History of the parish of New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland

© Robert Guthrie


The Gemmill Covenanters
Sources & Acknowledgements

Hugh Nisbet
Many thanks to New Cumnockian, Hugh for providing a facsimilie copy of the Warrant for the apprehension of those traitours and rebells that took part in the Sanquhar Declaration of 1680, including Patrick Gemmil of Cumnock-Mains.

Stuart Clarkson, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Many thanks to Stuart, a descendant of the Campbells of New Cumnock for unearthing the fate of Patrick Gemmil of Cumnock-Mains, in the depths of the records to The Register of the Privy Council of Scotla nd.

The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland

Third Series Vol. VI. A.D. 1678-1680
Proclamation against the persons directly or indirectly concerned with the affixing of the treasonable Declaration on the market-cross of Sanquhar. p.482

Third Series Vol. IX. A.D. 1684
Miscellaneous Papers, Depositions from Parish of Cumnock. p. 543

Third Series Vol. XII. A.D. 1686
Report on the petition of Sergeant William Bruce for a monetary reward. p.607

The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland
Proceedings in Parliament, June 13 A.D.1685
Decreet of Forfaulture against Sir Hugh Campbell of Cefsnock & Sir George younger of Cefsnock

Index to Particular Register of Sasines for Sheriffdom of Ayr
Vol I 1617-1634 and Vol II 1634-1660

Scottish Archive Network

The Hearth Tax for Ayrshire 1691
Ayrshire Record Series Volume 1 (Ayrshire Federation of Historical Societies 1998)

The Scots Worthies
John Howie of Lochgoin
A New Edition, Carefully re-printed from the Old Copies (Ross, Glasgow)

A Cloud of Witnesses
For the Royal Perogatives of Jesus Christ being the Last Speeches and Testimonies of those who have Suffered for the Truth in Scotland since the Year 1680.
Illustrated Edition (Sprinkle Publications 1989)

The Scottish Covenanters
James Barr
Second Edition (John Smith & Son, Glasgow, 1947)

Standing Witnesses
An Illustrated Guide to the Scottish Covenanters
Thorbjorn Campbell
Saltire Society 1996

The History of Old Cumnock
Rev. John Warwick
A Limited Edition Reprint of the 1899 edition (Carn Publishing 1992)

History of the County of Ayr
James Paterson
Volume I (1847)

The Surnames of Scotland
George F. Black






































John Gemil

John Gemmel

Patrick Gemmill


Sources & Acknowledgements

The Gemmill