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Ted Danson & Mary Steenburgen

Ink (CBS, Mon., 8:30 p.m.)

Three years after Cheers, Danson agreed to try another sitcom--but soon had misgivings about his costar. "[Mary]'s had this pristine film career," says Danson, 48, of his wife. "I thought, `Maybe I shouldn't push her into this.' " No need to nudge, Steenburgen, 43, assured him. "I'm looking forward to making people laugh with you." Or at him. As a divorced couple forced to work together at a New York City newspaper, Steenburgen gets the upper hand; she plays the boss.

STATUS Determinedly domesticated after their 1995 marriage (his third, her second; they have a joint brood of four). "It took us a long time to find each other,"says Steenburgen, explaining their decision to costar. "I don't want to be away from him." Ditto Danson:"If the show is not good for our relationship, then the show won't last."

FUN FACT The couple go over lines while making the 40-minute commute from their Los Angeles home to the CBSstudio. "[The series] is still new to us," says Steenburgen. "So we're obsessing."

TRUE CONFESSION "Making the Ink pilot was like an acid trip," says Danson. "Ikept thinking, `Shouldn't Ibe behind a bar?' " His wife didn't want things to be too familiar--that's why they play a divorced couple. Doing their marriage "would be a little too weird."

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