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Author: Baby Blues E-mail: purely_blissful@hotmail.com Rated: NC-17 Disclaimer: Characters not ours, but the story is. Summary: An Alternative Universe. Angelus enters a world of complete chaos and madness. (Inspired by Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrty” video and song.) A very small crossover with Queen of the Damned. Yes, once again . . . *sigh* A little Halloween treat for EVERYONE! I hope you guys enjoy! Note: I have a really good sequel to this, but let me know if you guys think I should write one or if I should leave it at this? I’ll probably have the sequel up around my birthday and it’ll be like this one, no chapters. Anyhow, e-mail me with what you guys think I should do. Sequel or no sequel? Dedication: To Chris, ’cause I hate him . . . but I love him. God, guys are so God damn complicated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Dirrty~ *Christina Aguilera* //Dirrty Filthy Nasty Christina . . . ya nasty (Yeah) Too dirrty to clean my act up (Ha ha) If you ain't dirrty . . . you ain't here to party! Ladies move, gentlemen move Somebody ring the alarm A fire on the roof Ring the alarm (And I'm throwin’ elbows) I said ring the alarm (And I'm throwin’ elbows) Ring the alarm (And I'm throwin’ elbows)// New York City. A place of complete chaos and utter madness. A place where people rushed from here to there, crowding onto the sidewalks like a herd of cattle; like a school of fish battling against the tide. Their faces were mostly a blur, melding onto one another as though neither of them were as greatly important as the next. Always rushing, always busy this city was. The buildings towered over each other, loomed above my 6’1 form like great metal giants, sleeping quietly and still. They covered the sun with the help of the grey clouds that overwhelmed the sky with its dullness, producing only a crisp chill that could be blocked out with a simple sweater or wind breaker. Something I lacked, and was probably stuffed deep into one of my duffel bags. “Need help with those?” I turned to find a pretty brunette grinning up at me with a look of carnality and wickedness. She was dressed all in black and shiny leather. Her brown eyes matched her shadowy eye make-up, and her lips were coated with dark red lipstick that shone like fresh blood. The only thing she was missing was a whip and she could’ve worked out the entire look as a dominatrix. “If you’re up to it,” I answered her wearily. After all, this was New York, and there's a lot of crazy people running around who knew who was an outsider, a tourist, and ready to grab your bags and run off with valuable stuff. She gave out a laugh. “I’m part of the Welcome Wagon here at NYU,” she explained, “Faith Ashton, at your service,” she greeted, eyes twinkling with mischief. “I’m gonna be showing you to your room and give you a tour of your new school.” I frowned. “You don’t look as though you should be part of the ‘Welcome Wagon’ as you call it.” “It’s called ‘Dean’s Probation List,’ ” she replied and flipped her thick brown hair away as though she was proud of it, “I’m on his top ten list . . . among other things,” she chuckled. I lifted a brow. I could only imagine what that other top ten list was. Before I could retort back, Faith had picked up one of my bags, the smallest and lightest one at that, and was already heading up the stairs. “Let’s go, Dorothy,” she called behind her back. “I’m from Georgia,” I yelled after her grumpily. “Whatever, Farm Boy,” was her reply. I sighed and picked up my bags, running after her. “So, what’s a small town Southern Gentleman like you doing in New York City.” “How did you know?” I asked a bit defensively. I tried to blend in. I really did. “That you’re not from around here?” she smirked and looked at me up and down, making me a bit self conscious, “The nicely fitted blue jeans, and not to mention the dull orange Abercrombie & Fitch shirt. It kinda gave you away . . . only a little bit,” she said sarcastically. “This is NYC, baby . . . not Hollywood. If you wanna stay alive and mix in with the crowd, keep your Rodeo Drive, upper class, name brand clothes at the very back of your closet. That or burn them.” “They cost too much,” I replied, causing her to laugh. “You didn’t answer my question though,” Faith said, pushing the Up button of the elevator. “About why I’m here?” I shrugged, “I wanted to be elsewhere. Somewhere more fun . . . exciting . . . “ “Dangerous?” she asked just as the elevator dinged open. I nodded hesitantly, mentally asking myself if that was also one of my reasons. Danger. It was something I had always lacked in my life. Danger . . . and the thrill of it, experiencing it. Yes, maybe it was part of the many reason why he left Georgia to attend and finish up college here at NYU. “Sixteen,” Faith told the young boy who had gotten onto the elevator with them. “Here’s your room key,” she said, handing him a simple silver key with a key chain that had his name on it, “Don’t lose that. It costs 20 bucks for a replacement and hell with your roommates and RA. People aren’t very considerate when it comes to barging into dorm rooms and stealing your shit.” “I asked for a single dorm,” I told her. “Oh, then you won’t get a beating from your rm’s after all,” she said, stepping out of the elevator with me following her. “Remember, floor 16, room number 618. It’s not gonna be my problem if ya get lost,” she said leaning against the door of my room. “Thanks,” I mumbled. She looked up at me thoughtfully. “You really want danger?” she asked and then pulled out a small card from her back pocket. “Come tonight at the club . . . if you’re up to it . . . “ she said, handing the small card to me. “And we’ll see how much danger you can handle,” she smirked and walked away. I frowned. “Hey! How about the tour! I still need to get my schedule,” I called after her. She never once looked back. “You’re a smart boy, you’ll figure it out,” she replied with a small chuckle. //Ooh, I'm overdue Gimme some room, I'm comin' through Paid my dues, I'm in the mood Me and my girls gonna shake the room DJ's spinnin (show your hands) And let's get dirrty (that's my jam) I need that (Ugh!) to get me off Sweatin' till my clothes come off It's explosive, speakers are thumpin' Still jumpin', 6 in the morning Table dancin', glasses are crashin' No question, time for some action!// I stared at the card in my hand with a simple shiny black background and the words “The Underground” beneath a black, white, and red drawing of a sinister looking ringmaster holding a sharp cane in his right hand, seemingly presenting the title with a daring glare and stance. “Third alley off the corner of Time Square. Where the rats live and where it smells like roses . . . ” I muttered under my breath. Wherever that was, weird place to have a club. Weren’t alleys reserved for the homeless, the dead prostitutes, and weird men who ate rats? And when did alleys start smelling like roses? I began to wonder . . . “Hello there! Liam O’Connor?” a breathless student stood panting besides me. “Yeah?” I asked, studying the rather nerdy looking man. Tall and lanky, dressed casually in a light pink button up shirt, black slacks, shiny black dress shoes, and a pair of reading glasses. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he stated exasperatedly with a prominent English accent, “They told me you’d be outside the building waiting, but no one was there by the name of Liam.” He sighed and reached out his hand. “Wesley Wyndam Pryce. I’m one of the student guides here at NYU.” I frowned. “Some girl showed me up here. She said she was my guide. Faith Ashton or something,” I told him. Wesley blanched. “I take it you know her,” I stated slowly. “Know her?” Wesley fumed a bit, “She nearly killed me once!” I frowned again. “Nearly killed you?” I asked in a confused tone, “Literally or . . . figuratively speaking? ‘Cause she seemed harmless to me,” I shrugged. He stared at me as though I had grown an extra head. “As harmless as a bloody cobra is what she is,” Wesley nodded, “Trust me, Liam . . . “ “Angelus.” “What?” “Just call me Angelus. It’s a nickname my mom gave me and . . . I’ve just grown on it.” “Right,” he looked at me strangely, “If you want to live a rather normal life here in New York City, stay away from Faith Ashton and her gang. They’ll bring nothing but trouble in your life.” “Why? Are they drug dealers or something?” I asked sarcastically as I shoved my key inside my dorm lock and prepared to battle with the rusty old thing. “Possibly, but worse.” I opened the door with success. “Let me guess, they’re part of . . . a famous New York mafia?” “Again, possibly, but not even close,” he said and helped me haul my bags inside the small, but spacious room. “Well then I give up,” I sighed, looking out of my window to look down at the busy street below me. “They’re part of a group, some say a cult. A . . . a secret society. And who knows what they do, but it’s dangerous.” “Why? Has anyone died?” I asked curiously. “Well . . . not that I know of, but . . . “ “But nothing,” I grinned at him. “You’ve probably just heard some rumor started by people who got a little freaked with the way the girl dressed. It happens all the time. It doesn’t mean anything,” I assured him as I began to study the small bathroom and the tinier closet. “Doesn’t mean anything?” Wesley nearly shouted at me as he stood by the door, staring at me incredulously, “Would you like me to show you the scars she gave me when she was torturing me with a bloody butcher knife and a box of matches!” “Not really,” I looked at him in shock. I shook my head. “Why would she do that?” I asked him. “Because she’s a psychopath!” he yelled aggregately. “Listen, it doesn’t matter.” Wesley gaped at me and I quickly tried to redeem myself, “I mean, not what happened to you ‘cause, of course, that matters . . . a lot, but about Faith. I just met her once, I doubt I’ll see her again.” Wesley snorted. “Just pray you don’t,” he said and shivered slightly. I sighed. “Listen, Wes . . . Can you give me a few hours of sleep before you show me around? I’ve been up almost half of the day.” The Brit nodded hesitantly. “I’ll come back in an hour.” “How about two hours?” “An hour and a half, and don’t push it,” he said sternly and left, closing the door behind him. I sighed. Foreigners were so . . . uptight. I stared down at the card that I still had in my hand. I was on the brink of throwing it away, but I found myself not wanting to. Do I really want to be tortured and possibly killed if I get entangled with these people? Not really . . . I placed the card in my back pocket. Death was part of danger. And I was ready and willing to take a chance on my life, no matter how crazy it was. //Temperature's up (Can you feel it?) 'Bout to erupt (so get) Gonna get my girls Get your boys Gonna make some noise . . . Gonna get rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat drippin' over my body Dancin' gettin' just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival// I had been walking around the streets of New York for nearly two hours now looking for this damn club. The night was cooler, and the air gave out the hint of smoke and gas fumes. Third alley off the corner of Time Square . . . Where the rats live and where it smells like roses . . . What kind of address is this? I sighed and leaned against the side glass paneling of a pet shop. The small tiny puppies barked and yapped at me through the glass, their small pink tongues sticking out of their mouths as they wagged their tail. I smiled and tapped at the glass, sliding my fingers to and fro as the small little terrors followed it like a pack of licking wolves. It was at that moment that an angry man, small and Asian, came rushing out of the store with a baseball bat. “Get out ’o here! And no tapping on da glass!” he shouted with a strange accent as I backed away quickly from the store. I raised my hands up in defeat. “Hey, I’m sorry,” I apologized. “Go! Go!” he yelled and waved me off with the bat, ‘causing me to trip over a garbage can. The man went back inside and the dogs continued barking. I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. God, I shook my head and rubbed my eyes wearily as I continued to sit there. Here I was in the filthy streets of New York City at two-something in the morning looking for some unknown club, and almost getting beaten by a baseball bat in the process. And that’s when I felt something move across my legs. I shot my eyes open in time to stare into the evil red eyes of a grayish black rat that had decided to perch on my right knee, gazing up at me curiously, its shiny yellow teeth gleaming under the dim lights of the street. It tilted its head and quickly scurried away, disappearing down into a crack on the sidewalk that probably led down to the sewers. A few seconds later, an entire flock of other rats the size of one of the puppies from the pet store followed it. The scent of roses soon hit my senses. And that’s when I realized I had finally hit the jackpot. I looked down and saw a pile of dried up flowers that had spilled from the metal trash can surrounding my fallen form. I gazed up behind me and saw a small quiet flower shop. Bingo. I stood up excitedly and walked into the shadows of the rather small alley between Naoko’s Pet Store and Grenda’s Green Garden. A tall fence blocked out the rest of the alleyway. I looked around suspiciously before I jumped up and reached for the top of the fence, flipping over the row of wood, and landing rather gracefully on my ass. Pain shot up my spine as I cringed at the sharp and intensifying sting that exploded up from my tail bone and towards the back of my neck. “Ugh,” I groaned, rubbing my sore bum and glaring up at the stupid fence with malice, “I’m gonna feel that tomorrow,” I grumbled. “Hey! What the hell are ye doin’ here, boy?” a low gruff voice commanded. I looked up and saw the silhouette of the man who had spoken. Tall, intimidating, and buff, towering over me like one of New York City's immense buildings. I jumped to my feet and stared at a man who was about my age if a bit younger, an African American with a bald head and a strong set of jaws. He was dressed in a black muscle shirt and baggy dark jeans, and his right eye had black designs surrounding it, extending up to his forehead, and his cheeks, making his eye look larger and more prominent than the other. He wore a fierce scowl on his face, and I just prayed to God I wasn’t gonna get my ass whooped on my first night at NYC. “Faith invited me,” I replied, mentally patting myself for my clear and firm tone. He frowned. “Where’s the card?” I rushed to get it, fumbling a bit at my haste. But I got it out, and he was just as quick to snatch it from my hand. He looked down at it, probably making sure it was the real deal. He looked up at me and then sighed. “She needs to stop inviting country boys who belong in Kansas,” he muttered and turned away. I glared at his back and followed him deeper into the dark and dingy alley. “And next time, take the door. It‘s easier that way . . . and more survivable,” he said in what I considered to be a mocking tone. “The what?” “The door,” he replied and pointed at the fence behind us without glancing back. I turned and saw the door he spoke of at the side of the fence. I rolled my eyes, mentally hitting myself at my utter stupidity. We stopped at the darkest part of the alley. He opened a pair of what looked like wooden doors that led to a basement. “Go on in,” he said and waited for me so he can close the doors back up. I stared at him for a while and gazed back down the dark tunnel that lead to a white light, the type of thing you see when you die. “It leads down to an elevator. Punch in 31 then guest. It’ll tag you so stand still, and don’t mind the green light. Type your name onto the key board then press your hand against the red glass for fingerprints. That’s how you’ll get in from now on.” I looked at him strangely. He sighed. “Just do it.” I could hear the distant sound of music and chatters, and I asked myself if this was what I really wanted? To enter an unfamiliar world which belonged to people I didn’t even know. Would I actually want to know these people? “I don’t have all night here, buddy. Just get your ass down there and party with the rest of the damned,” he said in a bored tone. I gulped and proceeded to walk down the metal ladder. I was able to smell a hint of smoke, every type of alcohol known to man, and the musk of sex and arousal. And just as I was halfway down the ladder, the doors above me slammed close. //Ahh, heat is up So ladies, fellas, drop your cups Body's hot from front to back Move your ass, I like that Tight hip huggers (low fo' sho') Shake a little somethin' (On the floor) I need that (Ugh!) to get me off Sweatin' till my clothes come off Let's get open, cause a commotion We're still goin', 8 in the morning There's no stoppin', we keep it poppin' Hard rockin', everyone's talkin'// I stood alone in the elevator, the florescent light flashing, and that’s when the large glass case began to descend down, and I was able to see out of it. I stared around in awe at the massive . . . grotto, a colossal rounded cavern with stone walls and an awe inspiring stained glass ceiling that looked as though it had belonged to a church. But instead of depictions of famous saints and the almighty God himself, unknown faces of beings graced them, each with a sinister and evil expression on their features. They all surrounded a beautiful portrait of a gorgeous blond who wore a golden crown, and a smile that I could’ve easily fallen for if she was real. It felt as though she was specifically staring down at me with lustful green eyes, and a look that would’ve made me blush . . . that is before I drooled an entire tub of saliva. But what was I thinking? It’s only a visual rendering of some fictional person, that or a someone long dead and gone. The elevator stopped and opened. Stepping out, I studied my surroundings even more diligently, clearly noting the details of the place. There were carvings that surrounded the colorful ceiling like a white marble ring, maybe four to six meters away from the edge of the great vibrant mass of glass. The illustration: The Kama Sutra positions. I lifted my brow as I noted each figures. People had to be really flexible to try some of those out, I contemplated in wonder. It was also the first time that I ever wished I was able to do the splits. The sound of water splashing caught my attention, and I noticed that to my right was a giant waterfall that started up from the ceiling and down into a large pool of lounging partygoers. Soft red petals from roses floated silently on the surface, moving gently with the waves that the bodies of the occupants caused. A girl, busy licking and nipping at a man’s chest looked up at me with greenish blue eyes, her auburn red hair wet from the pool. She smiled slightly before nudging at her partner. The male brunette gazed back at me with a bored expression and turned away, not really caring as much as the girl. He drew her closer in his arms and the pair sank into the water, swimming elsewhere in the pool. I gazed back at the other people who populated The Underground. And it felt like it was Halloween, even though it was still weeks away, with everyone dressed as though they were going out trick or treating . . . either that or get into some serious bondage with all the leather, knee high spiked heel boots, cuffs, and collars, not to mention the chains that hung from the walls as well as other ancient and modern devices that were, no doubt, used for sexual purposes. I wasn’t so sure if I was ready to test those out yet. I may be a horny bastard at times, but getting all kinky with SMBD wasn’t something I had fully explored through yet. Sure, I’ve tried handcuffs, the furry ones, but hard core rusty metal chains? With whipping involved? Well . . . it actually didn’t sound too bad anymore. Everyone was basically dressed all in black with touches of white and blood red, and the occasional splotches of other colors here and there. But mostly, black was their main and ultimate color. Everyone also seemed a bit more paler than normal, with penetrating eyes and blood red lips. And I didn’t know if it was just me, but it seemed as though each of them had gazed upon me for a split second before moving on. As if they knew I was here, and that I was new. Just what have I gotten myself into? The music was loud and pumping. Fast and completely sexy. The type of music that got you off your seat to grab the person next to you and just start dancing . . . that or start mating. It was crazed, and it slightly shook the walls of the enormous cave. There were stages that were attached against the stone barrier that made up the club, probably for extra space. Each were higher or lower than the other with black railings that looked more like metal stakes for people to impale themselves on. Spiral staircases protruded from the sides, making the entire cavern look even more sophisticated and gothic than it already was. All four stages were filled with people dancing and talking, some even doing unmentionable things on the floor and against the guard rails. Another stage stood in the corner. This one opposite of the pool, and a boxing ring to match. Two girls fought on it with onlookers watching and cheering them on with shouts and roars. The betters raised their cash in the air, waving it as the two femmes fought for the upper hand, each throwing punches and the occasional kicks and hair pulling. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them bit the other’s ear off. Above the stages was a long path that crisscrossed the cave, but never blocking out the stained glass center or the carvings of the ceiling. Motorcyclist drove by, the engines of their bikes roaring as they steered their metal vehicles through dangerously steep, narrow lanes, and sharp turns. Guard railings protected a few points of the route, but mostly the motorcyclist were on their own. Beneath three of the stages reserved for dancers and . . . those who were getting it on, were small round tables with the intimate glow of a simple candlelight. More people littered there, mostly chatting and doing more unmentionable things. Underneath the last stage was a bar with a big screen TV that played the video of the music they were playing. In the midst of all this was a large dance floor of gyrating bodies that permeated the smell of sweat and that musky scent of sex that I had noticed even before I got down here. There were dancing cages strewn everywhere with more than two people in each of them touching and fondling each other as though there was no tomorrow. I had never seen a kiss with more than two pairs of lips before. Except on MTV. But nothing surprised me anymore on that channel. In one of the other corners further down the club was a smaller cave that contained a mud pit and an army of mud wrestlers that fought endlessly. I was able to hear their furious screams and the slapping of their bodies. Flashing lights made it look even darker and more eerie inside as their movements became hypnotizing. Opposite of that was a large altar with long narrow steps that climbed up to the very top platform. All I was able to make out was a large couch that looked more like a bed with a royal looking plush headboard with throw pillows scattered everywhere. Only a few people occupied it as they looked on at the club as though they were queens and kings of this grand unknown kingdom. And as crazy as it sounded . . . at that moment, I wanted to get chained up against the wall, get beaten with a whip while having porn sex with a random girl, I wanted to participate in the mud pit, then take a dunk in the pool, and I wanted to kick some ass in the boxing ring. I wanted to be part of it . . . Part of it all . . . Part of The Underground. //Be all you got (give it to me) Just hit the spot Gonna get my girls Get your boys Gonna make some noise . . . Rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat drippin' over my body Dancin' gettin' just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival// “You made it,” a sultry voice next to me whispered in my ear. I jumped back a bit and stared into a pair of dark brown eyes that belonged to none other than Faith Ashton, dressed in another sexy ensemble, but this time with a black corset that hugged her chest and bared her stomach, and a pair of leather low riders. And I began to wonder how many cows these people killed every year for their interesting garment collection. I nodded and smirked at her. “Yup, here I am,” I sighed and offhandedly looked around, trying to sound casual and indifferent to everything that was occurring around me, “And it took half the night trying to search for your little club here. You could be a bit more vague with your address.” She chuckled. “You arrogant, son of a bitch,” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t let the others hear you saying that type of shit,” she whispered conspiratorially, “Everyone here don’t take too kindly to strangers calling their paradise just a ‘little club.’ Not even me,” she warned in a more soft voice. “You’re the one who invited me here,” I reminded her. “And I’m beginning to regret it,” she said and walked past me with a bump to my shoulder as though she was trying to aggravate me even further. “I’ll introduce you to the others. I’m sure they’ll enjoy meeting a haughty bastard that will soon join into the fold,” she said. I frowned and glared at her back. I wanted to piss her off and see a glare come straight from her. It was annoying that she wasn’t responding angrily to my taunts, so I asked her, “How do you know I would even want to join your little club?” She looked back at me with a mocking grin. “You came . . . didn’t you?” she turned away once again and continued to walk. I growled under my breath as she disappeared into the throng of dancers. I jogged towards the crowd and tried to keep up with her, following her dark hair. I wanted to scream at the unfairness when the others made a path for her and just as quickly went back to the spot they vacated, causing me to bump from one person to the next. I noticed that we were walking towards the altar with the blood red couch. I gazed up with interest and marvel, trying hard not to trip in the process. There was just something about the people who dominated the emphasized space that got more than just my attention, but something far more deeper inside of me . . . as though someone up there had just captured my soul. It barely registered to me that the people around me had begun to whisper to one another, gazing at me with dark hooded eyes and appraising me like a piece of meat from the market. I felt violated and I stared back at them with a glare, but they quickly looked away as though they couldn’t be caught with their hand half way in the cookie jar. “They’re just curious,” Faith stated. “They should mind their own damn business,” I growled. “Down, boy,” she tossed over her shoulder and began climbing up the steps. I looked up, staring openly at a pair of blondes dueling before me with their tongues and lips, the girl straddling the lap of her companion as he groped and petted every inch of her back, his hands occasionally disappearing up her short skirt. The man looked at me from the crook of her neck with a bit of contempt in his icy blue eyes as he crushed his partner tighter against his chest. He was large . . . but smaller than me. Dressed in a pair of faded black jeans, a tight black t-shirt, spike and studded cuffs that surrounded his wrists, he blended well among the others . . . but still managed to stand out in the crowd with his platinum blond hair and his arrogant, debonair manner. His expression towards me hardened. Faith gave out a sardonic laugh. “Jealous, Blondie?” she asked in a harsh whisper as she flopped down next to the couple. “The name’s Spike, ducks . . . and you shouldn’t have brought Dorothy to Hell. Now hand him over a pair of red Pumas and send him home to Kansas and pray to Satan never to have anymore bloody tornados with him riding along in them,” the man growled dangerously. “What is it with all the ’Wizard of Oz’ jokes here?” I nearly growled in return, sick of all the stupid Dorothy, Toto, and ‘Over the Rainbow’ wisecrack that I have been hearing since I got here in this God forsaken city. “Don’t you have any better insults to throw?” I demanded. He stared at me and threw a look at a very amused and grinning Faith. “Boy’s got a big yap,” he commented, and quickly added, “Can we cut off his tongue and feed it to the gators? A nummy treat for the babies,” he contemptuously whispered in his companion’s ear. “He’ll learn,” the blonde on top of him stated wisely in a voice that was meant to seduce, was meant to over power . . . and I found myself focusing on her with more awareness, my eyes possibly burning a hole through her shirt. Her tone and aura was sultry and erotic, seemingly capturing me like a hook to a fish. There was just something about her that caused my insides to melt into a tightening passion ready to explode from its confines at any moment. She rolled her head towards me in a slow sultry way as I tilted my chin to get a better look at her. I held my breath and continued holding it. All of my life I have seen a number of different women, dated just as much, and have screwed just as . . . well . . . only a few of them, but that’s not the point here. I’ve seen gorgeous brunettes, observed sexy redheads, and have set eyes on many unnatural and natural blondes . . . but I had never seen a woman as beautiful nor as striking in all my 23 years until that moment when she looked at me. She was dressed in a black and pink pleated skirt, a matching pink top that showed off a gracious amount of her cleavage, and not to mention traces of soft black laces from her satin bra. A white teddy peeked under her skirt, making my eyes widen, my throat turn dry, and my jeans grow incredibly tight as I saw another peep of it. Along with that was also the bonus glance of the bottom swell of her luscious ass. Her feet and calves were encased in a pair of silver knee-high boots. A black silk lace with a single pink pearl in the middle surrounded her swan-like neck. Her golden blonde hair with a few soft pink highlights that matched her shirt was up in two pigtails, the long shiny strands reaching her shoulders in soft curls. Her green eyes were wide and surrounded with dark make-up . . . and that’s when it hit me. “You’re the girl on the ceiling,” I whispered in awe. She chuckled and got off of Spike and stood before me in all her 5’3 + 4’ inch heels with a playful smile on her glossy pink lips. She studied me carefully, enchanting hazel eyes locking onto mine. “Yes I am,” she replied, “And I just go by Buffy now.” “Angelus,” I introduced myself in a firmer voice. She smiled tantalizingly. “Angel . . . “ she whispered. Spike burst out laughing. “An angel in our midst,” he snorted and rolled his eyes. “Bloody hell,” he grumbled, “Buffy, you have to be kiddin’ me here. Leave him with the tramps, they’ll take care of him. You could get a better toy, pet.” “Don’t want a toy,” she answered as she stepped closer, causing me to straighten rigidly as I smelled her heavenly vanilla scent that made my eyes roll back at the ecstasy of being able to smell her and be so close to her. “A buddy then?” Spike laughed. “Not unless that’s a Bed Buddy, Billy Idol,” Faith tossed at him. Spike glared at her in reply. “You have many questions,” Buffy said, her lips hovering dangerously close to mine, “I see them in your eyes.” I gulped as she took my hand in hers, and I felt my heart pound even faster as a shock of spark surged from her touch. “I’ll answer them,” she said and began pulling me away. //Here it comes It's the one you been waitin' on Get up, get it up Yo, that's what's up Givin' just what you want to the maximum Uh, oh Here we go You can tell when the music starts to drop That's when we take it to the parking lot And I betcha somebody's gonna call the cops Uh oh's, here we go's Ohh . . . yeahh . . . // A wide stone staircase leading down into the ground was hidden behind the great plush velvet couch. The loud clanking noises of wine and beer glasses and the rowdy chatter and laughter of a group of partygoers echoed distantly against the walls. A soft yellow glow emitted from below, a heavy fog of smoke rose and coiled around us, enticingly tormenting me with the promise of the danger and the excitement I had been craving for. Buffy’s high-heeled boots clicked against the steps, and she looked up at me expectantly with her small smooth hand reaching out towards me with great anticipation, as if daring and testing me to take it. “Afraid?” she teased slightly. I shook my head in defense and finally took her hand in mine, deciding that I would follow her to the ends of the earth if that was the only way I was able to stay in her presence. “C’mon,” she pulled me after her like a child would to her parent. “I’m not bringing you into the burning pits of hell,” she said and turned back to wink humorously at me, “That’ll come later.” I didn’t dare ask her what she meant. I didn’t want to know and I didn’t want to think about it either. All I was able to conjure up in my mind was the fact that this beautiful young woman had her hands clasped in mine, and she was looking back at me every so often with a soft mischievous smile and twinkling eyes. We came into another underground cave, this one not as impressive or as massive with a 10 foot height, but it was still just as wide as the main cavern above. Bright lanterns that hung from the ceiling lit the place along with the endless rows of candles along the walls, creating a romantic setting reserved only for lovers. But at a second glance, I was clearly deceived. The entire region was a huge gambling zone. A bar stood far down in the right corner with large and mini TV’s showing off numerous amounts of different sports games. The crowd surrounding the section cheered at their chosen screens, waving their money frantically in the air. To the left was a large casino area with red and green tables saved for die-hard poker and craps players. That was when I noticed the mayor sitting in one of the chairs at a black jack table, three gorgeous women with large bountiful breasts and red shiny lips draping themselves over him. “He’s one of our more popular customers,” Buffy whispered and waved at the old and sometimes respected man. The mayor smiled through his cigar and waved back as his women giggled and pointed admiringly at his cards. “We never talk about the people and the things we see here,” Buffy said softly with her index finger against her lips. I looked around and saw other famous individuals and celebrities relaxing all over the place, some of them even watching women dancing provocatively over at the far right where a strip joint stood at in this private section of The Underground. The crowd became thicker as Buffy and I walked deeper within. Down from the very young, the very old, and even the married . . . they were all here. Buffy tightened her grip in my hand when certain individuals kissed her cheeks. My body tensed when the males came up to her. Surprising myself more than her. The sudden possessiveness was all too new to me, after all, this was a woman I had only just met. I then saw Wesley lounging on a couch in the middle of this secret sanctuary, drinking a bottle of beer with two blondes in each arm. He was laughing heartily as he told them both an uninteresting story about something that had happened to him last week at another club. I quirked a brow. And when he noticed me, his cheery smile quickly faded. “Angelus,” he choked. “Wesley,” I greeted in surprise as Buffy and I stood in front of him, our hands still connected. “Buffy,” he tried to laugh as his eyes landed on hers. “Wesley,” she smiled and gazed at the two of us, “I see you two know each other.” “Yes,” I replied, “He tried to warn me about this place. Something about drugs and the mafia.” “No I didn’t!” Wesley almost yelled, and I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. Buffy gave the Brit a chastising expression that seemed more mocking than punishing, “Aww, Wes, we treat you well here. Just because you couldn’t handle a bit of kinky torture doesn’t mean we’re evil people.” She gazed at me with a smirk, “Faith handles a whip like a pro. Wesley didn’t feel that way and went crying home with bad rumors to share.” Wesley let out another forced laugh. “Oh, come on, Buffy. I was just teasin’ him a little. It’s all fun and games,” he defended his actions pitifully. The man couldn’t even formulate a decent lie. “That is . . . until someone gets hurt . . . right?” she asked him threateningly, and I finally saw a side of her that was completely opposite of the carefree woman I had been seeing all night. “I don’t appreciate the false tales you’re spreading around, Wesley,” she told him just as the two blondes left his arms in fear of Buffy, as though she held their lives in her wrath, “Now promise me something.” “Yes?” he gulped. “One more lie about us . . . and we’ll test if they truly are lies at all,” she whispered dangerously at him. “Yeah,” Wesley could only nod hesitantly. Buffy pulled me along once again, holding onto my hand as we weaved through the massive assembly. This time, she didn’t stop to talk or smooch with anyone, and for that I was thankful. I don’t think I could’ve tolerated seeing another man kissing her smooth cheek or grasping her other hand in theirs. I glanced back at Wesley sitting lonely on the couch, still shaking from fear . . . and I became grateful that I wasn’t him. Buffy held a strong power and control over this entire place. She was like the queen of this vast beehive, and everyone was ready to step down and do anything to please her . . . in fear of her and in need of her. We finally came to a stop at two large wooden doors protected by two dangerous looking men. They gazed at her with respect and gladly pushed the doors open for her. Buffy looked back at me and held both of my hands in hers as she began to disappear through the darkness. “Come . . . follow me,” she whispered . . . and I was more than willing to do so. //Rap: Yo, hot damn, Doc and Jam like a summer show I keep my car looking like a crash dummy drove My gear look like the bank got my money froze For dead presidents I pimp like Huddy roll Doc the one that excite ya divas (ow!) If the media shine I'm shining with both of the sleeves up Yo Christina (what), better hop in here My block live and in color, like Rodman hair (yeah) The club is packed, the bar is filled I'm waiting for sister to act, like Lauryn Hill Frankly, it's a rap, no bargain deals I drive a four wheel ride with foreign wheels Throw it up Baby it's Brick City, you heard of that We blessed, and hung low, like Bernie Mac (Bernie Mac) Dogs, let 'em out, women, let 'em in It's like I'm ODB, the way I'm freaking// The halls we walked through were darker than night itself, and I wasn’t able to see one damn thing. My only assurance was Buffy’s presence as she led me from here to there without an explanation telling me where we were going. We finally came to a halt in front of another double wooden doors, and with a mighty push from this small beautiful woman, it opened to reveal a dark ballroom with a dome shaped ceiling with what looked like a painting of a castle and flying dragons. The spotlessly clean floor looked like a glitter of stars sewn onto black silk. The brilliant glow of the moon shone down through the large windows, and it created a more luminescent shine as it caressed the flourishing white curtains that slightly billowed from an imaginary breeze. A large crystal chandelier hung from the top, and it sparkled as its reflection danced along the walls. A large winding staircase led up to another floor, the bedrooms perhaps. “Would you like to dance?” she whispered softly in my ear. I gazed down at her, and I could only image the hazel color of her eyes, and the vividness of her charming smile. “There’s no music.” “Always the realistic one,” she teased and began humming a familiar waltz as she took my left hand in hers and my right hand to her waist. We began dancing, awkwardly at first because it had been a while since I danced the waltz. But soon I was spinning her on the floor, making her chuckle just as she returned to my arms. “Now ask me your questions,” she said, her breath teasing my ear, causing the hair at the back of my neck to stand straight on its ends. “What is this?” She laughed, causing me to shiver and pull her tighter against my chest. “You have to be a bit more specific than that, Angel,” she said, using her own personalized nickname for me. “What is this place?” I clarified. “The Underground,” she replied, “My own special world I had created for the lonely and the unique.” “Don’t forget the sick in the mind,” I added, remembering the many different people who I would never have imagined to know and mingle in this type of place. Like Wesley and the mayor for instance . . . well . . . maybe the mayor was an exception, politicians are weird like that . . . but Wesley . . . She chuckled. “Ask me another question,” she urged tenderly. “What are you?” I questioned her, not fully knowing why I asked it . . . and how I exactly identified her exclusive distinction from the others and myself as well. But I knew she was different, she was something more than just plain human. I could feel it within her . . . and I wanted to know what it was, what made her different. I felt her smile as she buried her face in the crook of my neck, her lips brushing against my flesh as she inhaled my scent. “You smell like peaches and rain,” she said, “Just like Georgia.” I smirked down at her, “Answer my question,” I goaded her, “You promised.” “Would you believe me?” she said in return. “Truthfully? I can believe anything right now,” I told her. I felt her kiss the side of my jaw, and I closed my eyes as I began to sink deeper into ecstasy. I hugged her tighter to my body, engulfing her in my arms . . . and I knew I wanted to stay here forever. “I’m The Female Elder of the supernatural species called Sanguivores. Latin for 'blood thirsty,' ” she finally answered, “But . . . you may know them as vampires . . . ” I froze. And burst out laughing. “Cute,” I managed to say through my hefty chuckles, “I believed you there for a minute.” “You still should,” she said, “ ‘Cause I’m dead serious.” I stepped back a bit to look down at her. She was looking up at me, mouth quirked up in a merry grin. She wasn’t bullshitting me, she was actually serious. And from the tone of her voice, I knew she really was. “I’m not sure how to react to this,” I told her truthfully. “Don’t . . . just feel,” she said and we began to dance again. I wasn’t sure how long we waltzed under the dark chandelier and the flying painted dragons. I was too enraptured, probably caught in her web of everything she was made of: excitement, bliss, threat . . . danger. And before I knew it, I was in a room with dark burgundy walls that seemed to bleed. A bed stood a few feet away, draped heavily with silk and velvet. Candles burned all around us, and I felt each of their heat within me. I stared down at Buffy, eyes glowing eerily, canines elongated, and strangely enough . . . as naked as I was. And I knew, at that moment, that coming down to The Underground was definitely worth it. //Gonna get rowdy (rowdy, yeah!) Gonna get a little unruly (ruly!) Get it fired up in a hurry (hurry!) Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat drippin' over my body Dancin' gettin' just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival Gonna get rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Sweat drippin' over my body Dancin' gettin' just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival// She moved her body closer to mine, rubbing against me and feeling my evident arousal pressing into her softness. My breath caught at the contact. With a growl that surprised the two of us, I captured her lips in a demanding kiss. And Buffy met it easily with equal ardor easily and brought her arms around my neck. As we kissed, our tongues gently probing each other’s mouths, we lowered our bodies together on the bed. I then stared at her for a long moment, just drinking in her large hazel orbs, her soft pink lips, her golden hair now tousled wildly on her slender shoulders, and her cute pert nose. “I love you,” I suddenly blurted out, making my eyes go wide as I gazed at her, waiting for her reaction. A slow smile broke over her features, nearly blinding me with its brilliance. “I know,” she said, tracing my face with gentle fingers. “I love you too.” I once again captured her lips in a deep searing kiss. Buffy responded without a word of protest, gripping the back of my neck with both of her tiny hands. Breaking the kiss, Buffy pulled her head back to look into my eyes. “I’ve been waiting nearly an eternity for you, Angel,” she said breathlessly. “Make love to me,” she demanded in a soft and whispery tone. She rolled onto her back, slowly crawling up the bed towards the mountains of pillows. Not hesitating once, I followed her, tracing my eyes over her feet, her knees, her smooth creamy thigh, the apex between her legs, her flat tummy, and then her breasts, her neck, and finally her lips and eyes. A small smile played on her lips as she caught my lips. Moving so that I could crouch over her body, I pulled away and moved down to bite gently on one of her nipples before abandoning her breasts and kissing a path down to her stomach. Buffy’s breathing became almost ragged with her anticipation as she closed her eyes and threw her head back. I growled in approval as the scent of her wetness hit me, and I clearly heard Buffy moan at the sound. I took that moment to admire Buffy’s glistening pink lips. I urged her to spread her legs, and then I settled myself between them. Buffy raised her head to look at me and I met her gaze with an evil grin before I lowered my head to her dripping womanhood. Buffy groaned loudly as I held her open with my thumbs while I flicked my tongue and lapped at her heat. I wasn’t in a hurry. I could do this all night if needed be. I took my time, using my tongue and fingers to search out every inch of her, leaving no part of her neglected or ignored. Beneath me, Buffy was whimpering, twining her fingers through my hair and trying to force me where she needed me the most. But I wouldn’t be forced, no matter how much I wanted to be. “Angel,” she whimpered, thrusting her hips into my face in need. I pulled back and gazed up at her, my face dripping with her juices. Buffy met my eyes and watched her shudder at the sexual hunger that she could see in my eyes. With a wicked grin, I returned to her sex and began lapping and nipping at her vulnerable flesh. Sensing her proximity to climaxing, I decided I’ve had enough fun tormenting her. Circling her clit with my tongue, I began to nurse roughly at her opening while using my fingers to stab into her clutching wet channel. Buffy came immediately, her back arching off the bed as her cry of release broke through the silence of the room and echo against the walls. I didn’t give her time to recover. And I wasn’t sure exactly where I got this wanton attitude. It’s as if I knew her body, knew how to pleasure it . . . and I was more than eager to use my knowledge. I didn’t have time to wonder more about it because Buffy had thrown me on my back, straddling me as her wetness leaked onto my stomach. I stared at her wicked eyes as she began to touch and caress ever part of me. She moved down and kissed the head of my cock, causing my breath to quicken and my already hard shaft to twitch at the attention. Quickly moving back up my body, she pressed herself against me while she kissed me deeply. I twined my fingers through her hair, holding her to me as our tongues massaged against one another. I was hard, just as I’d been since I first saw her sitting on that couch. God! I wanted her . . . I needed her. “Buffy,” I hissed, pressing my hips up to hers, rubbing my cock against her dripping folds. “Do you want me?” she asked, that playful grin still on her face. “Hell yeah,” I moaned. Buffy twisted, rolling us so that I was hovering over her. “Then take me . . . make love to me,” she demanded, meeting my gaze without reserve. And that was all I need as I dropped my head to kiss her again. Shifting my weight onto both my hands on either side of her head, I ran the tip of my cock against her, making her moan as I gently circled her clit with the head of my shaft. “Now,” she commanded. I entered her slowly, savoring her heat mixed with some tremors of iciness that got me even more excited. It felt like tiny electric shock being sent to my cock. I stilled for a few moments, panting harshly against her neck. This was pure heaven, I thought, pulling my head back so my eyes would meet with hers as I finally pushed my hips forwards. Buffy gasped, her breath catching as I began to enter her body once again. I was filling her so deliciously, as though I had been made to be the only one who fit her like this. Reaching between our bodies, I rubbed my thumb against her clit, causing her to whimper and buck lightly against me. Kissing her again, I pinched the nub between my thumb and forefinger, and Buffy exploded into climax again. My hips surged forward, and continued on until I was seated to the hilt inside my mate’s scalding depths. Beneath me, Buffy panted harshly. “I love you,” she said before, capturing my lips in a searing kiss. With a groan, I withdrew a small way from her and thrust against her. Buffy’s head rolled back on the pillow as she dug her short fingernails into the hard muscle of my back. I repeated the motion as it grew more frantic, and I before I knew it, I was pounding into her. Buffy’s hands had abandoned my back and was now clutching at the silky sheets that had now twisted around us. Her mouth opened as a moan of pleasure and pain escaped from her lips. I felt beads of sweat form on my brow and drip down to her chest. I watched as one droplet slide down her body and disappear in her nest of golden curls. I grunted and continued thrusting into her, relishing and enjoying this amazing deity in all her female glory. I drove into her two more times, and my movement tensed and jerked until on the third thrust, I released an agonized groan and my body corded above hers. Buffy let out a gasp as my warm seed flooded her insides. And wanted to scream at the top of my lungs with the pleasure of it. I bucked and I groaned . . . and that was when I felt something on my neck. I collapsed against her and Buffy held me tightly in her arms as she clutched at my neck with her mouth, drinking in my blood. I held my breath as my orgasm intensified, and I drove into her harder and with more fervor. She finally pulled away and I instinctively reacted by biting down hard on her left breast, where her heart lay beneath it. She let out a painful cry as blood poured from the wound I had made with my blunt teeth. I lapped greedily at the thick and salty liquid that poured from her. After several long moments like that, I propped myself up and looked down at her. Brushing her sweat slicked hair back from her eyes, I peppered small kisses all over her face and neck. Almost reluctantly, she withdrew her body from mine so we faced each other on our sides. Pulling the covers up, we arranged them around us before I pulled her into my arms. Buffy sighed in contentment as she snuggled against my chest, my arms wrapped securely around her form. “I love you, Angel,” she said as we both drifted off to sleep, “Now . . . we have eternity together.” //Wanna get rowdy Let's get a little unruly Wanna get dressed in a hurry Let's get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Let's get a little unruly Wanna get dressed in a hurry// I stared out of the window from our room that same night. The night seemed more brighter and crisper with my new adapted vision. Gentle but firm arms wrapped around me from behind. “How does it feel?” a sweet voice asked. “Like I’ve been gone forever,” I answered with a smile while clasping her hands in mine. “You have,” she chuckled and kissed my right shoulder blade, where a tattoo was now present. “After three centuries since your death . . . I’ve finally found you.” “You mean Faith did,” I teased her. “Yes, but I confirmed it,” she smirked. “We have much to make up for,” I told her, turning so I could look into her eyes which I could now see clearly in the dark. This was my mate. The one I was created for. Since time began, she and I walked the earth, creating mayhem whenever we wanted . . . wherever we wanted. We stood by each other in love, in passion, in everything that made us and what we stood for. I had always known I was missing a part of something in my life, danger . . . excitement . . . SHE was that missing element. And I’m finally whole . . . now that we’ve found each other again. “Yes, my King,” she whispered in a sultry tone, “We do . . . good thing we have the rest of time,” and with that, we kissed deeply, letting those three hundred years without each other melt away. //Let's get dirrty It's about time for my arrival Ugh! What!// Return to: B/A Fics Return to: Index |
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