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Antique Jewelry Directory...
- Antique jewelry periods, styles and shopping links. ...
46 Pages Found, 105 Links Found, 56998 Score, http://www.antique-estate-jewelry.net
Glitz and Glitter Boutique, Antique and Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- Sales of Jewelry: Vintage, Antique, Costume, Estate, designer, sterling, silver, marked, unmarked, signed, unsigned, rhinestone, Cabochon...
52 Pages Found, 26 Links Found, 38399 Score, http://glitzandglitterboutique.com
Let's Get Vintage - Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- Let's Get Vintage - The finest collection of costume jewelry offered for the discriminating collector. Brooches, Pins, Butterflies, Earrings, Fur Clips, Necklaces, Rings....
44 Pages Found, 129 Links Found, 29107 Score, http://www.letsgetvintage.com
OPMTradingPost - Antique Pocket Watch Dealers - Home Page...
- We Buy Sell and Repair Antique Pocket Watches, Wrist Watches, antiques and American Clocks. We sell Ball, Bulova, Elgin, Illinois, Hamilton, Rockford, Swiss Fusee and Waltham Pocket Watches...
49 Pages Found, 128 Links Found, 3166 Score, http://www.opmtradingpost.com
- Treasures-in-Time will bring you a collection of quality, unique antiques and vintage items. We specialize in collectible jewelry, perfume bottles, watches, watch holders, clocks, and decorative accessory items, from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries....
34 Pages Found, 62 Links Found, 4027 Score, http://www.treasures-in-time.com
Other important links.
- A Link to the Past - Vintage Jewelry...
- These pages include unique and collectible jewelry from the Victorian era to the early 1970s....
33 Pages Found, 15 Links Found, 3102 Score, http://www.alinkto.com
- Alice's Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- Vintage Costume Jewelry...
75 Pages Found, 55 Links Found, 27451 Score, http://www.alicejewels.com
- All Info About Vintage Fashion: Home Page...
- Discover the fun of collecting vintage fashions with Trovie Craigian. Educational magazine site with the latest news and fashion tips every week, era picture galleries, forums, chatroom....
26 Pages Found, 27 Links Found, 3741 Score, http://vintagefashion.allinfo-about.com
- Antique and Estate Jewelry...
- Fine antique and estate jewelry from the past 200 years. ...
5 Pages Found, 14 Links Found, 45921 Score, http://www.antique-estatejewelry.com
- Antique Vintage Jewelry from Garden Party Collection...
- Home | Site Map | Contact Keywords: Theme Galleries Welcome! Got Glitz? We have a huge variety of well over 1,200 pieces of Designer Signed and Unsigned Vintage and Antique Costume Jewelry. You'll fi...
472 Pages Found, 214 Links Found, 19835 Score, http://www.costumejewel.com
- Antique Vintage Watches...
- Hamilton and other vintage wrist watches. Links to other antique and vintage wrist watches, and Hamilton history and information....
27 Pages Found, 93 Links Found, 2609 Score, http://www.antiquevintagewatches.com
- Cool Vintage Watches - Chronographs, Chronometers, Watch Straps Bands Accessories!!...
- Vintage WATCHES - Rolex, Omega, LeCoultre, Longines, Hamilton, GP, IWC, Watch Straps, MORE...
2 Pages Found, 2 Links Found, 1097 Score, http://www.CoolVintageWatches.com
- ECLECTICA Jewelry Index Page...
- Welcome to Eclectica, your source for quality collectible vintage costume and estate jewelry and ladies accessories. Please read our guarantee by clicking here. We accept checks, money orders and cre...
67 Pages Found, 123 Links Found, 3295 Score, http://www.eclecticala.com
- Emerald City Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- jewelry, vintage, Emerald City Vintage Costume Jewelry, antique, designer jewelry, costume jewelry, Art Deco, retro, rhinestone...
31 Pages Found, 133 Links Found, 20758 Score, http://www.emcity.com
- Encore Elegance...
- Vintage collectible costume jewelry. Specializing in designers like Trifari, Coro, Lisner, Schreiner. Vintage magazines, compacts, perfumes, miniatures....
69 Pages Found, 63 Links Found, 1809 Score, http://www.encore-elegance.com
- Gemsplus Vintage Costume Jewelry, Estate and Collectible Jewelry...
- Vintage Costume Jewerly, Estate Jewelry...
304 Pages Found, 11 Links Found, 8226 Score, http://www.Gemsplusonline.com
- Gemstones, Rocks, Cabochons, & Minerals - Gemstonefinder.com...
- Welcome to Gemstonefinder.com. Our gemstones, rocks, and mineral specimens are now up for sale. We decided we would share our gemstone findings with you. Each cabochon, gemstone, rock, and mineral featured in our website is hand cut and polished to bring out the fullest beauty and luster....
23 Pages Found, 0 Links Found, 1247 Score, http://www.gemstonefinder.com
- Granny's ~ Vintage Designer Costume Jewelry & Antique Estate Jewelry...
- Antique Estate and Contemporary Jewelry, Vintage Costume Jewelry and Accessories. ...
36 Pages Found, 189 Links Found, 17292 Score, http://www.grannysjewelrybox.com
- Jewelry-Jewellery ...
- The most popular jewelry sold by over 50,000 jewelers in America ...
0 Pages Found, 0 Links Found, 0 Score, http://www.jewelry-jewellery.com
- Vintage and collectible costume jewelry, designer pieces, signed and unsigned....
15 Pages Found, 24 Links Found, 5511 Score, http://www.lastingvalues.com
- Lori Kizer's Vintage Costume Jewelry - www.rhinestoneairplane.com -...
- Lori Kizer Vintage Jewelry - large Bakelite selection, signed, unsigned and other costume jewelry....
105 Pages Found, 34 Links Found, 3079 Score, http://www.rhinestoneairplane.com
- Past Perfection Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- jewelry, vintage costume jewelry, Past Perfection Vintage Costume Jewelry, Vintage and collectible costume jewelry, designer pieces, signed and unsigned....
79 Pages Found, 112 Links Found, 3771 Score, http://www.pastperfection.com
- Sue's Jewels,vintage costume jewelry, featuring 1950's designs andSue's new designs in Bakelite....
- Sue's Vintage copper, Bakelite, rhinestone and silver jewelry featuring costume jewelry from the 1950's....
31 Pages Found, 64 Links Found, 20384 Score, http://www.spilot.com
- The Glitter Box Vintage Designer Costume Jewelry...
- Vintage Collectible Designer Jewelry Established 1996 Proprietrix Sheila Pamfiloff PO Box 35 Walnut Creek, Ca. 94597 (925) 937-7554 email: pamfiloff@glitterbox.com Coro Corocraft Miriam Haskell Hobe...
419 Pages Found, 114 Links Found, 3997 Score, http://www.glitterbox.com
- Vintage Button Bracelets & Other Delights...
- Unique designer bracelets of vintage buttons, beaded floral designs, and other articles of artistic expression....
16 Pages Found, 11 Links Found, 3242 Score, http://home.earthlink.net/~beadnstars
- Vintage Costume and Rhinestone Jewelry at AJs...
- Online vintage jewelry store with rhinestone, estate, antique and collectible costume jewelry. We carry designer names including Trifari, Weiss, Juliana, Coro and Lisner....
43 Pages Found, 20 Links Found, 5769 Score, http://jacksonjewels.com
- Vintage Costume Jewelry - Jungle Goddess Boutique...
- Jungle Goddess Boutique offering the finest of Signed and Unsigned Vintage Costume Jewelry and Objets de Vertu....
204 Pages Found, 10 Links Found, 9432 Score, http://junglegoddessboutique.com
- Vintage Costume Jewelry - Vintage Jewelry - Antique Jewelry...
- Vintage Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Antique Jewelry, Estate Jewelry and more! Home Vintage Jewelry Estate Jewelry What's New Newsletters Fashion File Research Information Designer Spotlight FAQ...
50 Pages Found, 108 Links Found, 27786 Score, http://www.vintagecostumejewelry.com
- Junkyard Jeweler's vintage costume jewelry sale page....
31 Pages Found, 141 Links Found, 10732 Score, http://www.junkyardjeweler.com
- Here you'll find high quality vintage costume jewelry, antique costume jewelry, estate costume jewelry, rhinestone vintage costume jewelry, Juliana jewelry, fruit salad jewelry, collectible vintage old costume jewelry, wedding, bridal, bridesmaid, prom and pageant jewelry. Many beautiful vintage rhinestone necklaces, earrings, bracelets, matching sets parures, brooches and pins, signed and unsigned. Some are bakelite and art deco jewelry....
76 Pages Found, 75 Links Found, 38885 Score, http://www.anniesherman.com
- Vintage Costume Jewelry, Porcelain, Glass and Men's Vintage Jewelry at Always Treasured...
- Offering vintage costume jewelry, vintage estate and designer vintage costume jewelry, vintage porcelain, vintage glass, glassware, antique and vintage jewelry boxes. Orders for vintage costume jewelry include complimentary gift boxing. Plus men's vintage jewelry including tie bars, tie tacs, cufflinks and cuff link sets. Super fast shipping!...
95 Pages Found, 24 Links Found, 6889 Score, http://www.alwaystreasured.com
- Vintage Costume Jewelry--Just Jewelry:Vintage Costume Jewelry...
- specialzes in quality vintage costume jewelry by such designers as Schiaparelli, Chanel, Haskell, Juliana, Trifari, Matisse and Renoir of California...
25 Pages Found, 191 Links Found, 46590 Score, http://www.jstjewelry.com
- Vintage Hamilton Electric Watches By The Leading Authority - René Rondeau - Dealer of Other Fine Vintage Timepieces...
- Leading authority on Hamilton Electrics and dealer of other fine vintage watches....
12 Pages Found, 29 Links Found, 1154 Score, http://www.rondeau.net
- Vintage Jewelry Arts and Antiques...
- Quality Vintage Costume Jewelry, Vintage Bakelite, New Designer Bakelite, Rhinestone Jewelry, Designer Signed vintage costume jewelry, Unsigned Vintage Costume Jewelry, Victorian and Vintage Fine Jewelry, Period Jewelry, Antiques, Purses and Accessories...
35 Pages Found, 6 Links Found, 24556 Score, http://www.vintagejewelryartsandantiques.com
- Vintage Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Bakelite, Silver, Designer, Bead Jewelry, Susan Kay...
- Vintage jewelry, costume jewelry, silver jewelry, bakelite, lucite, designer, bead jewelry, Christmas pins, semiprecious stones, crystal beads, pins, brooches, necklaces, earrings, charm bracelets, compacts lovebeads...
62 Pages Found, 90 Links Found, 6165 Score, http://www.susankayjewelry.com
- Vintage Jewelry, Hangbags, Tie & Hats at Roslyn's Bag O'Jewels...
- We carry vintage accessories for women and men, dating from the late 1800's thru the 1970's. Vintage hats, purses, ties, eyeglass frames, jewelry and more jewelry!...
79 Pages Found, 84 Links Found, 4517 Score, http://www.roslynsbagojewels.com
- Vintage Treasures - Vintage Costume Jewelry Available To Buy Online...
- We Sell Upscale Vintage And Antique Costume Jewelry And Specialize In Vintage Designer Jewelry Including Coro, Trifari, Vintage Christmas Tree Pins, Schiaparelli, Schreiner And Czechoslovakian Jewelry And Much More....
44 Pages Found, 132 Links Found, 37183 Score, http://www.vintagejewelry.com
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