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Day Of Judgment
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Testimony Of A Believer

Day of Judgment

Do you know that one day you will be judged on what you did in this life, the judge will be God himself. How will you stand in front of him, upright looking on his face or meek and ashamed? Will you try and justify your life or will your life justify you?
I hope my life will justify me so I can stand boldly in front of God as a child stands in front of his parents when he has done well. There will be nothing you can say to justify your life if you have not lived a Christian life, a life where you put God first. As a Christian you must put God first in order to obtain a relationship where you can go to God anytime you make a mistake and receive forgiveness. If we have received forgiveness for a mistake we will not have to justify it to anyone, it will be removed.
In order to stand in front of God upright we must also do works for God when ask. Never question a work that God sends for you, if you do then you will lose, not God. We must be a witness for the Lord that others may find salvation and hope. Jesus gave instructions for us to lead people to God if we do not try by witnessing to others then we will lose again, not God. We must be a model in our life so that the world may see the light of the Lord. If we do not live a Godly life for others to see then we are no better than the rest of the world and will be judged accordingly. Being a model also mean never being ashamed to show that you are a Christian.
Do you live up to the expectations of God? Do not go to judgment ashamed, it is not to late to obtain a life style that is pleasing to God. On judgment day I look forward to seeing my Lord face to face. I want him to be able to say to me “in you I am well pleased”. None of us are perfect but we can stand before God without regret or fear as long as we live by the teachings of Gods word, doing what is right, loving one another, helping those in need and forgiving others for their mistakes and not judging them.
If you are not a Christian I hope you will think about what will happen on Judgment day. Get to know God learn how to live right with God it could be the difference between having eternal life in heaven or eternal life in HELL where there will be no relief from the torment.

2 Corinthians 5: 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

I pray that you will not stand before the Lord in shame, instead stand upright in the presence of God, here and in heaven.

Testimony of a Believer

How will you stand on Judgment Day?

We will all be judged, the Bible tells us that each one will be judged on his or her works.

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