Beit Leivik: Center of Arts, Literature and Culture, House of the Association of Yiddish Writers and Journalists in Israel | home
The staff, all volunteers, needs help. As this could be an appropriate setting for a student in Yiddish studies, the director of Beit Leivik is interested in arranging internships.The Board of Directors has approved an initial internship for one student, during the Academic Year 2002-2003. If this venture is successful, the number could be increased in the future.
The student should be enrolled in a bachelor, master or doctoral degree program, however he/she must be in good academic standing according to university standards.
Each internship will be for one semester during the Academic Year.
The student's on-site responsibilities would include:
 Keeping the calendar of cultural activities and events up to date and assisting with arranging programming,
 Cataloguing and archiving published materials,
 Office work, such as answering the phone, dealing with the public, etc.
 Other duties would be assigned as necessary.
Beit Leivik will provide:
 On-site supervision and evaluation necessary to fulfill the college's requirements for earned credits,
 Assistance as well as orientation to living in Tel Aviv, such as securing housing, transportation, etc.
 The opportunity to experience an appropriate internship placement and do meaningful work while earning college credits.
 This is an unpaid internship, however a small stipend may be available to qualified candidates.
 Liability insurance for the organization.
 Please note that the building is not handicapped accessible.
The university will provide:
 Guidelines upon which Beit Leivik will structure the internship experience.
 Necessary supervision and evaluation forms and guidelines.
 Liability/health insurance for the university and the student.
 Criteria and screening to select an appropriate candidate(s).
The student will be responsible for all expenses, including but not limited to:
 Room and Board (there is housing available for students in the area)
 Personal health insurance
 Passport, etc
Student requirements:
 Fluency in English, and Hebrew or Yiddish; a working knowledge of Judaism helpful but not required
 US Citizen with the legal ability to study/work in Israel for the time contracted
 Emotional maturity to live abroad for the specified time and to present him/herself, the organization, and the university in a professional manner. This refers to behavior, language, manner of dress, etc. Questions to be referred to the Internship Coordinator.
 Good health with all appropriate immunizations
 Ability to travel to Boston for interview/ meetings
The Internship Coordinator in the US will be the link between Beit Leivik and the university.
She will be responsible for:
 Interviewing and selecting the intern
 Reviewing guidelines, criteria, and requirements of the university
 Providing orientation prior to departure to Israel
 Providing a resource for university, student, and Beit Leivik
 The coordinator is based in Boston. All meetings, interviews, etc will be held in the Boston area.