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Author : Baby Blues E- mail : purely_blissful@hotmail.com Rated : PG-13 Status : Complete Disclaimer : Characters are not mine, except for the stranger dude. But the story is. Teasers : A young man visits an insane vampire who's a cross from Angel and Angelus to try and put some sense into him. Notes : Buffy/Angel with Buffy/Riley, Buffy/Spike undertones. No sex! But some potty words. BE KIND. MY VERY FIRST FIC!! Excerpt : ~Angel : You're here to change that. Question is, why are you here lecturing a 'sulking' demon instead of helping your parents? ~Stranger : Think about it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A lone warrior, neither a soldier for good nor evil, sat in the corner of the small nightclub, thinking of a plan to take down Wolfram & Hart as well as Darla and Druscilla. So far, he had conjured up a Plan A, a Plan B, and was working on Plan C. The club wasn’t packed, which made it easier for him to thinkwithout all the chatter and the racket. There were people on the dance floor, a pretty decent band on the stage, and a few individuals who sat around the tables, laughing and drinking with other. His chocolate brown eyes stared off into space, staring at aninvisible image that HE could only see. His mind was contemplating strategies of attack while his heart began thinking on its own about a certain blond Slayer that he had left back at Sunnydale. A single candlelight in the middle of the table showed off the tense ridges of his handsome face as his brain and heart battled it out on what to ponder. His heart finally won and he began to think of HER as his head took a break from its thoughts on the plot of his future plans. Buffy. The one and only peculiar name that melted his ice-cold heart. He smiled. She always had the tendency to do that to him, whether or not shewas by his side or not. She was the only person he could think of that brought out his soul whenever the demon began to take over him at full force. She wasthe only thing that kept him at least a little sane in his goal to destroy Wolfram & Heart and two of the most powerful demons on earth. The vampire was so deep into his thoughts that he didn’t even noticethe young man that took the empty seat across from him. The boy’s voice brought the 250 year old vampire crashing back down into reality. “She is the light of the night. The dawn of the darkness,” the boy commented. The demon with a soul looked up sharply and frowned, ignoring thefact that the young man seemed so familiar to him. The adolescent didn’t look older than 20, maybe 16 or 17. With the boy’s dark brown hair, spiked up with gel, green eyes with a touch of brown, facial features that made him feel as though he was looking at himself, made the vampire shiver. Maybe he was being paranoid or just lost in his thoughts of Buffy, but the boy reminded him so much of himself and his love. “What do you want, kid?” Angel asked gruffly, giving the stranger the coldest look he could give. The young man didn’t even wince, he just smiled and sat back in his chair, relaxing as he looked around the club. “It‘s not what I want, it‘s the matter of what YOU want.” The young teenager wasn’t making any sense. “Are you high on something?” Angel asked, not bothering to ease his glare, even though his un-beating heart told him otherwise. The lad chuckled and looked at Angel. “You’re wasting your time as well as hers,” the foreigner stated. Angel snorted and let out a cold laugh. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said and took a drink of his water, “But if I were you, I’d get up and leave before I break your neck.” “Did I strike a nerve?” The boy smiled. Angel leaned on the table and gazed into the boy’s eyes, but the young man didn’t flinch, he wasn’t at all intimidated by the vampire. “Get lost,” Angel demanded angrily. The boy sighed and shook his head. “No can do. I came here on a mission.” Angel sat back in his seat. “What mission?” “To get YOU and the woman you’re hopelessly in love with together,” the boy simply declared. Angel laughed callously. “And how the hell will you do that?” “To tell you that you’re slowly killing her,” the stranger answered through clenched teeth, getting irritated by Angel‘s cold stance towards the Slayer. The vampire noticed the young man’s right hand that sat on the table. It was clasped tightly into a fist, his knuckles turning into a deathly shade of white. Angel scowled. “What’s it to you?” The boy, who kept his anger in control, looked up to meet Angel’s brown eyes, and finally relaxed his fists. He took a breath and spoke, “You’re gradually destroying the one woman I idolize and love. The one woman who told me I was her life next to you.” he said. And not able to control his feelings anymore, he continued, “She doesn’t even care that she’s slowly crumbling because she doesn’t have YOU anymore. She thinks that without you by her side, all is lost.” Angel looked away, feeling guilty and infuriated at himself, as well as the young man for bringing it up. He didn‘t know how his unwanted company knew all this, but at that moment, the vampire didn‘t even take notice. Angel was too busy listening to the stranger’s wise words that were all true. “She tried the normal thing once, being with Riley, putting up this facade that she’s happy and had moved on with life for her friends and family, but inside, she’s slowly dying, and you know who’s fault is that? It’s yours, and yours alone.” “Get out of here, kid, and leave me alone. I don’t have time for this nonsense,” Angel stated, not bothering to look into the boy’s eyes. My fault, he thought silently, fighting back the urge to scream and run into the night to find Buffy and tell her everything would be alright. To hold her in his arms and stroke her hair like he used to. “She’s afraid,” the boy said, ignoring Angel’s demand for him to leave, “Afraid that she’s destined to be alone until she dies, and in her mind, death isn’t far away, she thinks that death will be upon her soon, to finally meet her face to face. But she’s still fighting, she will always fight . . . because she‘s a fighter. But the fact that she believes that there‘s no one out there to love her or for her to love back. . . believes YOU don’t love her . . . is making her realize that she should welcome death with open arms.” That hit home. I love her. I love her so much. She can‘t think that, he told himself. Angel glared at him. “She can’t die. She has her friends, her family, she’stoo strong to die.” “As I said before, she needs YOU. Without you, she‘s not strong enough, she won‘t be able to survive the pain of having you not there by her side. She loves YOU, you‘re her life, the only person who brings joy and bliss into her dangerous world of evil. In your arms, she finds home, she finds comfort and safety. Safety of being loved and protected by you. You’re the only one who made sense in her life full of complications. Without you, she’s not safe, she‘ll die, not because of the demons she constantly fight at night, but from the pain without the love of her life. You were everything to her and you still are.” “She has Riley now,” Angel spat out angrily. Riley, the name I despise the most, he thought. The boy smirked. “Correction. She HAD him, ‘had’ being the operative word here.” Angel looked up, his face calming. The young man took this as a sign that the demon was curious to know. “It seems as though Mr. Commando Fish Boy was screwing the local female vampires and paying them to drink from him,”the young man chuckled, “GI Joe thought that since you were a vampire, he wanted to be one too.” Angel looked up and saw that the lad was smiling, clearly amused at what the Finn guy did. “Why’s that?” The young man looked at him. “Because the Slayer gave you her all. She gave you her heart, her body, her soul, her blood, her devotion, and he wanted the same thing from her.” “Didn’t he receive that?” I hope not. Please. Don‘t tell me she gave him her all. Please , he mutely fought. The boy shook his head sadly and sighed. “Nope, he had her body, a part of her heart, but nothing else. He thought that if he was made into a vampire like you, then she’d give him everything.” “Did he get turned?” Angel found himself asking. He really wanted to know what happened so he can kill the Army guy and make him pay for stealing Buffy and breaking her heart. He had other reasons but he didn’t want to get into that. “Agent Farm Boy was a little scared so he didn’t let the vampires go all the way. It was like a high for him. His close encounters with death made him feel close to everything the Slayer had to offer.” The boy smirked. “A vampire led the Slayer to a building one night. That’s where she found the all mighty Mr. Finn get bitten by a vampire who he obviously fucked.” He frowned, “She saw pain cross over his features, and then it turned to pleasure. That’s when she realized how sick she felt for being with a man who was clearly deranged in the head.” “I knew there was something pricky about that guy,” Angel muttered. “Well, I can’t wait until I tell you about the guy who’s interested in her now,” the young man grinned impishly. Angel grimaced. “Who?” Great. Just great. But what did you think, Angel? That no other guy would find her irresistible and completely wonderful just like you do? That you’re the only one who thinks that? He asked himself quietly. “A certain creature with peroxide blond hair and an accent that shows where he originated from.” Angel’s eyes practically popped out of their sockets. “Spike!?” A few people around their table looked at him curiously, but the vampire ignored them and shook his head. “No, Buffy wouldn’t fall for him. He’s tried to kill her more than once,” he said, convincing himself more than his unwelcome visitor. The boy laughed. “And YOU had never tried to kill her too?” Angel glared at the him. “He has no soul,” he bit angrily. The lad shrugged. “He can’t harm her and he wont either. It shows that vampires without souls can care and love.” “She won’t go for him. He can’t give her anything. That’s why I left her, I wanted her to find someone who can offer her what I can’t,” Angel said. “And the British vampire CAN give her the things you couldn‘t possibly give her, or deprived of giving her,” the young man challenged. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Angel growled. “The blond can admit his feelings for her, his feelings grew from his utter hate for her to his sudden love for her. He can be there for her when she needs him, physically and emotionaly. He even embraced her once when she sat in the front of her porch crying. He can protect her and fight with her. And not to mention the fact that he can make love to her as much as he desires.” “He can’t take her out into the sun, he can’t love her,” the vampire dared back, trying to erase the pictures of Buffy and Spike together in his head. Stop it! Ehh . . . images deleted, he silently focused out of the morbid illustration that swam through his mind like a school of fishes. “Is that what you think she really wants?” “It doesn’t matter what I think,” the cursed demon said, catching onto what the boy was trying to do. Make him admit the things he had denied her and himself. The boy wanted to confess his utter lover and devotion to Buffy, pushing him to go back to her. But I can‘t. I can never go back to her. It‘s unsafe. Too dangerous, he argued with himself. “If she wants Spike then let her have Spike. I don’t care.” The boy quirked an eyebrow. “Don’t refuse what you‘re really feeling. But either way, I can see through your lies.” “Get out of here, kid,” Angel growled, controlling his rage. The young man gave out a cold chuckle. “I don’t get you,“ he remarked, ignoring the vampire’s command for him to leave, “You push her away, yet you dream of being with her. You leave her, yet you don’t want anyone else to be with her. You love her . . . yet you hurt her. It’s not the matter of you being a vampire with a cursed soul and her being the Slayer, the Chosen One. It’s the matter of how much YOU love her and how much SHE loves YOU. Go back to her,” he said, “I know that without her, YOU don’t have a reason for living. I can tell you that much. But without you, she’s as good as dead . . . and what would be YOUR reason for living now?” “I don’t need this,” Angel let out in an angry sigh, “I told you to leave me alone. Go bother someone who gives a rat‘s ass.” “No,” he stated simply, “You broke her and you’re the only one who can put her back together. You’re the only one who knows how to piece her together again. And I’m not leaving until you turn back now and go to her.” “I can’t!” Angel said through clenched teeth as he slammed his fist on the table, earning another few questioning looks from nearby tables. “She deserves so much better than a vampire cursed with a soul. She deserves to be out in the sun! To have a house with a white picket fence around it and a pool! She deserves to have children and a dog barking in the backyard! To have a husband who can give her his all!” The humor from the boy’s face faded. His eyes suddenly showed pain and weariness. “You don’t get it, do you?” He finally asked, but he didn’t wait for the vampire’s answer, “She doesn’t want that. She just wants you. You’re her everything. Her solace, her shelter, her protection. You’re the only thing that matters to her because without you, she’s not whole, she‘s not home, she‘s not safe.“ “I can’t . . . “ The teenager shook his head. “You can’t or you won’t?” He asked Angel, but waited for no reply as he continued his third degree on the vampire who was once known as a fearless demon, now a cursed soul living in Los Angeles. “You can’t keep refusing your love for her. You can’t keep forcing yourself to turn your back on her because you know damn well you can‘t carry on and forget her. It’s strange you‘ve lasted this long, but I‘m telling you, you won‘t last forever no matter how much you keep telling yourself the opposite.” Angel thought about what he said. He’s right. I can’t survive. Not without her. I want her. I need her, he admitted himself. The boy was impressively wise. His wit and energy reminded him of . . . Stop! Angel scolded himself, trying to rid of the blond that had plagued his mind, his heart, and his soul in the most enjoyable way. I can’t. It can never work out. No matter how much I want to be with her or love her, it’s too risky, he told himself. “You said you idolized her and that you were her life next to me,” Angel said, changing the subject and recalling the boy’s earlier statement. The lad smiled, but the ache was still there, written clearly in his eyes. “Jealous that you’re not the only one in her life any longer?” Angel scowled at that comment. He accepted the Parker and Riley incidentsand he had silently forgiven her for it, even thought she didn’t know and that he had no right to really forgive her for anything since they weren’t together anymore. But she was his and will always be his. That’s what she promised him when he gave her the Claddagh ring and right after the little episode with Faith when she wanted to have some ‘space.’ //Are you still my girl? Always . . . // That’s what she said. Those exact same words. Always. That was another word for eternity, forever, for all time, until the end of time, for ever and a day, permanently, and the list goes on. But if she was, all of a sudden, with someone else so quickly, Angel didn’t think he would be able to handle it. Parker was a jackass who had used her and Angel was still waiting for the right moment to make the idiotic college student pay for Buffy’s pain, and Riley was just an annoying Iowa bred corndog with no personality, and the vampire knew that he was just a mistake in Buffy’s life. Or so he told himself . . . “Jealousy is a green eyed monster that can get you killed,” Angel growled. “Jealousy only shows how much you still love her,” the young man commented back. “I don’t have time for this,” Angel said, frustrated and annoyed at the boy’s cryptic dictions, which made him agitated as to know where the teenager got it from. “Go annoy someone else who can put up with you, maybe your parents.” A flash of grief flew across the adolescent’s face and Angel mentally kicked himself without even realizing it. “My parents disappeared. My mother will die within a year from a demon and my father will follow after that.” Angel’s brows furrowed. “How the hell is that possible?” The youngster smiled sadly. “You live two hours away from Hellmouth. That’s enough proof of my knowledge of when my parents will die.” “You’re from the future, I take it,” the vampire stated. “And the $5,000 cash prize goes to the sulking demon,” the boy feinted excitement. Angel ignored him. “You’re here to change that,” Angel said, knowing full well of the young boy’s situation. “Question is, why are you here lecturing a ’sulking demon’ instead of helping your parents?” The young man smirked and stood up. “Think about it,” he said and left Angel to contemplate what he just said. Suddenly, it dawned on him. Like lighting, he stood up and chased after the teenager, pushing and shoving waiters and dancers who only glared at him in return. But Angel didn’t care. If his heart was beating, it would’ve been pounding so hard against his chest that he would’ve feared it would jump right out and land on the palm of his hand, and yet he’d still be overjoyed and happy. Buffy. She’ll be mine. This annoying teenager is mine. My child. I’m going to be a father. A husband. To Buffy. Buffy’s my wife. We’re going to have kids. We’re going to have THIS kid. Who looks like me. He looks like me. And Buffy. He looks like me and acts like Buffy. Buffy’s my wife. Holly Shit, he frantically thought, delight pouring into his soul, giving him new hope for the future. The future in which he’ll be with Buffy. He felt faint. Is that even possible? He asked himself, his mind running through the things a vampire’s body can’t do. Like breath. He finally shook himself out of the reverie and caught the dark haired lad about to walk out the door. “Hey, kid!” The boy spun around, smiling knowingly. It would’ve bothered Angel how ignorant the boy was, but that didn’t matter anymore. “Do we live in a house with a white picket fence?” Angel asked, beaming with utter happiness. The boy smiled. “With a pool, 2.5 children, and a Great Dane named Scooby,” he said with a happy sigh. Angel’s smile widened and his hope raised, a far away look in his eyes. He went from a depressed vampire, to an angry vampire, and now, he was just a happy creature of the night ready to take on anything, ready to laugh, ready to be with Buffy. Unlife hasn’t been any better, he silently thought. “See you in the future, Dad,” the boy said with one final smile. And with that, the stranger, that wasn’t so much of a stranger anymore, turned, left, and disappeared into the night. “See you in the future, son,” Angel agreed quietly in the darkness. He smiled at the foreign words he just said. Son . . . With that, he turned back . . . turned back to her . . . ~{End}~ Return to: B/A Fics Return to: Index |
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