Black History

On this site you will find out about the History of Black's and what there is in the State of New Jersey for you do do and see as far as the Black Culture is concerned.

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February is Black History Month

Coming Events in New Jersey

The Black Resistance

The biggest myth about the Black American slaves was that they were all quiet, docile workers. Find out about the true firebrands, the spirits that refused to submit to any man or woman, who resisted until the last, and who fought and killed to be free.

The Black Panther Party

Founded in 1966 by two young revolutionaries, the Black Panther Party was surely an experience this country will never forget. Though it would set up programs that fed Black neighborhoods, provided free healthcare and other positive programs for children, the Panthers were known to take a militant stance against the "White power structure." Here, a brief but informative story is told about this once so feared organization and a few of its key players.

The Tuskegee Airmen

All they wanted to do was fly and fight for freedom. What they wound up doing was changing American history. Get an inside look at the racial and political struggles that went on within and outside of the 99th as they became the first Black combat pilots in America.

Million Man March

Take another look at one of the turning points in modern American history. There is a section  devoted to Willie Lynch.

The Scottsboro Boys

On March 24th, 1931 the focus of the entire nation became fixed on nine young Black men from Chattanooga, Tenn. who were charged with raping two White women while riding a freight train. Get a sense of how "Southern Justice" was practiced in the 1930's.

Martin Luther King Jr.

The 1908 Springfield Riot

The Apollo Theater

The Dred Scott Decision

Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia

Slavery in the United States

Slavery in Ghana, West Africa

Robert E. Lee: Better Peace Keeper than General?

Web Rings

Copyright © 2001-, Terry Muse
Revised: January 25, 2002
Contact: Terry Muse