Adultery, Forgiveness Of: Story
When a believer considers how much God has forgiven him, he is able to extend pardon to others no matter what they have
done. A Christian husband found this to be true when his wife, who had become an alcoholic, told him of an affair she had
had with his best friend 10 years earlier. She said she experienced such feelings of guilt that the bottle was a means of
escape. Anger and resentment began to sweep over him, for his wife's drinking had embittered their children and nearly destroyed
their home. He was also deeply hurt by the fact that his close friend had betrayed his trust. Then he remembered Jesus' words,
"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors."
As he thought of God's mercy toward him, he prayed for grace to do the Christlike thing.
Here is his description of what happened the next time he met the man who had caused him such heartache: "With a
sob in my soul, I reached out my hand and gripped his, and for the first time in my life I knew what it was to forgive. I
felt a tremendous sense of release as the unbearable weight of bitterness was lifted from my heart. This freedom enabled me
to renew my love for my wife, and to overcome the barrier that had arisen between us. When I said to her, 'I forgive you and
will accept you just as I did when I pledged to love and cherish you unto death,' the healing process began its wonderful