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Retired Ministers
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Personal View

Retired Ministers

I have a real problem with ministers who retire from the ministry. Ministers and preachers of all kinds are suppose to be called by God and I have yet to find in my Bible where God told someone he called it was alright to quit. In fact I find that all that were called in the Bible were only release from the call when they died. In today’s society ministers and pastors are looking at the call of God as a 40 hr a week job. So many are entering into the ministry just for the pay check. I agree that Pastors and ministers should be paid that has nothing to do with what I am talking about.
Today people say it is alright if Bro. So in So retires, after all he has done his share for God. This is the same sentiment that a lot of minister use, they try to justify retiring by making excuses. Well when they face God and he ask why did you quit preaching I still had work for you. What will their answer be? Will t be enough to please God? I do not think so.
I know a minister, Bro. Bill Mitchell who is 78 years old, he has been preaching the word for more than 40 years and still is. He feels like when God is ready for him to retire he will be called home to live with God. I to feel this way and so do a lot more. Preaching and ministering is not about the money, it is about spreading the word of God that someone may find Salvation and those that are saved will be encouraged and up lifted in faith.
I have been a minister now for 4 years and I have been paid the whole total of $240.00 for preaching the gospel. The reason I preach is because God told me to not because I want to. I would never have started preaching if God had not equipped me, you see I am just a dumb country boy, I am nothing without God. I was not called to pastor a Church, God called me to preach any where he opened a door and that is what I do. I go to nursing homes, churches, and special events, if God opens the door I am going through it.
Do I plan to retire; only when I can no longer speak or write or when they place me in the ground. God does not say when he calls you that you only have to serve 30 years and then you can retire, only man calls in that way.
This is my opinion I hope I did not offend anyone but I will not apologize.

Bro. Roger Jennings
Testimony Of A Believer www.believing-christians.com