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Listen to Faint by Linkin Park.


My life was soooooooo boring, that I thought, Hey! Why don't I share it with the whole world?!

What's New?

August 6th, 2003 11:08 AM
Hey everyone! 'm sorry I haven't been adding things onto my site as I normally do, my computer has a virus on it, so Internet Explorer won't lemme edit anymore, but since my DVD player program can also go online to sites, I can do it again! Yay! I'll do a lil bitt more now, okay? Later everyone!

Wow...Australia and New Zealand was AWESOME!!!!!! I loved it, it was soooooo kool, and the people that were there....I met alot of new people, and I'll remember most of them from pictures...too badd we can't live in the same city...but Oh Well. We'll keep in Touch. School starts next first year in High I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!!!!!! Well, I do and I don' know the deal. Well, I'm gonna jett. Later!


Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.