Part Fifteen:

Rating: R, violence

Gabriel Wolfe walked down the street with a single bookbag slung over his shoulder. He tried to look inconspicuous. His freedom relied on his ability to blend.

Not that there was anyone around to blend in with. He glanced at his surroundings. The entire area seemed deserted. He wasn't even sure where he was. He knew he was somewhere in Miami, but that was it.

Something was going on in the alley up ahead. Gabriel melted into the shadows and crept forward to have a look. A girl with long brown hair was fighting a blond man. She was doing pretty well, for a girl, but Gabriel could see that she was going to lose. The man was an unusually good fighter, and he was stronger and faster than she was. Gabriel kept walking. He had enough problems in his own life to worry about without getting mixed up in someone else's.

Just then he heard the sound of fabric being ripped violently, followed by a girl's muffled scream.

Gabriel dropped his bookbag, turned around, and ran back to the alley.

Arianna was trying to bite the hand that covered her mouth when, miraculously, the man on top of her was tackled from the side. He's off, she thought. The knife!

Arianna flipped over and threw herself towards where her switchblade had landed. Her fingers closed around the smooth wooden handle, and she grasped it tightly, snapping it open with a flick of her wrist. She turned. Someone had just punched her attacker in the face. That's when things went into slow motion.

Arianna watched as the blond man's body pivoted. He was thrown off-balance, in her direction. Clutching the knife, she swung her arm out in a wide arc. She saw the blade enter the man's throat and slice through it. The man's eyes widened and his scream was cut short as his larynx was severed. Blood spurted out of his neck, splattering her. Then the man fell, landing heavily in front of her. A puddle of dark red liquid formed quickly underneath him. Arianna got to her feet and faced her savior, her guardian angel who had finally decided to show himself today.

She found herself staring at a tall boy with black hair and one of the most gorgeous faces she had ever seen.