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1998.94_1b.jpg (56058 bytes)Charles M. Carrillo
Devoción de Nuevo México (Devotion of New Mexico)
gesso and natural pigments on pine
96 1/2 x 60 x 21 3/4 in.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum purchase made possible by William T. Evans and the Smithsonian Institution Collections Acquistion Program

Decorated altars have graced the interiors of small churches in New Mexico for hundreds of years. Although much smaller in scale, this altar is an adaptation of the main altar of the nineteenth-century church in the village of Las Trampas. Dr. Carrillo, an anthropologist, employed nineteenth-century carpentry techniques and pigments made from minerals, plants, and clays as he revived the traditions of early New Mexico religious art.

Durante siglos, los altares decorados han adornado el interior de las pequeñas iglesias de Nuevo México. Aunque de escala mucho menor, éste es una adaptación del altar mayor de la iglesia del siglo XIX de la ciudad de Las Trampas. El Dr. Carrillo, antropólogo, usó técnicas de carpintería y pigmentos obtenidos de minerales, plantas y arcillas, típicos del siglo XIX, en esta obra, con la que renueva las tradiciones del arte religioso primitivo de Nuevo México.


Copyright © 2001- , Terry Muse 
Revised: January 17, 2002
Contact: Terry Muse