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Sermon Illustration


A man once said to Sam Jones, "Jones, the church is putting my assessment too high." Jones asked, "How much do you pay?" "Five dollars a year," was the reply. "Well," said Jones, "how long have you been converted?" "About four years," was the answer. "Well, what did you do before you were converted?" "I was a drunkard." "How much did you spend for drink?" "About $250.00 a year." "How much were you worth?" "I rented land and plowed with a steer." "What have you got now?" "I have a good plantation and a span of horses." "Well," said Sam Jones, "you paid the devil $250.00 a year for the privilege of plowing with a steer on rented land, and now you don't want to give the God who saved you five dollars a year for the privilege of plowing with horses on your own plantation. You are a rascal from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet."

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