Guards Wargames Club

Thursday evenings at St.Giles Church Hall,Sheldon Gaming in all periods and scales with published and club rules. Anything from ancients to Modern.WWII,Sail,Air,Space,Skirmish Games.20mm WWII,Principles of War Colonial,WWI.15mm Fire and Fury ACW.Western Gunfights and Dark age Bloodletting.25mm ACW Brother Vs. Brother .Armati,DBM and much more.

Secretary Malcolm Peake
Treasurer Guy Roberts
Event organiser Paul Rickards

Guards Wargames Club at Sheldon

The following images are from our recent Display at Derby World Championships 2003.

Craig Langley and Kristian Dekesel in a serious moment

Christian with delusions of power

Paul Broadhurst on another tea break......Robert Bradford with the Participation Trophy from 2002

Craig Langley and Kristian Dekesel in a silly moment

Rob waiting for orders again.

Kristian and Paul going through their loot

There were various responses to the display game from the public with the eventual news that we didn't win the show because we were playing the game rather than stop to explain what the display was about. differing opinions as to the quality from independant reviewers said, "it was a good display"
"the buildings lacked texture" "nice figures and vehicles but.."
and so on.
I've learnt my lesson.
a year in the building costing four hundred pounds in materials.
six months painting figures, Tanks etc...another £200.
better to buy resin cast buildings and commercial terrain?
when someone produces Arnhem Bridge and the dutch buildings in 25mm perhaps.
wouldn't it look like every other WW2 Display? Do the public want a static display or a game in progress?
answers on a postcard please.
Bitter and twisted? you betcha

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