Online Bible King James Version

Four Ancient Rivers
Genesis 2:10-14

          Water Sources:   Common sense says each river must have its own water sources or headwaters, otherwise there would be only one river.   In the preflood days the world land mass consisted of one or more rather large islands or most probably a continent extending from about West of modern Egypt to Eastern India and from about Northern modern Turkey to the modern Indian Ocean.   And the worldwide ocean had been the only common source of fresh water provided either via rain or via natural undersea distillation systems that service underground rivers.   Those fresh waters via the underground rivers then emerge via springs (some are rather large) and those emerging in shallow ocean waters are known as "blue holes." (See Chanoch's Water Supply).

          The Joining Of The Rivers:   The only confluence of the four rivers described is the ocean as the river deltas, although many miles apart, meet as they flow from the four heads or sources and on into the one large common source, the world ocean, to recycle their waters.   Now tracing the rivers in reverse, from the ocean they part to originate in or from four very separate heads.

          The Four Rivers Identified:   One compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia (Cush), Eastern Africa.   Thus, the Gihon which flushes and floods annually is the Nile.   Another exists well to the East of Assyria, it's the Indus or Hiddekel.   Check out the ruins of Mohenjo Daro where the Indus passes through Southeastern Pakistan.   Traces of preflood habitations should exist.   The fourth is described as the Euphrates (which undoubtedly included the Tigris).   And the prime river, the Pison, encompassed the Edenic Valley.   So, where is the Edenic Valley?

          Locating The Edenic Valley:   The world's oldest known map, the Nuzi Map, establishes Eden as having been where the Red Sea exists today.   So, the Jordan River apparently extended to flow Southward through the then lush valley, then traversed on through the modern Strait of Bab al Mandab before turning Eastward through the then Sea of Reeds (the Gulf of Aden today) before emptying into the portion of the modern Indian Ocean called the Arabian Sea.

          Further Confirmation Of That Location:   We acquired a reproduction of a clay tablet inscription found in either Sumer or Elam.   It is a preflood era letter whose writings are describing an aborted journey down what should be the Jordan River extended.   While enroute the sojourners visited a special site apparently the City of Noah wherein the original Ark of the Covenant resided, then the sojourners traversed onward only to turn back upon reaching the Indian Ocean as their river boat was unfit for ocean travel.   That clay tablet describing that aborted journey matches and supports the Nuzi Map.   The letter written on clay apparently was given to others to deliver to those expecting the sojourners.   Thus, the recipients were notified of the aborted journey and us more modern folks were provided with another clue identifying the Edenic Valley.

          Someday we hope to get around to posting that related material on the web with a clear and obvious translation.   Until then ... Enjoy.

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For: Noah's Ark, City Built By Cain,
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Prepared By
Father - Son Team
         George & Dana Brown
         P.O. Box 320932
         Cocoa Beach, Florida
         USA     32932-0932

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