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Augusta Spiritualist Church


Church Rededication 2000


The following talk was given by Pat Wallace at the rededication ceremony On March 5, 2000 at The Augusta Spiritualist Church.


By Pat Wallace:

The Augusta Spiritualists formed The Sunflower Club in 1905, meeting at the home of Miss Emma Boyton  on lower State Street. About Three years later they changed it's name to The Progressive Spiritual Society and held their meetings in the Grand Army Hall in Augusta.

In 1911, the Church  became Incorporated and NSAC issued a Charter. Through the generosity of Georgie Staples Davis, this church was able to be built. At her death she left a sum of money in trust to be used for the care of her brother during his lifetime and then to be used to erect a fitting Temple for the Society. The monies became available to the Society in 1922. A site was chosen and construction began in the Fall of 1923.   Mrs. Davis passed to spirit Nov.16, 1910.

The first service in the Temple was held March 2nd, 1924. 

At this first service a flag was gifted to the church by the Androscoggin Spiritualist Society of Auburn, presented by Robert T. Fuller. It was declared that the Augusta Society was the first ones to display an American Flag in their meeting place.

A Dedication Poem was written and presented by then President Arthur W. Stewart.
In Memoriam
    By Arthur W. Stewart

Friends of Earth, this  day  we gather
A milestone on the way  to place,
That shall mark through coming ages
Progression for the human race.

For as you builded us a temple
For communion with the loved of earth
We'll returned to help and guide you,
Of blessings there should be no dearth.

We will bring to you, our children,
Knowledge from the land of leal,
Bob the laws of God and nature
Which loving kindness will reveal.

Proof of the fact that Spirit loved ones
Have only passed beyond the veil,
Though you see them not, they still are with you,
And all your doubts and fears assail.

We will show to you ,our brethren,
That the road to joy and peace
Is doing good to all God's creatures,
In loving kindness never cease.

We'll prove to you that always
If for the end; search you would,
You'll find that seeming  evil
Is but undeveloped good.

That as Infinite Intelligence,
This mighty universe has planned,
All things shall work together
And rise off all at truths command.

Now as we close, friends of the earth life,
We wish you much of joy and piece;
With blessings from the psychic world
And happiness that near shall cease.
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There have been many..many…who have contributed greatly to the service of Spiritualism and have passed through our doors. We wish to thank all of them. Those still in their earthly lives, as well as those with us in Spirit. And they are with us. 

We became aware recently that many newer members have no idea of the history of this church and have started to correct this by having this dedication ceremony.

At this time we would like each of you to join us in our dedication to service. As we light the candles…please repeat with me:

We dedicate this church and ourselves to the loving works of Infinite Intelligence.

(repeat three times, at least until all have been lit.)

There are many names available through the records but still there are gaps. We have compiled the history the best we could but because of the gaps, we would appreciate any input. The books of old newspaper clippings and other pertinent information , as well as pictures, ( and many we are unaware of the names)  will be on display. Because of the duality of years elected there may appear to be discrepancies but the general idea of history is there. It is important that this history be kept here at the church for future generations and added to yearly. So please feel free to look but be careful of any delicate papers. Anyone who can add to the more personal information, we would be happy to include such information.

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