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Almost Thou Persuadest Me
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Sermon Of The Week

Lots of good people are almost persuaded to become followers of Christ.

Almost Thou Persuadest Me

Text for today: Acts 26: 1-29

I know that this was a lot of scripture but I think in order for us to see the clear picture of what is going on it was necessary. This chapter in Acts tells us of the power of a witness for Christ and the foolishness of men.
1. first lets look at what is going on, Festus has brought Paul to face King Agrippa to be judged on charges filed against him by the Jews. The Jews have filed complaints against Paul and they want him dead. Look back in Chapter 25:7 the Jews can not prove that Paul has done any thing wrong.
2. This gives Paul a chance to present his case to King Agrippa and witness about Christ Jesus and Salvation. 26:1 Paul is given permission to speak freely.
3. Look at what Paul says first, 26:2-3, Paul tells the King he is happy to be able to speak for himself and be allowed to talk about Jesus because he knows that Agrippa is an expert in Jewish customs and laws.
4. Paul tells Agrippa about being a Pharisee and about how he persecuted the Christians and then he tells of his meeting with Christ. Just as you and I should do when we are given permission to speak freely about Christ, we were all just as bad as Paul before we met Christ. Every one of us have something in common with Paul, we were sinners.
Look at how Paul speaks to Agrippa about Christ. He speaks of the scriptures be fulfilled and God raising Christ from the dead, of hope and salvation. Paul did everything right to be an effect witness for Christ. King Agrippa listened to everything Paul said concerning Christ and salvation. Why then was he not convinced? Because just like so many people today he did not want give in to God. He turned his back on Paul and what was given, but worse than that he turned his back on God.
This Sermon comes to you today because some of you are not quiet ready to completely trust in Christ for Salvation. You were almost persuaded. Through sermons and testimonies and witnessing from other Christians you were almost convinced to believe in Christ. But almost will not get you to Heaven. Some of you know that what I am saying is true. In today's society people put themselves ahead of Christ. We live in a time when people do not have time for God, if you do not believe it just look around at all the empty seats. Church rolls are full of names that do not come to church except on special occasions. Ask this question to someone and you will be surprised at the answers you get; Are you saved? Some will say "yes I was baptized when I was younger". Some will say "yes I go to church" Some will say "yes my mother teaches Sunday School". Only a few will say "Yes because I gave my life to Jesus and he is my savior".
I want to tell you today if this is you, if you have felt God speak to your heart but were not quit convinced to give your life to Christ, You need to really look at your life and ask yourself is my life complete without Christ? Be honest. Has God been dealing with you on a personal level to get you to believe? Almost and you will miss Heaven and spend eternity in Hell.
Think about this, You can walk out that door today almost convinced but what if you never get another chance to hear from God? You can get up and leave but there is no grantee that you will ever get the chance to come back again. You could die later today by a heart attack or be killed in a car wreck.
If God has spoken to your heart do not let this chance pass you by to receive forgiveness, hope and joy. The bible says in Rev. 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me.
Is god knocking at the door of your heart and if so will you let him in?

Sermon by Bro. Roger Jennings
Testimony of a Believer

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