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From Europe to America

Photo Gallery



John and Elizebeth Ettmire, my great,

great, great grandparents.



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John Whipple and sibilings.

left to right: Frank Lemont, Thomas C. Hettie, Ann Corkan, Charles, John (my great, great grandfather.) 




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Whipple Family circa 1920


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standing left to right:

Aaron Stewart, Thomas T. Whipple, John Corkan, James Corkan, Frank Lemont Whipple, Gertrude Whipple Hendrickson, Hettie Ann Whipple Corkan, Mary Whipple Vogel, Thomas Christopher Whipple, John Whipple(my great great grandfather), Katherine Ettmire Whipple (my great great grandmother), Viola Brown, (?).


Charles Whipple (with paper and bowtie), Willie Stewart (with straw hat), Edward T. Whipple (my great grandfather, with open coat holding little girl). 



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Plains Church Cranberry Township, PA.