Part Seventeen:

Rating: PG, with one curse.

Call me, Rob said before leaving Gabriel’s mind.

Gabriel snapped the link and pulled the plug on the energy he was taking from Arianna. He opened his eyes and removed his forehead from Arianna’s.

Her eyelids fluttered and remained shut. Then her body went limp and she began to fall into Gabriel’s lap. He caught her, and looked at Ash. Both boys wore alarmed expressions.

“What’s wrong with her?” Ash asked anxiously.

Gabriel glanced at the unconscious girl in his arms. “She’s drained,” he said. “Shit! I should have been more careful! I used too much energy-”

“She’ll be fine,” Ash cut in. “A little blood will restore her.”

“Bite me,” Gabriel said savagely, thrusting his wrist at Ash.

Ash’s slightly tilted eyes widened. “Literally?”

“Yes. Do it now.”

Figuring this was no time to argue, Ash lengthened his fangs until they indented his bottom lip. He pulled Gabriel’s wrist to his mouth and delicately sliced the skin covering the light blue veins running underneath it. He resisted the urge to drink, and not a drop of the dark, sweet liquid entered his mouth. He released Gabriel’s arm.

The dark haired boy immediately pressed his wrist to Arianna’s parted lips. After a few stressful moments, he felt her begin to swallow the blood that poured into her mouth. He relaxed. She would be okay.

All of a sudden Arianna grabbed his arm and began to drink greedily. Gabriel waited patiently, but after a few seconds her eyes flew open and she shoved his wrist away.

Speaking around her still extended fangs, she yelled, “Why did you do that? That’s twice today I’ve drank your blood. I didn’t need it!”

Gabriel shrugged. “I can take it. Besides-” He jabbed her shoulder with his finger. “-you weren’t in any position to be making decisions for yourself, so I made it for you. Who else but me has that right?” He sat back satisfied, waiting to see if she would disagree after she had already told him that in case of emergencies, she was to be placed in his care.

“Forget about me,” Arianna said shortly. “It’s Mary-Lynnette now. I have to call Rob back.” She got the cellular phone and dialed. Rob and his southern drawl answered.

“What’s going on with her, Rob?” Arianna asked.

“She’s not doing well, but from what I know of transformations, the first exchange of blood should restore her while it kills her, keeping her alive until the third time. But it all must be done quickly.” He paused. “Arianna, she has a severe concussion, and internal bleeding. You have to wake her up to do the transfusion. Work as fast as you can. Good luck.”

“Thanks, Rob. Later.” Arianna ended the call and snapped the phone shut. “Ash!” she said urgently. “We’ve gotta wake her up and do the exchange. Let’s go!”

“Uh, Ari?” Ash’s eyes were once again filled with fear. “She won’t wake up.”

“What do you mean she won’t wake up?” Arianna asked. “Sure she will. All she needs is a little mental suggestion. Do you want to do it, or should I?”

Ash looked sick. “You do it.”

“Fine.” Arianna shrugged. In her mind, she gathered a small amount of energy - enough to shock Mary-Lynnette awake, but not enough to do any damage - and shot it out at her, finding Mary-Lynnette submerged deep in her subconscious.

Mary-Lynnette! Arianna yelled, sending a mental blast at the sleeping girl. Wake up, now! Then, both she and Mary-Lynnette were thrown into the conscious world, and Mary-Lynnette’s eyes flew open. She gasped.

“Good. You’re awake. Let’s get this show on the road.” Arianna smiled sweetly. “Mary-Lynnette? Welcome to the Night World.”