February 1993
Signed and personalised 5½x3½ black/white photograph
accompanied by a CV with note on reverse.

March 1993
Signed and personalised 10x8 black/white Blood From The Mummy's Tomb
photograph and signed and personalised
10x8 colour Mummy's Tomb photograph
(both my own).

April 1994
Signed and personalised 10x8
black/white Carry On Again Doctor photograph and signed and
personalised 10x8
black/white No Sex Please, We're British photograph
(both my own).

June 1995
Signed Film Review magazine cover (December 1973) - shows Carry On Girls and
signed Film Review magazine cover (February 1974).
Signed 6x4 colour Carry On Up The Jungle photograph,
3 signed 6x4 black/white Mummy's Tomb photographs,
signed 6x4 colour Mummy's Tomb photograph,
2 signed 6x4 colour photographs,
signed 6x4 black/white photograph and
accompanying handwritten letter.
(Photos and magazine covers my own.)
July 1996
Signed10x8 black/white Carry On Again Doctor photo,
signed 10x8 colour Blood From The Mummy's Tomb photo,
signed and personalised 10x8 black/white Mummy's Tomb photo,
signed 10x8 black/white Mummy's Tomb photo,
2 signed 10x8 colour photos and
signed and personalised colour Mummy's Tomb photo.

November 1996
Signed and personalised 20x16 colour posterprint
and signed and personalised panto playbill.
February 1999
Signed 10x8 colour Blood From the Mummy's Tomb photo,
signed Mummy's Tomb postcard,
signed and personalised 10x8 black/white Pink Panther photo,
signed and personalised 10x8 colour Mummy's Tomb photo,
signed and personalised 10x8 black/white photo
and signed 6 Carry On postcards.
