a character created by LJ Smith, who holds all the rights to him. The last battle is coming, and it is up to Arianna to protect the fighters of that battle. After part 20 of The Guardian the flashback of Arianna's past begins. It is almost a separate story in itself, but it is part of The Guardian. It is called Blazing Memories, and it is Arianna telling her past to someone (read it all and you'll see who), but in third person. After she finishes telling this story it returns to the present, which is The Guardian, to the exact same place when it stopped off, only a few hours later. In terms of rating, each part has its own, but overall there's some profanity and violence, so if you feel you can handle it, go right ahead. If cursing and the mention of blood bothers you, then I suggest you go read Journey Through the Salmagundi, which is the only thing in this site without any of that. (That picture to the left has nothing to do with the story; I just thought it looked cool.)

The Guardian


Blazing Memories - The History of Arianna Blaze Thank You's

NOTE: At the moment, this is all there is of The Guardian and its subplot, Blazing Memories. I've decided to re-do the whole thing and then continue it. Seeing as this story is so damn long, and I have almost no free time to speak of, progress is slow. As soon as I am done, the complete and revised version will be put up on this page. More info here.