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Obedience, To Christ: Obeying Implicitly
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Sermon Illustration

Obedience, To Christ: Obeying Implicitly
I have stood on the deck of a ship while she was toiling up stream, with wind and water against her, and I have gone up to the man at the wheel and said: "Jack, why don't you ease her off a point or two? You see how it would relieve her." But the answer was: "No, I can't; that is the point of the compass the captain gave me, and I must keep her to it." "But man," I remonstrated, "if you keep her as she is, soon the bulwarks will be stove in, and there is every chance that under this fearful strain she may spring a leak."
"That is none of my business; it is the captain's lookout. All I have to do is to obey his orders," was the man's answer. The captain, however, understood his business, and we arrived safe in harbor. Sometimes, if we do exactly as Christ commands, it appears as if our business would be ruined, our reputation lost, as if indeed we should be totally wrecked. That, however, is the Captain's lookout. All we have to do is to implicitly obey. --William Scott

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