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I would like to start by saying Welcome. I would like for you to know more about me and my ministry. I take no credit for the things which are acomplished through this web site, the Glory is for Christ. Here you will find that just like the prophets of the Bible I am simply a vessel that is willing to serve the Lord.

I started my Ministry three years ago,(2001) in order to serve my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I had a calling on my life but was not sure in what direction to go. It started as a web ministry and grew. I now have 3Domains but only one Active web site. I also publish a leaflet called Testimony Of A Believer, I print them out once a week and place them in places like Doctor offices, Hospitals and Nursing Homes; any where the public has access, I am a licesned minister and what started out small has become quiet large, but I take no credit, It is all God, what you see is his power in my life.

I grew up in the country with my 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We have always been close. I have 4 children and the youngest is 20 months and the oldest is 30years and there is one new born grand child. Some people say I am to old to be having children that young but I say you are as young as you feel and God has a way of making us feel young through our children. Added in 2006.


Because of a Cross like this you and I were spared death and given eternal life.

What a Blessing to be able to Serve the Lord!

Jesus died that we might live, so what is stopping you? Take a minute and ask "am I really doing all I can for the Lord?" If not look at the the cross next to this and think what would have happened if not for Jesus.

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My wife and I are comitted to serving God. I was teaching Youth Sunday School in our Church as well as being the Sunday School Director when the Lord called me to Preach.I now minister at local Nuring Homes and any where else the Lord opens a Door, I am an Evanglist. I like to think that others might see Christ in the things that God has done in my Life.

More About My Life:

I am a Carpenter by trade, my father was a building contractor so I started building right after High School. that was in 1970. In 1987 quit construction and I started working in DOC (dept of corrections) and from there in 1991 to working undercover with the US Marshals for 18 months and from there back to DOC then in 1994 as a police officer and back to construction in 1996.In 1999 at age 46 I went back to School and became a Certified Computer Tech and opened a small repair shop that I run from my home in which I work part time, but my main job is working for the Lord. I still work as a carpenter most of the time. It seems that once it is in your blood you can not deny it, just as when Jesus is in your heart you can not deny it.

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