The year was 1942. The store was Sakowitz in Houston. The woman walked in ... still in her work clothes. She'd been working
at the Brown Root Shipyards... building liberty ships. "I want to buy a $50 hat," she said. "We have a lot
of nice hats," the clerk said. "Let's see if we can get one that you like and that looks good on you." The
clerk put a hat on the woman and she said, "That's perfect. Don't you like it?" "It's terrific," she said,
"Is this a $50 hat?" "No," the clerk said, "that's a $25 hat." "I told you I want a $50
hat!" the woman said. The clerk looked quit frantically to find a $50 hat in the year 1942 in a department store. She
finally found one... and put it on the customer. It looked perfectly terrible. "How much does this cost?" the woman
asked. "Fifty dollars," the clerk said. "I'll take it."