Battle Cries!


Battle Cries!*

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Mad Files!

Fan Cries!

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BC Linkage!

Mad Awards!

BC Herald!

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wpe119.jpg (727 bytes) May 8th, 1999

     Welcome, one and all, to Battle Cries '00! If you are a Joe Madureira and or Battle Chasers fan, this is the site for you! Welcome to all you new visitors out there. You will love this site as it has been completely redesigned, making for faster loading, and an overall better experience! The best Battle Chasers site is what we have to offer, and we hope you return often! Don't worry, all you returning visitors! We have some great stuff for you also! Along with the new format, the whole ride will actually be faster and more fun. That's what the Battle Cries team is all about! We will constantly be updating, so keep coming back to see more and more Mad and BC stuff. This all adds up to the ultimate BC experience for the year 2000 and beyond! So until Mad retires from drawing spectacular comic book art, Make Mine Madureira!

-SriRam23 & NMarzullo- Battle Cries Team


Knight of Comics | Battle Chasers Ring | Cliffhanger! WebRing | WildStorm WebRing | Joe Mad WebRing | Digital Webbing | Comic Book Resources | Crawlspace | Wahoo! |

All images on this website (unless otherwise stated) were scanned and edited by SriRam23. Please DO NOT use them on your website without asking for my permission. I've worked too long scanning and editing things for this site just to have someone come along, spend 30 seconds downloading it and claim it as their own.

This site is optimized for Internet Explorer 4.0, and is tested for compatibility with Netscape 4.04 and 16-bit AOL 4.0.

::You are BC fan #::

::since January, 1999::


::Please visit our Sponsers to support Battle Cries!::
Another! Ruby Lane!

Battle Cries Registry!
